Game Series You've Slept on and Regret


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
So this long Holiday weekend, having been told by big daddy government, I was not allowed to see or visit family for Christmas which would have been depressing under normal circumstances. But luckily for me I'm a big nerd and I have video games.

After sitting on my backlog for a long long time, I finally got into Yakuza 0 over the past week. After a few hours in, the game drastically got it's hooks into me. The story, the city, the comical side quests, and the insanely deep mini-games some of which having entire story saga's attached. I sunk 50 hours into Zero this week, then immediately started Yakuza 1's remake Kiwami.

The Yakuza series is a franchise I've never gotten into, mostly because I fucking hate listening to things in Japanese. It's why I don't watch anime, because I can't stand reading subtitles for the entire show. And the fact that Yakuza being Japanese only Dubbed, made it hard for me to stand for too long. However the recent Yakuza 7 : Like a Dragon is English Dubbed, and that game broke the seal for me. Again a comical RPG with incredible side stuff and an egaging story. After finishing Yakuza 7 a few weeks back, I wanted to try getting into the core of the series proper.

So I sucked up my distaste for listening to Japanese (which because I don't understand just sounds like babbling to me, sorry that's the way it goes), and really sat and pushed through the first few chapters of the story. And a couple of chapters was all it took, because then the story got it's hooks into me and the mini games began. Like a property mini game in which you systematically buy up and take over districts of the city chasing out the 5-billionaires for domination of the city. On top of that you gain insane amounts of cash which you use to level up your abilities. Doing this entire mini game quest in one-go (multiple sessions but doing no other progress but the mini game) netted me billions of yen, allowing me to damn near maximizing my character's power which this early in the game made the rest of the game a joke combat-wise. To me that was so incredibly satisfying that when I finally got back to the story it let me enjoy playing through the rest of the story that much better.

Once the credits rolled, I started the next game and am already eager to see what Kazami Kiryu gets into this time. I went to amazon and bought every other game in the series, and I'm so excited to finally be aboard the Yakuza train.

So my question for ya'll is this:

What popular game series have gone mostly ignored by you? Has there been any games that you've skipped only to finally try them and really love them?
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Watch out on overdoing the Yakuza, they're great, but very samey. After finishing Yakuza 1 on PS2 back in the day I immediately started 2 and got burned out half way trough and it took me forever to get back to them.

The closest I can think of are game that I didn't have the ability to play. I didn't have a gaming PC for the longest time so I played homeworld and system shock over a decades after they came out (they hold very well). Otherwise it took me forvever to get into cursader kings, but that's because I played 2 right after it came out and that's practically un playable with how few features/system it has.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
What popular game series have gone mostly ignored by you?
Way too long a list here. Lots of series I'd like to get into, but lack the time. RPGs have especially suffered in this regard, because while I generally enjoy them, they're a massive time sink.

Has there been any games that you've skipped only to finally try them and really love them?
I guess I can nominate the following:

-Halo series

When Halo came out, it was insanely popular. I skipped the Xbox, and I kind of had this attitude of "it's really popular, so it must be overrated." Then the Halo 3 trailer came out and I was like "gimme gimme gimme!" This being one of the last times when a trailer by itself could sway me to get stuff, but I got Combat Evolved, plus the novels, read/played them, and I remain invested in the series to this day, even if 343 has done its hardest to kill that interest at times)

-The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

When this came out, I was put off by the graphics. I played it for a bit, stopped at the Forest Haven, and let it rot. Then, eventually, I went back to it, and it became my #1 LoZ game

-Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (and Snake Eater)

So, this is weird, but I really loved MGS1, but then I saw a demo for MGS2. My immediate conclusions were a) setting an entire game on a tanker is stupid, and b) why does Ocelot have his arm back? Have they just thrown continuity aside? In my disgust, I didn't care about it. Then, years later, I read a preview of MGS3, which stated that Snake confronted Ocelot. I was again enraged, thinking "well this is nonsense, there was no indication that they knew each other in MGS1, and doesn't that make Snake super old? Bear in mind, that this Snake was Big Boss was actually a revelation kept secret prior to the game's release. Anyway, I eventually went and played them. I don't recall what prompted my decision to try them, but I'm glad I did. I'm not fond of Sons of Liberty, but I do think it's a good game at the end of the day. And Snake Eater became my favourite MGS game, even if I still have more nostalgia for MGS1. So, um, yeah.

