Game(s) That You Don't Like As Much As Everyone Else.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Probably a lot of games my friends say are good, but I'd rather not say anything to them when Battlefield 3 just wasn't my cup of tea.

So I will say BioShock: Infinite. I don't like how it chipped BioShock's gameplay to become even less involving:

The health system worked much better with Halo: CE, ODST and Reach's gameplay.
No storage of health kits or EVE (vigors are just plasmids) makes exploration less mandatory and more a case of waiting for Elizabeth to chuck you some vitals.
Ammo on most weapons is no issue, Elizabeth gives your infinite (heh) amounts of it.
Enemies are not interesting in the slightest, all of them (besides the totally not Big Daddies) just walk about and soak in bullets and spray at you endlessly. The totally not Big Daddies are the only interesting part of the enemy fights.
Chest high walls all around, wonderful.

As for the story well it never gripped me. I rarely like stories when you can't say much because plot holes are part of the story. I can't say anything about Infinite's story without somebody going "Well Elizabeth can reach into alternate dimensions, therefore it makes sense" so I'm just not gonna bother (though that doesn't make the story any more or less plot hole ridden).

Elizabeth is quite inconsistent in her attitude, and Booker is meant to be unlikable. I don't think they have any chemistry, and found them irritating and loathsome. Yes even the guitar scene meant nothing.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Mass Effect 2 ? don?t get me wrong I love that game but ever since this game came out people talk about it like it was the second coming and I just don?t see it, at all. Again I love this game but my mind certainly wasn?t blown by it unlike most.

Resident Evil 2 ? This probably has to do with my fully experiencing Resident Evil 3 before finally going at this game with full force so by then I had already experienced everything that was new in this game in RE3 which did what this game did only better. For example, Nemesis > Mr.X.

Skyrim ? Jeez I don?t wanna make this list of reasons I became disenchanted with Skyrim again. *sigh* okay

The worlds beauty and life is only skin deep

Under the hood it?s a cold lifeless world

The NPC?s behave like robots and are nothing more than information hubs

There is no role playing to be had unless stats are all you need when it comes to role playing.
The dialogue ?options? are nothing more than nodding your head and progressing the quest or saying no and being told to piss off until you find yourself in a better mood to say yes

The world never acknowledges or reacts to any of the choices you make.
From your race to if you chose the Storm Cloches or Imperials. (seriously did it bother anyone else that you could be a High Elf and still be a Storm Cloche?)
Or the just killing someone, the robots will just go about their day as if there isn?t a corps lying in the street

Again, there is no character to be played in that game
other than what you convince yourself to build up in your own mind
And if you are okay with pretending you are playing an actual character while never having the game acknowledge it then power to you, me I could only keep it up for a month before throwing in the towel and put my imagination to better use.

Boy this is going on isn?t it um okay sped up version
Lack of variety in how you go about completing quests it?s either kill or retrieve and the st- ah hell I?m just gonna stop.

Now all that being said I still enjoy the game as a simple hack and slash dungeon crawler. It?s like a prettier high fantasy version of Diablo.

Fable 2 ? had I never played Fable 1 I am Positive I would like this game as much as I like the first game but sadly I played Lost Chapters first and followed the hype train right up to release so I completely and utterly despise this game :)
Funny thing though I actually like Fable 3 while others hate it. I?m not saying it?s great or the sequel to Fable TLC that I wanted but it seemed like a more complete game that actually had its own identity instead of just seeming like a visually upgraded version of the first game and at least they were injecting some new into it and moving it forward. And because of that I usually prefer to think of it as the real Fable 2 the other one in comparison just seems like the Beta version.

Doom ? to me it just doesn?t hold up as well as Duke Nukem. It?s not bad but by today it?s not great.

Boy there sure are a lot of 2?s on this list.


New member
Apr 24, 2012
I always felt borderlands 1 and 2 were total dross and all my friends were telling me it was just the best, how great all the kooky characters were. I thought they were just... hollow, same problem dishonored had...


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Journey - kind of boring me and my friend got it for ps3 and we were both disapointed.

Gone Home - I was kind of expecting a game not an interactive story or even a more point and click adventure game and its 2 hours long i was very disapointed

Samael Barghest

New member
Mar 5, 2014
The Assassin's Creed franchise. It's always felt like a convoluted story that was trying to sound scientific but came off as stupid.

Diablo series. I just don't like games that are built around player interaction.

