Gamer Girls Magazine - Demeaning, sexist and racist!


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Lilani said:
I guess somebody along the line decided that female nipples are just too erotic for public display. Every other part of the breast is okay, but once you hit that areola that's just going TOO FAR!
Perhaps at some day we'll reach the stage where the areola is fine, but the nipple itself is still out of bounds.

I'm picturing a kind of two-thimbles-and-some-cotton arrangement.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Wow, this is like a new low for those kinds of magazines.

It doesn't even seem real, it seems like it should exist in the same universe as The Fedora'd Gentleman.

In fact, it sounds like an extended joke: like, if the hypothetical publishers of that magazine(The Fedora'd etc.) were to make a magazine targeted at "gamer guys"(there aren't any quotation marks large enough for that phrase).

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Zhukov said:
Lilani said:
I guess somebody along the line decided that female nipples are just too erotic for public display. Every other part of the breast is okay, but once you hit that areola that's just going TOO FAR!
Perhaps at some day we'll reach the stage where the areola is fine, but the nipple itself is still out of bounds.

I'm picturing a kind of two-thimbles-and-some-cotton arrangement.
Here'a picture I got from googling "two thimbles and some cotton." Was this what you had in mind?



New member
Aug 3, 2012
Who is this magazine for? This is where someone does not understand the market they are aiming towards. "Let's make a magazine for the lonely nerds who spend their whole life on the internet and never go out" Let's break this down; Spending life on the internet, Well Avenue Q said it best with "The internet is for porn" you can get any fetish or video at your finger tips including glamour modelling. I sense your magazine is doomed to fail their guys


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Lilani said:
lacktheknack said:
The taped glasses push it over the top from depressing to top-of-the-line comedy.

Seriously, look at the cover agian after you realize she's wearing taped glasses. The whole picture just changes.
I dunno, I'm still distracted by the over-the-top airbrushing. Seriously, there's not an inch of her that hasn't been airbrushed to a bizarre and surreal sheen. I'm having a hard time believing she actually posed for this shot, it just looks like a bunch of photoshopped elements stuck on some stock image of this model (which has also been photoshopped out the wazoo). That's what is keeping me believing this is just sad.
The taped glasses aren't what tipped me off that this is just sad. The taped glasses are what tipped me off that either A. the people behind this don't know what the hell they're doing, or B. we're being stealth parodied.

It's just too much, ya know?

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Eamar said:
really this is just cringeworthy.
Bah. I was going to use that word! Also, yup i did think this was going to be a female gamer's mag upon clickage too.

Reminds me of the insultworthy models hired for gaming events to pretend to love games. Your sly tricks won't fool me, heathens of distrust!!! Actually, "sly" is giving far too much credit, upon retrospection.

(Captcha: boiled cabbage. ....hmm. Why am i still thinking about this? What the hell do you want from me, Captcha?!?)


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Oooh I saw this on some site. I halfway though it was a fake.
Man I know there is a market for this kinda stuff but it's just seems shameless and cheap. Not even for laughs would I pick it up. Besides if I wanted a dirty magazine I might as well get one were they're at least honest of what they're giving me.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
mecegirl said:
It makes me wonder if dudes who fantasize about such things also believe that women don't fart and have naturally hairless legs. LOL. Because some days its like, I have the day off so I'm gonna sit on my ass and play video games all day". And that generally includes not showering or doing my hair. Sometimes not even brushing my teeth. Just playing games on my unmade bed, in my messy room(that I should probably spend that day off cleaning, but fuck it), with a bag of chips and a can of soda nearby. But I'm in my undies and I have lady parts, sooooooooooo sexy right?
Huh.. I wasn't going to comment in here but after reading your back and forth, I'd just like to interject: plenty of us like a genuine slob.

Getting home from work to find a girl stretched out on the sofa with a controller in her hands, a packet of crisps wedged between her inside hip and the cushion, a couple of empty beer cans on the table and another on the go, wearing nothing but panties beneath a stained vest with her hair pinned back *specifically* to keep it off her sweaty, greasy forehead. Obviously not showered. Obviously not smooth-legged. Obviously going to let me cook dinner.

Provided I love your face and your figure, and provided we get along (which we must, unless you broke in)... I don't think it's a bad thing if this is what happens every weekend. Slobs are sexy.


What is there to say here... I don't think this is intended to appeal to gaming males at all- whether or not it does appeal to some of them. The models are NUTS models retooled with rubbish videogame related props instead of more conventional ones. I think this is fetishization of gaming girls for men who have little or nothing to do with the hobby.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Weaver said:
It's basically a niche playboy. It features fake "gaming" bios of models who do sexy poses.
I see this no different than a calendar with sexy "firemen" or naked girls laying on cars or riding motorcycles.
This man speaks the truth, this is for masturbatory purposes and nothing more. I have one of them fire men flip-books running around, it doesn't demean men, it doesn't make the job seem any less important or life threatening, its just dudes wearing sexy outfits.


New member
Nov 13, 2012

I totally understand the obvious sexism and race issues this magazine creates, but the funny thing is that AS A MALE I felt offender reading this, and I'm supposed to be it's target audience.

I'm sure most guys would admit that it's extra attractive when pretty a girl shares your #1 interests (whether it be gaming, football, painting, sci-fi, history, ect.) and I suppose that's what they're trying to cash in with here. But we're not stupid! Frankly I found it insulting just how tacky and lazy the "nerd presence" was with this crap... WHAT?! Did they actually use "SWAG" unironically there?! If I can see right through this bullshit and realize just how obvious a show it all is, what is there for me to be attracted to? Do they really think their audience is this DUMB?