That said, I've never actually gone beyond MGS3. Maybe someday. Main catalyst was that I chose the 360 over the PS3, and the series ended up getting ahead of me.


TL, DR, I wasn't interested in this game because of the lack of singleplayer. Still, I tried it in 2019, didn't like it much. Tried it again in 2020, and now it's my multiplayer crack. I suspect I'll move on eventually, but for now, play it reguarly.

-Resident Evil: Revelations 2

So, bear in mind that Revelations 2 came out in a pretty dank period for the IP. I liked RE5, but it veered too much into action for my tastes. I didn't bother (and still haven't bothered) with RE6, as it dialed up the action even further, and I believed (and still believe) that RE5 was the natural conclusion for the series plotwise. What actually got me back into RE was the RE2 remake, which prompted me to start playing more of the games. I'm nominating Revelations 2, because I ignored it at the time, in part because its intro is terrible ("t doesn't have to stand for terrorist!"). In part because the game's good. Really good. It's actually among my favourite RE games. I mean, yeah, the RE2 remake is better, but I never had any doubt that that would be awesome. But Revelations 2 was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

-Sonic Generations & Sonic the Hedgehog 4

Okay, bear with me. My interest in Sonic waned at some point after Sonic 06, but not necessarily because of the game itself. This isn't just the games, it was more the IP in general. At some point within the last few years, I've become re-invested in Sonic. If I had to attribute that to something, it would probably be a combination of the Sonic Boom cartoon, partly because of the IDW comics. But whatever the case, I've played quite a few Sonic games since then.

I'm nominating these two because both are now in my Top 10 Sonic games. Sonic Generations is pretty good - I think it's the best of the boost formula. Yeah, its story is non-existent, but I'll take good gameplay with bad story over good story with bad gameplay (hence why Forces ISN'T in my top 10). But I'm also nominating Sonic 4, because...yeah, I'm saying it, I like this game. Note that I consider all three episodes as part of the same package, and it's Ep. 2 that does most of the heavy lifting. But, yeah. Passed over both of these games, but they were worth getting back into the IP for.

-Star Fox Zero

So when Zero was announced, I rolled my eyes. Yet another reboot, and motion controls. Then, I actually played it. Make no mistake, I think the story side is terrible, or rather, the game doesn't justify its existence as a reboot plotwise when it doesn't do anything interesting narratively (as opposed to SF64, which is leaps and bounds ahead of Star Fox SNES in both gameplay and story). However, on the gameplay front, I ended up really enjoying it. The motion controls aren't perfect, but they do actually allow for some interesting moments. Yes, the Landmaster, Gyrowing, and Walker are a pain to control, but on the other hand, the Arwing has never controlled better. Overall, Zero's much better than I thought it would be. Became my #3 Star Fox game.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
~Dark Souls series~
I do PC gaming almost exclusively at this point, when Dark Souls came out on Xbox I had just stopped buying new games for it since it had red ringed on me a second time and MS refused another swap out on it and I had to fix it myself. Since I had to do that I didn't really trust it with games anymore so I moved more and more to PC. So I missed out on the Dark Souls series because it required GFWL and GFWL was total garbage. It wasn't till DS came to steam that I finally played it and even then it took awhile for me to start it, I think I had it in my library for like 2 or 3 months before I finally started it, mainly cause I kept worrying about it taking up all my time. It kinda did, but I only beat the first DS once then went on to other things. Wasn't till DS3 that I went into it kinda hard, I beat that one 4 times. Still haven't played 2.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Anarchy Reigns. I was hyped for a time, and then lost interests, because Sega being idiots delayed the game for Western release. They got cold feet for no reason and it was either wait for the US release or import. If you were importing the PS3 version, this was a non-issue due to the system bein region free. Wweeellll....I only had the 360, so that was a no go. I went bought a copy of the game later in 2016/2017 and had a blast. I know there is no online for it anymore, but you can still play multiplayer with bots/AI and they are surprisingly competent and not push overs. The single-player is shitty and a glorified tutorial (That you have to playthrough twice for the true ending. Four times total, if you want all of the achievements) for the mp, but the combat is super fun and improves upon Mad World's. Characters have their own unique kits and combos, the soundtrack is even better than it's spiritual prequel, and feels like a sequel to Sega's other 3D Brawler, Spikeout. I fine the survival modes more fun than the team death match modes, since you can just go ham on all of the enemies. It's a shame that there has yet to be another spiritual sequel, as their is no other game, other than the game's spiritual predecessors, that match the combat and can improve upon it further. Honestly, this game just needed to be ported to 8th gen consoles or PC and would bleed new life in to the game.