Any 1st person game. It's not innovative, it's not putting me in the character shoes, it's nothing more then laziness. They don't want to mo-cap so they put the camera in 1st person to save a few bucks.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I think there are a lot of games that fall into this category for me. I'll +1 to Bioshock Infinite and TLoU.

However, the main one that comes to mind for me is Valkyria Chronicles. One of the main reasons I bought this game was because of all the great reviews it received, but I was really disappointed with it. It had a nice combat system and I really liked the artwork style. The story setting was also interesting...but then they just had to populate the game with some of the most annoying characters I've ever come across. I disliked virtually all of the main characters; they just didn't really belong in the game's setting and environment. I actually preferred the enemy characters and would rather have played as them. Also the story was quite predictable and annoying.

Despite what I feel are obvious failings, I've never seen a word against it. When I finished playing, I was quite shocked that it got such high scores and was disappointed because I really thought it had the potential to be much better. It may have been because I went in expecting something quite different to what the game ended up being. Oh well.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
GTA4. Maybe its that I suck at the driving aspect so much worse than everyone else but I am really annoyed by the no checkpoint system. It got to the point where i was rarely dying in the actual missions just a few thousand times trying to drive over there. I know its supposed to be realistic but a car that cant take much punishment isn't very fun. The last few missions I played before quitting I was obeying every single rule of the road just trying to get to the mission. It was at this point I realized I just wasn't having any fun.


New member
Mar 31, 2013
Ugh...Binary Domain. It easily tops my list of Worst Video Games Ever Made, and I'll never ever understand the praise it gets from gamers. A mediocre shooter made up of way too many cutscenes and a ton of poorly implemented QTEs. Grey on grey environments, and characters that represent classic stereotypes as viewed through the eyes of the Japanese. Horrible mechanics that don't work as intended (the Trust System, the atrocious microphone commands). A game that tries everything and excels at absolutely nothing.

I lost too much time and too many brain cells trying to "get" Binary Domain, and I'll despise it forever because of that. Life is too short for shitty consolized video games.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Skyrim: It has a huge map sure, but there is nothing substantial to do. The quests just seem to all be a variation of "Go to X, fight your way through Bandits or Forsworn/ Draugr/ Falmer/ Mages, use simple copy/pasted puzzle, then retrieve "artifact" that is identical to X item", and the world just seems... empty. "It is an ocean with the depth of a puddle" -- TotalBiscuit.

GTAV: It is a clunky mess. Sure there is a lot to do, and the amount of detail is amazing, but the way that I always viewed it was that if you were interested in playing GTA just to piss about, you are just going to be better off playing Saints Row.

Half-Life 2: It just seems like a fairly average shooter with a physics engine.

Team Fortress 2: It just seems like a fairly average shooter with a very stylistic and charming aesthetic, and an emphasis on hats.

Left 4 Dead: Its okay, but it is essentially the same thing over and over again no matter how much Valve flaunts how much the AI changes every session.

Honourable mention: Dark Souls/ The Witcher: I am not denying that they are good, if not great games, but no matter how hard I try to get into it, I just cannot. It is something that I really need to help to overcome.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Zhukov said:
Dark Souls
Clumsy controls, ho-hum combat system, camera that gets uncooperative when combined with the mandatory lock-on-because-we-couldn't-make-an-elegant-control-system, and stats so poorly explained that I had to consult a wiki in order to build an effective character and respawning enemies that secure it's place as the most repetitive game I can remember playing.
People keep saying there's some kind of super duper deep story in there, but I got halfway through before getting bored (or so I'm told, I'd just jumped out of the painting after declining to fight the lass with the tail) and nothing much was apparent, despite reading every bit of text and listening to every bit of poorly voiced dialogue I could find.
I did enjoy the combination of danger and exploration though.

Those are the first two that come to mind.
Agreed here. Call me a casual but I just don't have time investment to grind out material upgrades and run 10-5 minutes somewhere every time I die. It's like a horribly unforgiving single player MMO.

For me it's Morrowind. I love the lore and the art style but the game is just very average. I can't get past the horribly dated game mechanics, controls and UI and actually enjoy it as much as Skyrim and Oblivion.


New member
May 18, 2013
Dark Souls - I just don't see what everyone finds so great. It's irritating that it has to be brought up in every thread as the best game ever and that developers are actively trying to inject some part of Dark Souls into their new games. Dark Souls 2 cannot possibly live up to the hype.

