I'm not surprised by reading this at all, watching how the hobby has deteriorated at my local store. GW's product support is abysmal, especially with AoS. It doesn't help that AoS seems to be an ass-backwards attempt to streamline the armies even more and turn the game into Fantasy 40K.
I used to be one of those dedicated hobbyists, I enjoyed painting my Bretonnian models and would go to the local store at the time at least twice a week and on weekends. I didn't play because I didn't ever have enough models for an army, nor was I rule-savvy, and not being rule-savvy in a community where cheese is king is rather painful. When I go to the local store now I don't see Warhammer, I see warmachine mostly, or nothing at all. It doesn't help that they've killed all their smaller specialist Games, not to mention the disaster that was Finecast.
Now, as I consider getting back into a miniature Hobby, I'm looking at Warmachine because they seem more interested in listening to their customers, to make their game enjoyable. Yeah, GW has some cool models, but the price, plus GW's abysmal direction only leads me to look at their products with nostalgia for the good ol' days, not with intent to buy (or even play).
I used to be one of those dedicated hobbyists, I enjoyed painting my Bretonnian models and would go to the local store at the time at least twice a week and on weekends. I didn't play because I didn't ever have enough models for an army, nor was I rule-savvy, and not being rule-savvy in a community where cheese is king is rather painful. When I go to the local store now I don't see Warhammer, I see warmachine mostly, or nothing at all. It doesn't help that they've killed all their smaller specialist Games, not to mention the disaster that was Finecast.
Now, as I consider getting back into a miniature Hobby, I'm looking at Warmachine because they seem more interested in listening to their customers, to make their game enjoyable. Yeah, GW has some cool models, but the price, plus GW's abysmal direction only leads me to look at their products with nostalgia for the good ol' days, not with intent to buy (or even play).