Double Dragon Advance. I did not realize how good this game was until emulation. I later got the game in 2013, but I had to pay abour $30 online. Better price back then, than it is now. GBA games are even more expensive now. DDA is the best Double Dragon game and contains everything and the best parts about the franchise that combines elements from DDI and DDII. You get remixes of old stages, while new ones. Billy and Jimmy have a block/parry move that once mastered, can make them near unstoppable. You get the largest character move set and enemy variety in the entire series. I would not mind a remake of DDA (itself a remake of DD1) so you don't have to play on emulator or a GBA/DS. Put that on the big screen and refit everything proper.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I don't have many of those. I guess assassin's creed would be the one big one I was never too interestead in but a couple months ago I decided to give Odyssey a try and I'm loving the game so far. I think this one being more RPGish plays to my tastes though so I dunno how much I'd enjoy the older ones since I really don't care much for stealth in this game, I much more enjoy just fighting people out in the open.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Metal Gear series.

I played the NES one a LONG time ago and played MGS back in high school(which was around the time it came out), but MGS2 got a lot of controversial press(mostly about Raiden) that turned me off, the hearing MGS3 was a prequel turned me off and the MGS4 being mostly cutscenes....turned me off.

And then MGSV came out, caught my interest and got me to play the entire series more or less back to back over a few months, and I enjoyed it. A lot of things I heard were true but it didn't bother me nearly as much as I though it would and I love talking about the games, maybe even more then playing them.

Dark Souls series

So when Demons Souls came out all I heard was "This game is super hard", but I didn't have a PS3 at the time so I didn't particularly care. Then Dark Souls came out and I heard the same things, but then Yahtzee praised it and that caught my interest. So telling me a game is HARD as a selling point is not something I'm receptive to, but learning it had interesting lore/worldbuilding and well designed levels/gameworld is something that I'm much more likely to listen to. It also helped BB was getting a lot of attention and hearing it was a souls game in all but name made me think "Maybe I should give that a go". So I tried Dark Souls, and then I've been slowly working my way through the series to this point, where I'm nearly done with the main game of DS3(still have the DLCs to plow through).

Demons souls is still a tough nut to crack for me, so I guess I'm gonna have to try again.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
It's quite easy to just try and play some older games, so I don't think it's too big a deal whether you got into them sooner than later.

The more multiplayer focused games are more ephemeral I suppose, so I think more regret can be felt here since servers could've died or people could've just moved on and it just isn't the same. I suppose there's also being spoiled by newer game mechanics and being unable to appreciate some older titles.

I've also recently got into the Yakuza games. They are hella addictive and I blazed through 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2. I did end up ignoring quite a bit of side mission content though since the main story sunk its claws into me and I really wanted to know what happened next. I ended up not finishing the Cabaret and Real Estate minigames of 0. I was planning to return to them after I finished Kiwami 2, but found that I lost interest at that point since what I really wanted to play was Yakuza 3. I did finish Majima Construction and Four Shine in Kiwami 2 though. Doing Pocket Racers in Kiwami 1 was also mega weird since I somehow managed to completely miss it in 0.

I think there were some games I would've liked to have had access to back in the day where I had infinitely more time and patience with janky games - especially when I had no internet connection. Now I'm not sure if I want to give these games a shake. Though at the same time, I'm not sure if my 10 year old self would have had the mental capacity to figure these games out. I'm a big fan of immersive sims, so I think I would've had liked to have played the first System Shock or some of the Thief games back in the day. Nowadays they look like such janky bollocks that I'm not sure I want to give them a go.

I had a friend that was really into KotoR and I used to mock the game when he showed it to us since I couldn't get to grips with dicerolling lightsaber combat. It looked too surreal to watch lightsaber combatants flailing at each other with dicerolls happening in the background. Then I actually played the games some years later and I fell in love with it.