I'm not sure if it's right for me to say this, but I'd be far less angry with this if it would be properly made and less... plastic. It'd still be pandering to the male audience and I still wouldn't read it even for free, but at least I'd GET the appeal. But this... Like for me, there is NO added sex appeal with sticking a game console next to a model. "Gaming" is a source of "mental" attraction, while the female body is a source of "physical" attraction. Those two don't mix, and the fact that they're trying to do it here clearly shows just how low expectations they have of their target audience.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
so can we expect gamer boys or is that still in development
sign me up for sexy airbrushed to hell and back nipple less men like latino fever and chief indian.

but seriously, you'd think gamers would have a better idea of how to work photoshop (or ms paint it looks like)

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Christ it's just a softcore pornography magazine with a gaming motif. Nobody's trying to pass it as real.


New member
Mar 16, 2013
It's like they're not even trying. There are plenty of "nerdy"/"alternative" models around equally happy to trade skin against cash who, I have to assume, would be more credible / more appealing to the intended audience.

That said, I can't really say I find such a magazine particulary deplorable or offensive. It's just a niche playboy, and by the way it looks there seems little danger for it to be mistaken for anything else - like a magazine actually for gamer girls.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Queen Michael said:
Thinly veiled racism? What do you mean, "thinly veiled"?

Also, I tried reading it and it was cringeworthy. I'd hoenstly pay not to have to read it.
Yeah thinking about that, I don't give enough credit to the expression "thinly veiled".

Madner Kami said:
Who the fuck cares? It's a glamour-shot magazine with a vague gamer-theme attached to it (and mostly unattractive surgery- and photoshop-victims as models). What's the problem there? Nobody forces you to read it, none of the models were forced to model for it. Now stuff your moral police-sensability to where it belongs and try to find something to get het up about, that needs some attention.
Well is pretty bad, just as a spectacle if nothing else. Even if the moral stuff doesn't bother you, it's tacky. It's so, so, bad. I've seen amateur pornography with better quality than this. I've no problem with the idea of women being paid to model anything they like. I'm more irked about how half assed it is, the fact that this is clearly aimed at /me/ because the publisher still thinks it's 1980s and all Nerds/Geeks are still desperate basement dwellers who've never touched a woman in their life, as well as the fact that someone Asian is labelled exotic like we've just discovered the east.

It's just how terrible this thing is, in every aspect imaginable. From models, to topic, to technical, to presentation, and the writing. Anyone with the ability to read, heck just eyes, can see how fake and dodgy everything is. I mean does anyone seriously get aroused by having a controller placed next to a woman? If the illusion is shattered on page 1 what exactly is there for me to get attracted to?

Furthermore of all, like I said in my first post, who is this /for/ exactly? I mean nobody with any degree of pride would seriously buy this in the shop. If you're really desperate to see "gamer girls" fake or otherwise, the internet exists. You could go there to fap. Heck they could've made this an online site and it would've sold better. People barely buy "lads mags" in the shop anymore let alone something as pandering, ill thought out or reeking of desperation as this.

Finally, it is gaming related, so I thought I'd post it. I mean this is a gaming forum, and would've likely made itself to the offical Escapist front page come Monday.

SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
...? Why is that offensive?
At a guess. I'd say that it was because the stereotypical tape on the glasses comes from the idea that geeks and nerds would get beaten up by the jocks and break their glasses. To anyone who's had to go through that it's pretty insulting and belittling. That womans clearly never had that happen to her for those reasons, (I mean she looks about 40 for starters.) the glasses have been shooped onto her face. And I don't know about you, but you never really hear about girls getting beat up in the same way boys do at school, I certainly didn't. It's not very nice being beaten up and bullied at school, I can tell you. I'm quite glad I didn't have glasses, but either way, taped up glasses ain't sexy.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Lilani said:
I can't help but feel like stuff like this is raising a generation of children who are not going to be able to handle how big female nipples actually are. When boys see their first pair of breasts, they're going to be like OH JESUS CHRIST WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS IN THE CENTER. And the poor girls will have it worse, when their ladies grow in they're going to think they are freaks for having nipples larger than dimes.
Naaaah. I mean, when I was younger and the internet wasn't quite the major thing it is today I could see that concern being reasonable, but as photoshop has advanced so has the net and therefore so has the volume of readily available internet porn, which cannot yet be easily doctored and still maintain that grainy pixelated image stream. The kids will be fine - I myself am only here on the escapist because I've run out of porn on the internet so I need to give it a couple days to catch up.

Honestly, that is also why I see this mag being such a minor detail. The only thing noteworthy about this situation is that it's in magazine form, because I've seen this in website form many times.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
um... wow.. talk about crap.. that magazine.. I wish i hadn't clicked to see what the cover looked like... I assumed it was going to be a magazine aimed at girls that played videogames.. never assume anything I guess.. it's basically playboy magazine with the girls posed with videogame controllers.. who would buy this insulting crap?.. i know girls that play games, and if the makers of the magazine think that's what it means to be a girl that plays videogames, then they got some serious problems..

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
People like to beat their meat and flick their bean. There's no need to get up in arms about this kind of thing. It's kind of like lobbying against porn for its misrepresentation of plumbers and delivery personnel. It is very shit looking though so much so that I can't believe it's actually real.


New member
May 18, 2011
Bloody hell, those glasses are atrocious! Seriously, if you're trying to go for the "geeky" look at least give her snazzy thin-rims or something, not that hipster shite. And those earrings have to go, as well as that bow-tie-thing, yeesh!

Ahem, now that the rant about my personal taste is over, I'm just going to say that I'm surprised it's not a calendar. Seriously, I mean okay, I used to be a crazy teenager who was subbed to Playboy for the awesome articles it had *sneer sneer*, but this just lacks class and tact. Oh also, from what I know about gamer girls, their natural habitat is playing games, not posing like that. *ahem*