Games that have helped you in real life


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Reaper195 said:
Aside from making me wonder how things would be different if I had a power suit, a gun with a chainsaw, generic portal useage,, not really. Most games take things out of reality and make them bigger/better/OHGODIHAVEAPORTALGUN.

teh_spartan said:
the first time i picked up a gun at a reange i was an amazing shot. i dont think video games helped me but think what you want.
Damn, I thought you were going to say that time slowed down allowing you to get perfect shots, and the world got all blurryish.
And targets burst into bunches of tyres?

I don't think games affected this, maybe being British, but if I meet someone who's a massive dick (who IS, not who HAS), I go into Ultra-Sarcasm mode.


I was out for a mates birthday, dressed as a zombie with fake blood plastered around my eye. I was walking with the group to a bus stop to get somewhere else. Out of nowhere, this randomer with a mate of his and probably his girlfriend stopped, looked at me, laughed and said "hur hur! At least my blood is real!!!! LOLOLOLOLLL!!"

To which I replied,

"Good for you. I hope someone is nice enough to call you an ambulance".


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Age of Mythology taught me a great deal about... Well, mythology in general.
Numerous games have taught me the values of being a good person, and to appreciate the little things in life.


G-mans Henchman
Mar 30, 2011
Age of empires and total war series actually got me interested in history. Games have taught me life lessons like never give up.

Mr Thin

New member
Apr 4, 2010
I've learned a lot from them; about various wars, historical periods and countries through war-games and empire management games.

I can, of course, recognise a few guns as well.

But I can't think of a way a game has actively helped me in real life. There must have been a few times though, I'm sure of it.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Pretty much every game I've played(except the bad ones) have helped me. I used to have serious anger issues until I started gaming then I started to calm down. They help me relax and blow off steam.

Also in recent years I've started using them to help me exercise. Some games I play while on my exercise bike and others I use as a reward if I do well on my run or whatever.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Every game with english text. My english has gotten so good that I've got a 9 for my english exam, if it were only 1 digit lower I wouldn't have passed for my exams.
Oh and persona 4 for teaching fun interesting stuff, though that doesn't really count as help.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Neverwinter Nights 2 gave me a great plot to rip off for my DnD group. And to never trust ANY character named Bishop

Really though, it did teach me to plan ahead for problems, and to always have a backup plan. Because some of the fights could get hard.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Tetris anyone? i learned how to pack my bag for Europe for 2 months. also, Pokemon, yeah that game taught me how to read when i was 8ish, final fantasy taught me about patience. team fortress 2 showed me that you can truely never defeat a whole team by yourself, so it taught me teamwork. halo 3 on xbox live taught me how people can be lil pricks when there's a barrier between themselves. diablo 2 taught me that if it at first doesn't die, then click as fast and as much as possible to kill.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Everything. Okay, not really, but I didn't give a damn about elementary school until I started playing games like Zelda and Pokemon.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I used to play a lot of naval sims, some hardcore ones too. Earlier today I was chatting with a man from the U.S. Navy about radar systems on ships...after a while he stopped and asked; "were you in the Navy, you know an awful lot about this stuff."

Also strategy games helped me learn countries for Geography class. Minecraft with Geometry. I've learned trace amounts of German from several WWII games. And Arma 2 taught me to stay the fuck down when shot at.

And for some weird reason, video games helped me learn how to drive.

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
Silent Hill 2 taught me to deal with my psychological issues and not repress anything, or an evil town will throw rape-monsters at me.
Boo, I'm that monster. ^^

OT: Shadow Of The Colossus taught me that we're all extremely small (nope, I'm not kidding), that even though we are inferior (in size) to the world or universe. We can still accomplish and overcome things much greater than are self's. Be it jobs, school, exams, fears, marriage, kids or defeating a colossi. Do they really differ that much?

In short it taught me, if at first the problem(s) seem overwhelmingly huge. Take a moment to think about it, because there is always away if you just look hard enough.

Helped me more times than I can count.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I met my fiance in a Naxx 25 pug in WoW ;) My spriest got The Trinket that she'd been farming for for several months too that night :) Doing arena and pvp in WoW also helped my reaction times a lot. (not to mention the stupid daily quest bombing runs)

Oh and I play a lot of Hidden Object games which have been really good for my problem solving skills as well as being able to pick objects out of a crowded scene quickly (think I Spy Books crossed with a variety puzzle magazine).

I learned how to shoot the old-fashioned way. At the shooting range with my dad and his .22 rifle. Hey I was 8 at the time. I know how to reload ammo too. :)