I faintly regret not having been able to play some JRPG titles when I was younger. Though I had refused to buy a console after my PS2 so my options were limited. Now that a shit load are available to me now due to Steam ports, I find that I don't actually want to play them. I used to wish I had Disgaea on PC. But I found myself kinda boredly slogging through 5. And now that 4's out, I played an hour of it and found myself too damn bored to keep going. I really wanted to play the PS3 Atelier games at some point. I started Rorona and didn't last the first few hours. I managed to sink 9 odd hours into Ayesha and found myself unable to be fucked to keep going. I got Trails in the Sky SC sitting unfinished with 7 hours sunk in. The more time goes by the less likely I am to pick these games back up cause I can't be fucked relearning the systems and would've had forgotten what I was even doing. I really enjoyed Sakuna of Rice and Ruin though, so I'm not sure what's throwing me off. Do I just hate turn based combat now? Maybe that's it. I tried both D:OS games and found the combat to be a slog. I was kinda getting into Shadowrun Dragonfall when it decided to shove another massive labyrinthian combat orientated dungeon to clear out. With the prospects of having to go through it on top of any weird decking micromanagement and turn based moving around even with no hostiles in the vicinity - I kinda just gave up.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I didn't think I would like these 'visual novel' type games but I really enjoyed 13 Sentinels. In general I have a very open mind so there is very little I haven't played. xD

I don't have many of those. I guess assassin's creed would be the one big one I was never too interestead in but a couple months ago I decided to give Odyssey a try and I'm loving the game so far. I think this one being more RPGish plays to my tastes though so I dunno how much I'd enjoy the older ones since I really don't care much for stealth in this game, I much more enjoy just fighting people out in the open.
I bought AC Valhalla at the the PSN sale and I'm in love with the game. It looks astonishing on PS5 and the game feels like a recreation of the early middle-ages. Many people don't seem to like the combat but I think it's really enjoyable. So many options and abilities in terms of skills, dual wielding, heavy/light weapons etc. The finishers also have a 'crunch' that is unbelievably good. I could play this all day and feel like only one hour has passed.

To be honest Odyssey kinda put me off on the series but Valhalla pulled me right back in. Probably also has to do with European medieval era being one of my most favorite settings. It is so extremely well done in Valhalla. Going from the remnants of a Roman settlement to a beautiful forest then down a waterfall to a muddy town with an elaborate church far in the background with all the sounds and sights of unspoiled nature. There is really no other game that really recreates this kind of 'historical tourist' experience.

