Game Release for 12-21-2012


New member
Mar 16, 2009
quack35 said:
Marshmallow said:
quack35 said:
ET Atari 2
I remember that one. That good game was one hell of a good game.
It was so polished and deep, with a compelling world and realistic characters.
I liked when ET fell into a pit, and you had to spend 20 minutes pressing a button to get him out. So immersive and awesome.
The best graphics I have seen in a video game come from ET Atari


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Sable Gear said:
A crazy rpg/slash-em-up where you play as a magic-powered Mayan warrior slaughtering rival tribes in the name of your heathen gods. ALL HAIL TEZCATLIPOCA!!! XD
You mean like God of War but with Mayan rather than Greek mythology?

demotivational fail

New member
Mar 27, 2009
Kalezian said: being released on 12-21-2012.......Oregon Trail 2: Dysentery's revenge...... a horror FPS..........dont think too much into it.......
You sir, made my day so much better. I would love to see Jak and Daxter 5 Super Gritty and overly hardcore. It would be... well it would be.

rated pg

New member
Aug 21, 2008
World of Warcraft 2.

Even if it doesn't turn out to be the real apocalypse, guaranteed it will turn into one.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
whaleswiththumbs said:
Slash Dementia said:
Huey1000 said:
Why do people make a huge deal about 12/12/2012?! But I guess a zombie apocalypse game would be appropriate for that date.
They make a big deal out of it because some people are scared that an unfinished Mayan calender could mark the end of the world. I don't believe in it, but like I said, it would make some pretty awesome promotional stuff.
I love how everyone makes a big deal out of it, i juts sit there thinking, well maybe the guys who were working on the calender just fucking stopped there, would it make more sense to wait another 1500 years, i mean those guys had no life, we should give them a break, doing the math for all the days for 1500 years in advance is the shi*
One question they probably asked themselves when they were making their calender is 'will we even be around this long?', after all, how long ago did Mayan civilisation disappear?

You can only set the date on the 360 up to the year 2025, does this mean that every 360 around the world will self destruct when it's 2026?

The Brian J

New member
Apr 18, 2009
Shaq Fu 2: Sett-Ra's Revenge
Big Rigs Redemption: UNDER The Road

But the big news on that date is the highly anticipated release of the Virtual Man, the updated Virtual Boy now featuring TWO colors (Red and Neon Purple).


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Slash Dementia said:
Just for the fun of it, which game or what kind of game should be released on this date? I know it's most likely not the end of the world on that date, but it would make some pretty awesome release date for what it is.
On my mind right now, I say:
Duke Nukem: Forever
Doom 3
*New Legacy of Kain game.
You mean Doom 4?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
hopeneverdies said:
chromewarriorXIII said:
Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Wouldn't that be a *****?
The Valve team would be so lynched by the fanboys if that happened, and you know it
No, no, they'll announce the game for, oh, April 2011, and then with one and another (you know those wacky Valve people) it'll get pushed back to December 2012.

Of course, I've never played any of the Half-Life series, so a pushed back release date and the end of the world won't affect me one bit.

Wait a second...

Fine, snark and sarcasm (snarkasm?) aside, as well as making up words I'll never use again, that's about the time I expect Elder Scrolls V, because Bethesda is just as wacky as those Valve people. Not that ES5 has anything to do with the apocalypse, unless of course you count the fact it's up to you to save the world after breaking out of prison... yet again (although how you follow up Mehrunes Dagon, basically being Evil Incarnate and all, is beyond me), that's just simply when I figure they'll be done with it enough to ship it out and ignore the many flagrant bugs.

But I digress, as always.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
JC175 said:
Slash Dementia said:
Just for the fun of it, which game or what kind of game should be released on this date? I know it's most likely not the end of the world on that date, but it would make some pretty awesome release date for what it is.
On my mind right now, I say:
Duke Nukem: Forever
Doom 3
*New Legacy of Kain game.
You mean Doom 4?
Indeed I do. I've been making lots of mistakes lately.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Iron Mal said:
whaleswiththumbs said:
Slash Dementia said:
Huey1000 said:
Why do people make a huge deal about 12/12/2012?! But I guess a zombie apocalypse game would be appropriate for that date.
They make a big deal out of it because some people are scared that an unfinished Mayan calender could mark the end of the world. I don't believe in it, but like I said, it would make some pretty awesome promotional stuff.
I love how everyone makes a big deal out of it, i juts sit there thinking, well maybe the guys who were working on the calender just fucking stopped there, would it make more sense to wait another 1500 years, i mean those guys had no life, we should give them a break, doing the math for all the days for 1500 years in advance is the shi*
One question they probably asked themselves when they were making their calender is 'will we even be around this long?', after all, how long ago did Mayan civilisation disappear?

You can only set the date on the 360 up to the year 2025, does this mean that every 360 around the world will self destruct when it's 2026?
Also a great point, my and you are right, i think they started to decline out around the 10th century, then i believe what was left of them was taken over by spainairds.


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
Marshmallow said:
Shapsters said:
Marshmallow said:
Pokemon Ruby 2. That game kept me captivated for hours and hours. In fact, I didn't eat a single bit over the 4 months I was addicted
I was a Sapphire addict myself. That game was goood.
Indeed Pokemon games were the shit back in the day.
Heathen! They still are!


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Guild Wars 2 marking the end of the "outside" world as we know it.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Slash Dementia said:
Just for the fun of it, which game or what kind of game should be released on this date? I know it's most likely not the end of the world on that date, but it would make some pretty awesome release date for what it is.
On my mind right now, I say:
Duke Nukem: Forever
Doom 3
*New Legacy of Kain game.
Viva Pinyata: Underworld!