Games that made you cry?

Mr Metzger

New member
May 26, 2010
This post will probably contain spoilers so you have been warned.

Anyway, I just finished The Walking Dead game and i have been left stunned. No game has ever hit me with such an emotional punch before. It was just hard to hold back the tears!

Only once have I ever experienced that kind of sadness before and that was with Marley and Me. I know it is not a game but that is the only thing I can think of.

So are there any games that made you cry or made you experience such powerful emotions?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
"And Clem... keep that hair short."



Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
I often hear about how many people were moved by The Walking Dead's ending, and I can understand that, having seen it for myself in my playthrough.

However, I just must have the emotional prowess of a rock, because no video game has ever brought me to tears. Two movies have (The Lion King & Toy Story 3), but there's just something about video games that I can't put my finger on. The same emotions have yet to be stirred from my loins. I was told that The Walking Dead would be the game to do it, and yet my shirt remains unstained by tears.

I suppose it's just different for everybody, though.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Dungeon Siege 3 made me cry.

Realising i'd wasted 8 hours of my life on that shit and i'll never get them back just broke me.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I've never cried at a video game...yet.

But damn, having to do what you do at the end of MGS3 was the closest I've gotten.

And I should be getting TWD tomorrow (well the rest of it, I got the first episode since it was (is?) free) and from what I've heard that's extremely emotional.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Xenosaga episode 3 is the only game that made me cry . I played it for the first time in november . I went through all three game back to back . I had no idea how attached i got to the characters until i got the the end of episode 3. Cried like a little ***** that got spanked by her mom , i did.

Honorable mention goes to Lost oddessey which made me get misty eyed several time with the short stories.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Cry? Nope, no game has done that for me, unless you count Katawa Shoujo which is more of an novel than a game.

Some games has brought a tear to my eye instead of full blown crying, for example Mass Effect series at some points and FF13.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
To the Moon made me weep, The Walking Dead made me well up properly, and I got a little something in my eye a couple of times during various Bioware games.

That's about it though. Usually if something does it, it will be music.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Zhukov said:
"And Clem... keep that hair short."


The rest of the night when I was trying to sleep I had this song stuck in my head:
Dat ending DX


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Mass Effect 3.
Thane and Mordin's death scenes
Only on the first playthrough though, recently played through it for the second time and I didn't find it all that emotional anymore.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
The true ending of Corpse Party made me cry, it still does whenever I watch it actually. Thanks for the good LP Cry, you legend. A text message notification beep has never been more emotionally moving T-T

The ending of Persona 4 made me cry [sub]three times within about 20 minutes but shut up[/sub]

Jynthor said:
Mass Effect 3.
Thane and Mordin's death scenes
Only on the first playthrough though, recently played through it for the second time and I didn't find it all that emotional anymore.
I never even teared up at Mordin's death, I never even felt sad for him. I loved him as a character but he died in the best possible way while being an absolute badass. I doubt he could have died in a better situation.

Oh and shock horror episode 4 of Walking Dead made me cry, for probably different reasons than most people though.

The zombie kid in the attic getting mercy killed? Pffft whatever man. Wait a dead dog? A. DEAD. DOG?! Oh and he gets buried with his master, that's so emotional *cry*

Having pets does that to you. I never like child characters so WD having like 50 of them doesn't help me get emotionally attached.

[sub][sub]That includes you Clementine, you swine...[/sub][/sub]


New member
Mar 30, 2012
The Wykydtron said:
The true ending of Corpse Party made me cry, it still does whenever I watch it actually. Thanks for the good LP Cry, you legend. A text message notification beep has never been more emotionally moving T-T

The ending of Persona 4 made me cry [sub]three times within about 20 minutes but shut up[/sub]

Jynthor said:
Mass Effect 3.
Thane and Mordin's death scenes
Only on the first playthrough though, recently played through it for the second time and I didn't find it all that emotional anymore.
I never even teared up at Mordin's death, I never even felt sad for him. I loved him as a character but he died in the best possible way while being an absolute badass. I doubt he could have died in a better situation.

Oh and shock horror episode 4 of Walking Dead made me cry, for probably different reasons than most people though.

The zombie kid in the attic getting mercy killed? Pffft whatever man. Wait a dead dog? A. DEAD. DOG?! Oh and he gets buried with his master, that's so emotional *cry*

Having pets does that to you. I never like child characters so WD having like 50 of them doesn't help me get emotionally attached.

[sub][sub]That includes you Clementine, you swine...[/sub][/sub]
That's true, and on top of that:
It's not like he had many years left anyway, having such a short life span and all, better to go out like a badass.
Dec 14, 2009
Walking Dead is pure emotional blunt force trauma.

Zhukov said:
"And Clem... keep that hair short."


Oh no, here it comes again...

Fappy said:
Zhukov said:
"And Clem... keep that hair short."


The rest of the night when I was trying to sleep I had this song stuck in my head:
Dat ending DX
I was humming that in the office the day after I played it for the first time :D


New member
Oct 15, 2011
I imagine walking dead once I finish it, but i can only take the game in chunks because it makes me super depressed whenever i play it.

Xenosaga 3

Valkyrie Chronicles


I used to be a stone cold MF'er when i was younger, wouldnt shed a tear at anything. But now that im significantly older im getting sentimental and soft and it doesnt take much to make me cry.

Joseph Harrison

New member
Apr 5, 2010
No game has ever made me cry but then again I'm not really a crying kind of guy seeing as how I haven't cried in like three years. The movie Marley and Me had me shed some manly tears though, which was super embarrassing because I was watching it on a bus on a field trip and all my friends were there.

I guess the closest I've come to a game making me cry was in Mass Effect 3
When Thane died in ME3, the scene in the hospital where you and Kolyat were reading him that last prayer, it made me well up a bit but I did't cry.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
No game at all made me cry really...

At most, I will go "Oh well thats sad"... and thats about it. So far nothing pusehd me more than that, lol.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Persona 4, right at the end, when you leave Inaba, and say goodbye to your friends... *gets teary-eyed*

Persona 3, also at the end, with, well you know...

MGS3 at the end, with Big Boss standing over that grave, the music swelling and a single (manly) tear slipping down his cheek...

If you will excuse me everyone, I think I need to go lie down for a bit... ;_;


New member
Mar 4, 2012
The credits in Conker's Bad Fur Day and Sonic Adventure 2 always get to me, but really because of the music. Not so much what actually happened. The only time anything like this actually happened was...

It was at the climax when Ralph drops down fists first towards the volcano to erupt it and make a beacon that will attract and kill all of the cybugs, preventing them from spreading to all the other games and killing everyone. But then, Valelope used her can to reach him after he broke through the... pellet things and before he fell into the liquid. Speaking of that car, the scene in which he destroyed her car also had pretty much the same effect. Sure it's a movie, but it;s a movie about videogames. Does that count for something?

The Anju and Kafei sidequest didn't do it for me. I actually felt more from the four giants leaving. That's right! LEAVING! Not when they showed up to catch the moon. The part where they all go their separate ways and the camera keeps changing the shot to a slightly more and more zoomed in focus on the Skull Kid hit me the most.

"Remember those zombie movies I used to sneak you into when you were a kid, Zoey?"

"Heh. I remember how mad Mom got when she found out."

"You remember the part in all of 'em when they had to shoot the one guy before he turned?"

"Heh. *sniff* Yeah. We always made fun of that part."

"I love you, Zoey."

"I love you, Dad."