After sitting on my backlog for a long long time, I finally got into Yakuza 0 over the past week. After a few hours in, the game drastically got it's hooks into me. The story, the city, the comical side quests, and the insanely deep mini-games some of which having entire story saga's attached. I sunk 50 hours into Zero this week, then immediately started Yakuza 1's remake Kiwami.
Yakuza 0 was the first Yakuza game I played as well back in 2017. Loved it. The story is outrageous and so meticulously crafted. I didn't think they could 1up the craziness as the story progressed but somehow they did. The 80s Japanese bubble economy also provided such a cool style and atmosphere. I play about one Yakuza game per year to not burn out on the (repetitive) combat and keep the experience fresh. I think Judgement is still my favorite.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Well I got Mortal Kombat 11 for Xmas last week, and I think MK3 is the last one I played, back in the arcade days. So....maybe I'll find I regret missing out? *shrugs* Haven't played it yet. But there really aren't a lot of franchises that I've avoided, that I've somehow changed my mind on.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well I got Mortal Kombat 11 for Xmas last week, and I think MK3 is the last one I played, back in the arcade days. So....maybe I'll find I regret missing out? *shrugs* Haven't played it yet. But there really aren't a lot of franchises that I've avoided, that I've somehow changed my mind on.
You did not miss too much. They'll prepare to be confused if you didn't play MKX's story mode. Doesn't matter anyway, as MK11 has so many retcons are up it's on ass. Also, the guy who played Shang Taunt in the MK '95 film, voiced the character in the game for the first time. Shang Tsung is modeled after the actor's appearance this time too. Cary Tagawa is that right blend of large and cold ham. He plays the character you love to hate so we'll.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
You did not miss too much. They'll prepare to be confused if you didn't play MKX's story mode. Doesn't matter anyway, as MK11 has so many retcons are up it's on ass. Also, the guy who played Shang Taunt in the MK '95 film, voiced the character in the game for the first time. Shang Tsung is modeled after the actor's appearance this time too. Cary Tagawa is that right blend of large and cold ham. He plays the character you love to hate so we'll.
Yes that was one of the things I instantly noticed, as I REALLY loved that guy in the MK film (love the film itself honestly, start to finish), and always enjoyed seeing him in bit parts on tv shows, like Babylon 5 (he played a security guard, so not much screen time, but when he'd be on I'd be It's Shang Tsung!! xD ) So he's actually something I'm optimistic about in the game.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I faintly regret not having been able to play some JRPG titles when I was younger. Though I had refused to buy a console after my PS2 so my options were limited. Now that a shit load are available to me now due to Steam ports, I find that I don't actually want to play them. I used to wish I had Disgaea on PC. But I found myself kinda boredly slogging through 5. And now that 4's out, I played an hour of it and found myself too damn bored to keep going. I really wanted to play the PS3 Atelier games at some point. I started Rorona and didn't last the first few hours. I managed to sink 9 odd hours into Ayesha and found myself unable to be fucked to keep going. I got Trails in the Sky SC sitting unfinished with 7 hours sunk in. The more time goes by the less likely I am to pick these games back up cause I can't be fucked relearning the systems and would've had forgotten what I was even doing. I really enjoyed Sakuna of Rice and Ruin though, so I'm not sure what's throwing me off. Do I just hate turn based combat now? Maybe that's it. I tried both D:OS games and found the combat to be a slog. I was kinda getting into Shadowrun Dragonfall when it decided to shove another massive labyrinthian combat orientated dungeon to clear out. With the prospects of having to go through it on top of any weird decking micromanagement and turn based moving around even with no hostiles in the vicinity - I kinda just gave up.
The atelier game that are on steam are... imo not very good so I wouldn't judge the entire genre based of those (obnoxiously anime plot/character, shallow gameplay, really poor graphic/art), the PS2 one used to be be better but they really struggle with the switch to 3D. I'd give the final fantasy game a shoot instead since they're on steam now. Disgaea game are all about the grind and finding way to grind more efficiently, they have fun story but it's buried beneath the stupid grind so I'd just avoid those, if you want to try a JRPG tactics on steam, fell seal is pretty decent (although not japanes).


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I didn't think I would like these 'visual novel' type games but I really enjoyed 13 Sentinels. In general I have a very open mind so there is very little I haven't played. xD

I bought AC Valhalla at the the PSN sale and I'm in love with the game. It looks astonishing on PS5 and the game feels like a recreation of the early middle-ages. Many people don't seem to like the combat but I think it's really enjoyable. So many options and abilities in terms of skills, dual wielding, heavy/light weapons etc. The finishers also have a 'crunch' that is unbelievably good. I could play this all day and feel like only one hour has passed.

To be honest Odyssey kinda put me off on the series but Valhalla pulled me right back in. Probably also has to do with European medieval era being one of my most favorite settings. It is so extremely well done in Valhalla. Going from the remnants of a Roman settlement to a beautiful forest then down a waterfall to a muddy town with an elaborate church far in the background with all the sounds and sights of unspoiled nature. There is really no other game that really recreates this kind of 'historical tourist' experience.
Odyssey had the added bonus of recreating stories I grew up learning about or studying in history class, as well as finally, after 32 years on this planet, giving me an actual use for the 4 years of ancient greek I had to take in school, so a lot of the fun of the game came from that ambience, also calling your enemies malakes is utterly satisfying in a visceral sense, though some times they use it for random things that don't make sense, but is still funny anyways lol.

I'm sure Valhalla will be good too though, I'm just not even half way done with Odyssey yet and I'm also juggling a bunch of other games at the same time so I haven't gotten into it yet. I do plan on getting it eventually though. Vikings are hype and so are berserkers.

But yeah they do this cool thing of being half historical tourist and half fantasy adventure where they see the world through they eyes of a bard or a writer of the time so they embellish certain aspects of the world to make it feel more epic and awesome. They get what's interesting about those old tales and myths.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I bought AC Valhalla at the the PSN sale and I'm in love with the game. It looks astonishing on PS5 and the game feels like a recreation of the early middle-ages. Many people don't seem to like the combat but I think it's really enjoyable. So many options and abilities in terms of skills, dual wielding, heavy/light weapons etc. The finishers also have a 'crunch' that is unbelievably good. I could play this all day and feel like only one hour has passed.