The Witcher series - Tried to get into the first one countless times but it's mature content just seeems childish to me. I only played a few minutes into Witcher 2 (picked it up for cheap on Steam) and didn't enjoy that either. I am not into the whole "dark" theme.

Dragon Age - I beat it but had to push myself to do it. The dragons were a disappointment and the invisible walls made it feel very limited. I was actively comparing it to Oblivion because I played it after putting 100 or so hours into Oblivion. Dragon Age did not live up to Oblivion in my mind. Oddly enough, I didn't mind the Fade as much as most people did. It was just another dull part of the game but no more dull than the rest of it.

Skyrim - What a step down from Oblivion. We went from green forests to gray and white. Technically the graphics were a step up but it simply wasn't as nice to look at. The quests were worse, trading the attributes for perks was a raw deal and the death cam stuff annoys me in any game. I beat it though and it grew on me a little but I still like Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas better.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Portal. Was it a good game? Yes. Did it have some really interesting and well put together moments? Yes. Was the Portal Gun a lot of fun to use? Yes. But the thing is, while I liked it, I just mentally chalked it up as "A pretty fun and well put together game" not "One of the best games ever made". I suppose when people like Yahtzee say he couldn't think of a single insult, I feel like expectations are being raised unrealistically high.


New member
Mar 6, 2014
Skyrim and Oblivion

I'm sorry but between the ugly character models, and the aimless wandering (you mean I have to spend 4 real hours walking to the next goal, what were you guys thinking?) I kinda don't get why people like these games.

The only other games I can put here are the various sandbox games (Minecraft,Sims,Animal Crossing) because they feel like time-sinks-for-single-people. I'm not discounting how fun they are, but rather the time that is sunk accomplishing nothing.

The Jovian

New member
Dec 21, 2012
The original BioShock just wasn't as fun to me as most other gamers, it had some bizarre difficulty spikes, the resurrection booths cost nothing (something which BioShock Infinite did better because you lost money each time you died), the moral choice system was pointless, and the controls were a bit clunky (for the X360 at least). I actually found Infinite's gameplay more fun (not necessarily better or richer because it wasn't better and richer and I get why people say it's dumbed down compared to 1 and 2), I admit, I would've wanted the weapon wheel to stay and I was happy that it came back for Burial At Sea, but at least the frustration of noticing you've wasted 20 anti-personnel bullets on a big daddy was gone and it made up for the lack of ammo types (in my eyes at least) with the skylines which were really fun to use. Infinite's story was also really engaging, maybe even more so than 1's simply because you weren't playing a silent protagonist anymore and you had a great character as your NPC tag along, and the two's interactions made the story feel much more personal, it made me genuinely want to do the things the other characters tell me to do, as opposed to just doing things because I'm told to do them.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
shrekfan246 said:
Keeping with the Naughty Dog theme, The Last of Us.

It's a fine game, and very technologically impressive considering it's on the PS3, but... eh. The non-combat sections are the best parts of the game, and within the combat the sections against human NPCs are the only ones I find enjoyable, because you get to hear their dialogue and they have actual AI. The only cool part about being matched up against the zombies is being able to make clickers run off by throwing something.

I appreciate being able to sneak past guys, but it falls into the same classic pitfall every other game with stealth elements has where whenever you get spotted, suddenly every enemy in the area knows exactly where you are and will zero in on your position. And it makes it even more obnoxious by randomly spawning in an extra six or seven enemies whenever you get spotted, no matter where you were in the map or how many people you already snuck past/took out. There's little that annoys me more in mechanically solid stealth/action games than needing to take out another pack of enemies that appeared out of thin air because the last guy in a group of three or four managed to see me before I got him.
This. Played through the whole game, but it never really took off for me. Gameplay was nothing new and the story was just alright. I can see why people love it, and I don't dislike it. I just don't really feel anything for it, just a huge "meh", and I usually love naughty dog games :(


New member
Feb 7, 2014
RE4, i dont see whats so great about

Skyrim, i cant bring myself to finish this, nothing like fallout 3, that one was actually enjoyable, might have to download some mods to make it a good game


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I am going to say Bioshock:Infinite. I mean, it looked beautiful, but I just didn't really find the characters particularly engaging, but most of the other people I spoke to would cite it as one of their games of the year, but it just left me feeling a tad underwhelmed to say the least.

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Most Shooting games: violence/explosions always takes precedence over story, character development and level aesthetics. that and they are always rather short. And think they can get away with being short due to multiplayer.

Racing games: I don't like cars enough to stare at them for more than 2 minutes.