Game of Thrones - Which house would YOU be?


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Title says it all. Even though I largely gave up on GOT after the events of the Red Wedding, I nevertheless remain fascinated with all of the politics that go on in a world like that, with various families vying for power or their own itnerests, much like real-life families in history.

As such, I would like to know which of the many families/Houses that have been established in the world of GOT that you would wish to be a part of if you had the chance. It could be a major house, like the Baratheons, Lannisters or Starks, or one of the minor families, such as the Redwines or Mallisters. An explanation for your choice would be welcome.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
If they weren't losing/ destroyed I would of joined House Stark since from the impression I got from them, they were the most noble/ good of the Houses (they were beloved by their citizen and had loyal soldiers.

Otherwise I would side with House Tully since they rival House Lannister in terms of power but without the estrange family but they are still manipulative (well from what I've seen of them so far).

EDIT- Whoops I mean Tyrell.


Let slip the Guinea Pigs of war!
Sep 11, 2008
Scarim Coral said:
Otherwise I would side with House Tully since they rival House Lannister in terms of power but without the estrange family but they are still manipulative (well from what I've seen of them so far).
I think you meant house Tyrell, house Tully are the lords of the mostly destroyed Riverlands (Cathryn Stark was a Tully)

OT: As long as the war(s) go on I don't think there's a "good" choice, maybe some minor Dornish house, safe away from all the crap still going on in most every other kingdom.


New member
Feb 19, 2014
Dorne might become the battleground for the next big war, when the dragons cross the sea...

But I might go with one of the smaller but honourable houses, like one of Stark's vassal houses, like the Mormonts.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
In terms of keeping within the timeline of the books/show, I'd go with Tyrell if I was choosing from the major noble houses. They remain relatively insulated from the majority of the fighting, usually just rolling up to grab easy victories. They've got a beautiful and wealthy portion of Westeros, with a nice climate, and if/when the White Walkers roll south there's a lot of ground between them and the front lines. Aside from border tension with Dorne, they seem to be on reasonably good terms with most of the other noble houses, and there don't seem to be too many outrageous skeletons in their closet.

If I could go ANYWHERE, though, I'd probably choose something on Essos, or the Summer Islands. Westeros is a hot fucking mess at the moment and is best avoided.

thejboy88 said:
Even though I largely gave up on GOT after the events of the Red Wedding, I nevertheless remain fascinated with all of the politics that go on in a world like that, with various families vying for power or their own itnerests, much like real-life families in history.
May I ask why? Too traumatic? Too attached to the Young Wolf? Too annoyed by in-show deviations from source material? What did it?


New member
Aug 29, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
In terms of keeping within the timeline of the books/show, I'd go with Tyrell if I was choosing from the major noble houses. They remain relatively insulated from the majority of the fighting, usually just rolling up to grab easy victories. They've got a beautiful and wealthy portion of Westeros, with a nice climate, and if/when the White Walkers roll south there's a lot of ground between them and the front lines. Aside from border tension with Dorne, they seem to be on reasonably good terms with most of the other noble houses, and there don't seem to be too many outrageous skeletons in their closet.

If I could go ANYWHERE, though, I'd probably choose something on Essos, or the Summer Islands. Westeros is a hot fucking mess at the moment and is best avoided.

thejboy88 said:
Even though I largely gave up on GOT after the events of the Red Wedding, I nevertheless remain fascinated with all of the politics that go on in a world like that, with various families vying for power or their own itnerests, much like real-life families in history.
May I ask why? Too traumatic? Too attached to the Young Wolf? Too annoyed by in-show deviations from source material? What did it?
Truth be told, it felt like a line had been crossed for me. I don't want to spoil thing for those who haven't seen it, but suffice to say I felt that I'd reached my threshold for what I'm prepared to watch in a show.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
thejboy88 said:
Truth be told, it felt like a line had been crossed for me. I don't want to spoil thing for those who haven't seen it, but suffice to say I felt that I'd reached my threshold for what I'm prepared to watch in a show.
Was it, perchance...

...the stabbing of the pregnant wife's belly? That was a deviation from the novel. Robb's wife, Jeyne Westerling (Talissa was a creation of the showrunners) wasn't even AT the Red Wedding.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Of the major houses, I would choose either the Baratheons or the Martells. I don't admire the Tyrells' manipulative style of playing the game, and I don't envy the Northern houses their climate or their proximity to the Wall. The Baratheons have a proud history and a badass ancestral home, though, and the Martells should be nice and comfortable down in Sunspear and the Water Gardens.

Of the minor houses, I like the Blackwoods a lot. Raventree Hall seems awesome, and Lord Blackwood has his head on right.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
House Lannister, all the way. I'd be feared and my name would carry great influence wherever I went. I might be hated, but a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
Plus, let's face it, wouldn't you want Tywin on your side? Especially after the events of the Red Wedding, crossing him doesn't end well.

EDIT: Ack, should have mentioned I'm going solely on what I've seen from the show and the bit of backstory my brother told me from the books. Keep your book spoilers either to yourself or spoiler tagged and suitably labelled. Please don't be that guy.


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Whilst I love the Starks, I don't think I would want to be part of their house (especially now, dear lord). So I think I would go with the Tyrells for the reasons already stated above by other posters. Also, I love Olenna Tyrell - she's a force to be reckoned with, I would definitely want her on my side (and her dry wit is just hilarious).


New member
Feb 26, 2009
the Starks are/were the only ones who dont have any bad members. id go with them.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
House Lannister.

Hear Me Roar.

As far as I am concerned, they are the best house. They care about their family, they are willing to do whatever it takes to win, they understand how politics works, and they have the individually best members of any house.

If they worked together for a bloody change, everything would probably be solved.

The Starks are effectively dead and lead their people to slaughter for "noble" reasons. When Ned died, the House fell.
The Tyrells don't have the stones for proper combat.
The Tullies... please.
The GreyJoys are a useless, dying house that sucks rocks.
The Baraethons are a dying house, and Stannis has been corrupted.
The Frey... please.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
The Lannisters.

Most of them are genre savvy and educated enough to stay alive for longer; their money and power makes them feared and respected by everyone, and it has been proven once and again they are one of the worst houses to have as enemies. They also seems to be far more pragmatic than others dominated by nostalgia (like the Targaryen), cowardliness (like the Arryn), superstition or an unilateral sense of honor and duty (like the Starks); while not falling into pettiness (like the Frey).


New member
Feb 26, 2012
Martells because I read the books and know that they have the leader I like most now. Though if Cersei died I would join House Lannister because she is to blame for 90% of their problems and Jaime has the potential to be a great leader


New member
May 5, 2011
I'd like to think that I would be a Stark, but in reality I don't think I could be that self-righteous. I guess I would be a Lannister as they are very pragmatic and pretty ruthless when it comes to making things work (with the obvious exception of Joffrey, who is a moron). Having said that, I took an online quiz which said I should rule The Ayrie because I'm crazy but nobody wants to say it to my face...

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
I think I'd be a Stark, just as dumb and naive as most of them, but at least I'm loyal and honorable, so that counts for something, right?... right?... :(

At least Bran is basically Professor X and Arya kicks ass :)


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012

Having a grim and bloody history, a harsh climate, even harsher neighbours that they have consistently prevailed against give them the longevity that will last them to the win.

They have undergone some minor setbacks, sure. But I see the remaining siblings slowly building up a powerbase throughout both continents that will put a Stark in Winterfell once again.

Winter is Coming.