Is she considered a good ruler by anyone but herself? The Daenerys stuff is through her eyes and she thinks herself to be the good Queen, bringing order to Slavers Bay and doing the right thing all the time. So she thinks she's a good ruler because she's trying to do good things.inu-kun said:That's the reason why the last book made her even look worse for me, she completely fucks everything (destoys entire regions, conquers a city even she doesn't want and started a massive war) and does nothing but whine, but is still considered a good ruler and nobody calls her on that, with the added bonus of having imprgnable plot armor due to having to fill a prophecy she hasn't even started doing.misogynerd said:Really? I don't know if we read the same books. She has on a pretty bad losing streak at the end of DWD and, in general, seems like a stupid teenage girl who falls for terrible men.conmag9 said:Whether or not she's a Mary Sue, having an incredibly crappy childhood/dramatically losing loved ones and then overcoming it on the way to greatness is VERY common in Sues. She's got three dragons, most people she comes into contact love her, she seems to actually be winning despite having a sense of morality (which is rather against the grain of ASOIAF's general themes), she's the last living descendent of the rightful monarchy (such as it was), unusual hair color, having awesome followers that make her seem even better by comparison, immune to fire (in the show at least) etc. She's got quite a few common sue traits. Whether she is or not isn't for me to say, as it's a fairly subjective judgement. But you can see why some might call her that?008Zulu said:Other than having three dragons, how is she the Mary Sue? Her brother abused her, her husband and child were murdered.inu-kun said:Daenarys is SOIAF's biggest mary sue
But she isn't, her bad losing streak as you put it is mostly her own fault. She has no comprehension of the culture of the places she's conquered so has no idea how to rule them. Her illusions of being a good ruler were quite badly shattered when her dragons killed some people. As a supposed trial run for her invasion of Westeros and rule of it she's doing really badly. And again she doesn't understand the culture of Westeros or how it works, so she'd face similar problems. In the books she isn't a Mary Sue and is an interesting enough look at how winning a crown and wearing it are two different things, she's actually quite similar to Robert Baratheon in that regard, except she's got dragons who aren't just going to sit around once she's conquered places.
In the TV show she is a Mary Sue, hands down. The writers are clearly in love with her to the detriment of others. Their bias against Stannis is obvious and they believe he would be a terrible king but think Renly and Daenerys would be great rulers, even though each has their own merits and drawbacks in the books, they really badly undersell Stannis and didn't really show the frivolous side of Renly, they talk about it and his life of parties but they don't show him being able to win allegiances through his personality, also they make him afraid of blood which is quite minor but annoying since Renly was quite an able warrior in the books, competing in tournament melees. But Daenerys does everything right, everyone tells her what a great ruler she is and the times she messes up are glossed over (like Drogon terrorising people) just a little too much.
Not to say the TV show is bad, it's excellent, but the writers really do have massive hard ons for Daenerys and seem smitten with her.