Games that should never be a film

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I think that all good games should never be made into movies, but all terrible games should be, as punishment for their awfulness.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I will say there are some good points in the field of video game movies. Hitman was about as good as can be expected when Sheriff Bullock from Deadwood shaves his head and goes on a shooting spree (that is to say I enjoyed the film) and Super Mario Bros has an honored place as a movie so bad it's good and perfect for a drinking evening of such movies.

But such things are buried by many things: the average Resident Evil films, below average Tomb Raider films, epic horrors such as Alone in the Dark and BloodRayne, and an avalanche of other ones that I forget. One film did make me want to play the game (Doom) but that was only because the film was so unsatisfying I wanted to be reminded of what good there was in the series.

The biggest problem with video game films is that no video game film ever keeps to the storyline of the game at all, but completely revolves it in a way almost designed to piss off the fanboys, best exemplified in Doom when the demons became genetic freaks with an extra chromosome or when the Wing Commander film had Blair's piloting skills explained that he was a "pilgrim" and that the Kilrathi were lizards rather than tigers (well, that's what it looked like). I am fucking terrified of what Max Payne is going to become - all those black wings and harpy-like images in the trailer seem as though it's going to succumb to Indigo Prophecy syndrome (see for background).

My view: games should not be made movies, since the only way such a movie could satisfy would be if it simulated the game environment nigh perfectly. And if that's the case, shouldn't you just play the game if you want the experience?


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Half life definatly. Its not that i think it would make a bad movie but it would KILL the game and the movie would be MADE terrible by the stupid directors.

Not to mention halo. The whole halo story sucks enough as it is please dont make a movie about it...... please.

Out of interest has anyone ever made a first person movie?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
The Reverend post=9.56681.423510 said:
PurpleRain said:
GloatingSwine said:
All of them.
Since I was going to say that, I'm left with nothing to add.
Here Here. Movie producers should just learn to leave games well alone.
Aint that the truth!Games and movies are to completely different things. Well, MGS would be kinda awesome with the right names on it. But the only thing worse than game based movies are movie based games.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Fenixius post=9.56681.423460 said:
Halo should not be a movie. It's a game about shooting things, which doesn't make for a good movie.
lol tell that to rambo or arnold Schwartzenegger (or however that is spelled)

MSORPG pl4y3r

New member
Aug 7, 2008
NEVER turn Half-Life into a film NEVER!!!!! The reason; the first is shite compared to the others whitch are to good to wreck.

also the Jak and Daxter series should stay games, I have more but cant think of them right now.

Jezuz X

New member
Aug 13, 2008
sirdanrhodes post=9.56681.423492 said:
Gran turismo, imposible, the cars can't even be damaged.
You do realize harder difficulties have damage? as far as i rember they do

so dont hold it againtst me if im wrong

some random guy

New member
Nov 4, 2007
Viewtiful Joe: A great game with a ridiculous plot.
Tetris: "In the not too distant future, Mr S Block, the leader of an army of blocks, intend to fill up some rectangular space which somehow will destroy the universe. Some unknown force must stop them by lining them up in rows which makes them disappear!"
Pong: This one doesn't need explaining.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
KOTOR. A)Because I don't trust George Lucas or anyone at Lucasarts to do anything Star Wars movie related. B) They'd most likely go with a light side ending and that doesn't have as much fun in it as the dark side.


New member
May 26, 2008
I hear Fox bought the rights to make a Sims movie.

Going off to check the Bible, Torah and Koran for signs of the apocalypse.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Games that should be made into movies: none off them, we've all know that when they turn movies into games they're shit so why should it be any different with turing games into movies.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
To me , the mortal kombat movies got it right, they took the essence of the games, didnt worry too much about plot and just threw lots of fight scenes and special moves together for 90 minutes, I enjoyed both of them.

I DO think they're trying too hard tho, and going on WOW's cinematics, I think it's a shame they didn't go that route for the upcoming movie, and just spent the spare cash on good quality voice talent.

Max Payne looks good, I'm even not hating Marky Mark Wahlberg for being in it now I've seen the trailer, tho I'm still not sure if there'll be any sense of its own ridiculousness, that I felt in the games.

I only saw the first resi evil, but I thought it was a good fun action movie, its too early on to expect a 'Godfather' or 'Casablanca', but sometimes they can nail a fun 90 minutes, that'll do for me, for now.


New member
Jun 7, 2008
No game should EVER become a movie. Turning a game into a movie removes what makes it good. When you take something complex and simplify it, it is never the same.

Bourne Endeavor

New member
May 14, 2008
StatikShock post=9.56681.423556 said:
Super Mario Brothers was awsome (shut up, it was)
Resident Evil series was great (third one wasnt as good as the first two, but still decent)
Hitman was surprisingly decent.

Everything else has been shit.

VG movies will get made, this is inevitable. I wish the people responsible for these decisions would look at the RE series of movies, and understand what made them do better than any other VG movie ever made. And while I think Hitman shows signs of learning from the success, the amount of movies currently in production seems to say that it was a fluke.

Although, a side note: Id rather have a hundred terrible VG movies, than for movie studios to keep raping my childhood memories with remakes of 80s cartoons.
While I agree with you, the Super Mario Bros. movie was awesome; I must question your sanity when you say the Resident Evil series has been good, especially the first which is the only one I saw. I found it absolutely awful, no actual plot that made much sense, filled to top of the glass with plot holes and horrid acting. The only redeeming quality (and it pains me to use that word here) was the lead actress is good and the lickers are pretty awesome.

I will admit though I was somewhat young when I watched the movie and being I have never so much as touched a survivor horror game in my life, let alone a Resident Evil game. That could be why I despised the movie so much; since without the games you have no idea what the hell is going on. I had some knowledge as my cousins love the series but still.