Games that have been ruined by their Fans


New member
Jan 18, 2008
i actually wanna say the whole mario series, cause honestly after super mario 64 i havent really been impressed, and as for a game i think that has been made better by its fans would be the COD series


New member
Feb 28, 2008
the obvious ones like halo have been mentioned, but i am shocked no one has said GEARS OF WAR. i finnaly got the game a month after it came out because my friends were constantly creaming there pants about it. played it maybe a week and i was done. same with COD 4, you can semi customize you gun...good job even though you whole goal is to get (insert gun here) with red dot or sniper with whatever the hell the scope is.


New member
Sep 18, 2007
i will agree with WoW, though i still play it. i'll say Zelda as well.
I won't say Halo fans ruined the Halo games, though. Because the games weren't good enough from the start to say that the fans ruined it. that statement implies that the games were fantastic until fanboys screwed it up. I think that is giving the Halo series too much credit to start with.

I don't think there are enough fanboys for Gears of War to say that they ruined the game, either. i think the game kinda ruined itself by being the length of an afternoon.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
danimal1384 said:
I won't say Halo fans ruined the Halo games, though. Because the games weren't good enough from the start to say that the fans ruined it. that statement implies that the games were fantastic until fanboys screwed it up. I think that is giving the Halo series too much credit to start with.
No, Microsoft ruined it actually. You're right. If only Bungie had been given the artistic freedom to make the game as they pleased and not how Microsoft envisioned it.

Gears of War wasn't really ruined. There wasn't much to ruin. :p


New member
Feb 21, 2008
I'm personally sick and tired of playing Guitar Hero online and everytime you get more than 1000 points ahead of your opponent, they disconnect. For gods sake, at least TRY to catch up.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
GloatingSwine said:
ItsMelvin85 said:
The Guitar Hero Series, I mean I miss playing a friendly competition on normal difficulty and still struggling. Now I have to put up with expert ADHD psycho and Mr. 99% on every song.
Your issue appears here not to be "The Fans" but that other people are better than you at Guitar Hero. And that's something you're really going to have to learn to accept about a very great many things in life.
I see you've never met a music game elitist.

The kind that quit the song when they get a single non-perfect judgment.
The kind that whine when songs are too easy, or crappy because they can't nail every last note in a certain measure.
The kind that grind on the same song, over and over again, until they have a perfect score.
The kind that make fun of people who aren't working miracles on the game, because they're playing it casually for fun.
The kind that get visibly upset when they don't get their perfect score.

And it's not just Guitar Hero. We're talking DDR. Rock Band. Beatmania IIDX. Pop'n Music. Any music game you can think of probably has an elitist associated with it.

As for what you said, Guitar Hero is not a good example of people being "better" than you in life. Obsession over perfection in a videogame can be self-destructive. Perhaps that's something you can take to heart.

Doctor X

New member
Mar 1, 2008
Where to begin? Shadowrun, Star Wars Galaxies...

Wait, this is games ruined BY fans, not FOR fans. Sorry.

Going to have to go with Halo 3 as well. I didn't get it til a month after it had been released, and by then it had been so overhyped that anything short of Cortana coming out of the screen and giving me oral sex was a letdown.

I'd also have to say anything with the word "Mario" either in it or connected to it beyond the first Mario Bros arcade game. I know I've just upset about a third of the forum, however, I just don't have it in me anymore to care anymore.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Super Smash Bros. Easily.

Don't get me wrong, I think the games are a load of fun especially when you get a bunch of your friends together for multiplayer butt-serving, but the tournament players rank very high on my list of people I feel should be culled from the gaming crowd. If you wanna be a tournament player and show how good you are at a game, especially one as fun as SSB, that's great, but tournament elitism is taken to disturbing extremes and if you dare complain about the tournament scene, then according to them you're just whining because you suck at the game. There is no one group in the gaming community that annoys me more than those people, and between Halo/PS3/Nintendo fanboys, MMORPG jerks, and my ex-girlfriend, that covers a whole lot of ground, my friends. I mean, have you met my ex-girlfriend?


New member
Nov 11, 2007
The free to play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Some years ago it was a neat team game. Fast paced, interesting maps, well balanced. To me it was much more fun than the slow-paced Battlefield series, and fuled by id-technology it had a very good netcode, unlike Battlefield.
Nowadays nearly every server out there uses custom maps, where the only custom is that you will get blown up at your spawn by some guy with a rocketlauncher. He got this because nowadays these server save the XP you get during rounds even after logging out, so that these people got all the upgrades and weapons.
So these days you play on horribly bad designed maps against completely unbalanced enemies. Too bad, because the game being free you could just tell some friends to download it and blast away.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
EittilDratsab said:
Super Smash Brothers

Those damn tournament fanatics keep limiting the game. No items, more than half of the levels banned from tournaments, I'd rather play Super Smash the way it was meant to be played. With items, and a good amount of unpredictability. Good thing Sakurai doesn't listen to his fans. Otherwise the only map in Brawl would be Final Destination v.2.
Isn't glitching supposed to be illegal?


oh, and portal. the game sure got all screwed up by it's fanbase


New member
Mar 1, 2008
CoD4. For the simple fact that there are rabidly inbred Americans who hate the British for no conceivable reason and voice said hate repeatedly and loudly. (Sitting in a lobby while some little American prat chants: USA USA USA USA repeatedly is becoming the norm).