To be honest Odyssey kinda put me off on the series but Valhalla pulled me right back in. Probably also has to do with European medieval era being one of my most favorite settings. It is so extremely well done in Valhalla. Going from the remnants of a Roman settlement to a beautiful forest then down a waterfall to a muddy town with an elaborate church far in the background with all the sounds and sights of unspoiled nature. There is really no other game that really recreates this kind of 'historical tourist' experience.
Odyessy was a game I enjoyed at the time but since then I've wondered how I put up with it's sheer length(aside from the beautiful world to explore) and I swore to myself after that I would never play another game that fucking drawn out again. I mean, that and the ship combat, which is always fun.

However, I've hearing Valhalla is actually pretty good and fixes a LOT Of issues that Odyessy had with being drawn out and I've even heard it compared to RDR2 as far as how the open world is presented....which is wonderful to hear considering how much if loved RDR2.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Odyssey had the added bonus of recreating stories I grew up learning about or studying in history class, as well as finally, after 32 years on this planet, giving me an actual use for the 4 years of ancient greek I had to take in school, so a lot of the fun of the game came from that ambience, also calling your enemies malakes is utterly satisfying in a visceral sense, though some times they use it for random things that don't make sense, but is still funny anyways lol.

I'm sure Valhalla will be good too though, I'm just not even half way done with Odyssey yet and I'm also juggling a bunch of other games at the same time so I haven't gotten into it yet. I do plan on getting it eventually though. Vikings are hype and so are berserkers.

But yeah they do this cool thing of being half historical tourist and half fantasy adventure where they see the world through they eyes of a bard or a writer of the time so they embellish certain aspects of the world to make it feel more epic and awesome. They get what's interesting about those old tales and myths.
Apparently the historical accuracy of it is kinda wonky, more then usual for AC.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Apparently the historical accuracy of it is kinda wonky, more then usual for AC.
Not that I'm saying it isn't wonky, but Odyssey had a SPARTAN NAVY that matched that of Athens, and events that span decades but characters didn't seem to age a day(Socrates is shown as an middle aged to older man, but was a soldier during some of the earlier events depicted so he would have been notably younger during that period).
Last edited:


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Watch out on overdoing the Yakuza, they're great, but very samey. After finishing Yakuza 1 on PS2 back in the day I immediately started 2 and got burned out half way trough and it took me forever to get back to them.
Yeah I plan to beat Yakuza 1, then play something else before continuing to Yakuza 2 and beyond. Though the mechanics of progression between 7, 0, and 1 are quite different. Though I'm about 50% through Yakuza 1 and it definitely feels like the first game in a series because it's nowhere near as dense with mini games, side quests and such. It just kinda seems to flow through main story so far, though it might open up and bombard me later. I'm waiting for the big money making mini game to arrive though I don't know what the purpose of money really is in this game (considering character progression was bought with cash in 0 but in 1 it's exp gained from quests, fighting, and eatting)


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Yes that was one of the things I instantly noticed, as I REALLY loved that guy in the MK film (love the film itself honestly, start to finish), and always enjoyed seeing him in bit parts on tv shows, like Babylon 5 (he played a security guard, so not much screen time, but when he'd be on I'd be It's Shang Tsung!! xD ) So he's actually something I'm optimistic about in the game.
I’ve been a big enough c kasual fan of the series since first playing the original nearly three decades ago to play every release (sans Special Forces or that god awful mobile game). While the mechanics can be subjective, the content has always gotten bigger and better with each release, both in quality and sheer variety. The SP rewards were also patched early after legit criticism of it being too much of a grind, so it’s easy to play a quick tower or two and feel like it was worthwhile.

I’ve long since Platinum’d the game and haven’t come close to seeing everything they’ve put into it, especially with all the newer characters. Always someone new I end up trying and wanting to unlock new gear and cosmetic stuff for (also done by playing, not p2w). The other nice part is it’s structured so that someone just starting out still has equal footing to another who’s been playing since release. Although, might want to run through the tutorials first to get a feel for the mechanics.

If you end up really enjoying it, here’s a couple good resources to make the most of your time -

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