Let's set some things down plain and simple.
On the first hand, we have Dragon Age 2. The actual game. Say what you want about it. Hell if I know, never actually played it. I like the stories though.
Then we have Dragon Age Legends, the shitty Facebook game that has rewards that go to DA2, but also tries to be its own game, with mixed results. It's a hodgepodge of all sorts of things, and it never gets any one of them right or proper. It expects you to fix its shortcomings by spending money. This is dumb.
Then there's Dragon Age Legends REMIX (pictured in the article). This game is a side scrolling arcade beatdown that uses the graphics from Legends. And it plays like MAGIC. It's better than Legends. In pretty much every way. And yet they think, we should put rewards for Legends in this game, to get people to play it. And it does not need it. Oh, no, not at all. This game is pretty much everything you want from a game of this type. This should have been the tie-in game for DA2. Not the shitty turn based one with the poorly developed unbalanced classes. Rather, should have gone with the one in which all four fighting styles were freely available for you to switch at checkpoints, all of which were viable choices, had varying degrees of difficulty to use, but were no better or worse than each other from a purely technical standpoint.
No justice in this world, I tells ya.