Then equally embarrassing are the loud and obnoxious Brits who quite frankly should be neutered at birth and prevented from draining my taxes by breeding the next generation of slack jawed dole dossing Xbox Live dwellers. Oh and they hate the Americans for no conceivable reason either.

Quite frankly it is embarrassing being in a match with either of them. Now I know there are decent Brits and Americans out there playing, I've been in a couple of games (out of countless hundreds) with them. The really polite Americans who are hurt by the mindless Brits and the equally polite Brits hurt by the Americans. Then again that's the Xbox360 all over.

I will however confess to having loudly hummed the national Anthem (with the rest of the British team) after a group of above mentioned Yanks got thrashed and voiced questions regarding our parentage. Needless to say the lobby emptied rather quickly.

I've started playing Undertow and Chessmaster...

Asymptote Angel

New member
Feb 6, 2008
The fans don't ruin World of Warcraft. You've been playing it for x amount of time, and it suddenly hits you: "I'm doing the same thing over and over again. It doesn't matter what I'm trying to accomplish, everything in this game is identical". Game over.

I WILL agree with the Halo games though. Completely overrated tripe. Along the same lines, any game that gets too much hype becomes a fan favorite before it's released, and then everyone hates it when it doesn't meet the regal expectations of a fanbase who have deluded themselves that a game is something it isn't. Damn, I hate it when people do that.


New member
Mar 2, 2008
If I may, could I toss console fanboys into this?

See, thanks to console fanboys we aren't allowed to criticize anything. Saying the 360 is incredibly unreliable, wondering out loud why the hell the PS3 still does not include Component or HDMI cables, or asking why anyone but a die-hard Nintendo fanboy would want a Wii will result in you being chased by a mass of overweight and foul-smelling fanboys carrying torches and pitchforks.

I will admit that despite the issues I've had I still love my Xbox 360. I should note that my feelings towards the console are most likely due to some variant of Stockholm Syndrome. The cause of which could be my large collection of almost-all exclusive disc-based games I enjoy playing, the dozen or so Arcade titles I own, the DLC I bought because I wanted to see what the developers couldn't (or wouldn't) fit on the disc, and the 11 months left on the Xbox Live subscription I bought so I could get the full experience of games like Crackdown, The Orange Box, and Call of Duty 4.

Yes, I love my 360 which is why I get so pissy when the thing decides that life simply isn't worth living because that means I have to call Microsoft, give them all my personal information and re-register my console because "our computers recently went down and some information was lost". I find it odd that its always my information that's lost. Then after all that's done I have to wait for the coffin, remove my custom faceplate and HDD, then package it up and squeeze the 360, now covered with packing material, into a box that's about 1/2" too small on all sides, and drive to FedEx Kinko's and listen to the girl in the Lisa Loeb glasses make her "Another one?" remark.

Then I get to spend the next two weeks staring at my Xbox/Xbox 360 games collection (Its all you can really do) while I wait for my returned unit with the letter (English on one side, Spanish on the other) with the enclosed comment card (I always put down "Make a f***ing console that f***ing works you c***s!" as the comment, with the necessary letters in place of the *'s. Could explain why my information keeps disappearing.) and a free month of Xbox Live Gold service which never works. Again, probably due to my comment on the comment card.

Oh, and I cannot forget about Final Fantasy XI. My god they screwed that game up. See, it used to be fun, in the way that Final Fantasy IV on the PlayStation is way more fun than Final Fantasy II on the SNES. Yes, it was challenging and there were times that you wanted to scream because some monster killed you three feet from the zone and thanks to the death penalty you lost an hour's worth of exp but when you did something right or you succeeded when you should have failed miserably it felt so good.

Then WoW came out and became the massive MMORPG phenomenon that it is. Yes, I know the first M stands for massive but when discussing WoW you need two "Massive"s because that game is that freaking massive. So, in their infinite wisdom the Final Fantasy XI development team (I will refer to them as "rocket surgeons" from here on) decided that it would be best to dumb down FFXI in a vain attempt to keep the roughly 500,000 of us who still play. Thus they birthed "Treasures of Aht Urghan." Oh, for the first few days it was nice. The "Arabian Nights" themed town, the music, the instanced and random boss battles, the new jobs. Then, it happened. People discovered that the mobs in Aht Urghan were incredibly easy to beat and quite generous. By which I mean passing gas in a field full of said mobs would result in every mob in the vicinity dropping dead and coughing up huge piles of goodies. Worst of all these things apparently breed like rabbits and reach maturity five seconds after being born.

So now the MMORPG I loved because it was as hard as a eight-inch concrete wall hit at 65MPH and as rewarding as a "Mega Millions" jackpot is now as easy as Bisquick pancake batter and as rewarding as winning the "Most improved odor" award at your high school reunion.

If any game developers are reading this, I beg of you. Don't listen to the fans. We don't know anything!


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Gears of War. I loved that game at Lan Parties, then the first 10 minuets on live I hated everything. Had very few good experiences from then on.


New member
Dec 15, 2007
at the begining the portal puns where someway fun but after of a time they get really annoying