Games that simply MUST be made

the spaciest

New member
Jul 20, 2011
I'll start the ball rolling; Multiplayer Starship bridge simulator (*cough* Artemis *cough*) FOR MOTHERF*****G OCCULUS. (Or you know, a VR system that isn't owned by creepbook)

You know it's true, you know that such a game simply /i/has/i/ to be made and you know that, if done right, your family would at some stage, find your wrinkled husk, coiled up in your former "captains chair" looking like a dried foetus or some kind of macabre proto-snowboarder. ADMIT IT! Such a game would be so good it would end you.

Seriously, every time I see a bunch of nerds in their kitchen-cum-starship, projector at the fore, stolen office chair at the aft(?) several workstations and ten miles of ethernet proudly displacing any last vestige of maturity, dignity or indeed the likelihood of mating with an optimal member of the opposite sex; I think to myself - "That's so cool, I want to do that!"

But I don't have enough retarded men/women children as friends. And none of us have the space - or can afford a projector... Or have the talent to make a kitchen that smells of cat litter and a decade's worth of unwashed crockery look anything remotely like a fracking starship bridge. (It does contain a fracking toaster though)

But a VR Starship Bridge simulator does away with all that nonsense about real-estate and the acquisition of currency and analogue friends. Your comms officer could literally be sitting in a chair somewhere in Russia, spewing garbled nonsense at your soon-to-be-enemies. Your Asian whiz-kid science officer could literally be somewhere in, well, Asia - you get the point. Internet + VR = non-local embodiment.

And where better to embody your Gibsonian cyber-self; than with a ragtag bunch of cyberspace rascals, on-board the bridge of a cyberspace starship?

OK maybe I'm off base - I genuinely don't know - but I've started the ball rolling. My question to you dear escapists - is what other games simply MUST be made for the betterment of humankind?

Oh and don't worry about some sneaky dev coming along and stealing your genius idea. I mean, unless you're a dev or a genuinely aspiring dev yourself; HOPE that they steal your genius idea. Games are getting stale, we know this, we ***** and moan about this, it's breaking our collective spirit and wearing that naturally cheerful demeanour so dangerously thin...

... So break open a nice bottle of red (£3.00 is a nice vintage right?) and let the symposium begin!


New member
Feb 1, 2014
How about a game based on The Good, The Bad and The infernal? If only so you can fight steam punk native American cyborgs on a literal road train.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
I can think of a number of these, first and foremost among them:

- MegaMan Legends 3, Get MegaMan Off The Goddamn Moon

- A true Breath of Fire sequel, not some shitty ass mobile game

- A Castlevania game set after the events of Symphony of the Night, starring Alucard

- A fighting game that features Asura and Yasha from Asura's Wrath

- A crossover game featuring Dante and Alucard as they battle every manner of undead and demon, ending with Dracula himself

And for this, Capcom must die (preferably quite horribly) so that these games actually have a glimmer of fucking hope of being made.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I'd really want to play a game where you aren't the MC of the story. For example, a team-based RPG where you can't control the leader, just the other guys, and have to protect him from the enemies and help him advance the story.
Of course, this would only work if the MC can also fight by himself, otherwise we would just have a long-ass escort mission (and we all know how much we love those ones, right?).

As an added idea, in the case of an RPG, it would be even more interesting if you can't control the dialogue choices the MC makes when talking to NPCs, but you can affect them with the characters you control (a mage could propose a more intelligent response, for example).


New member
May 5, 2014
Honestly I would love a political thriller game, set in the past (Borgias, Byzantine etc) with RPG elements, where you have more effect on the story with dire consequences. It would also have a mix of stealth.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
There have been a handful of space simulator games in beta recently where you have to build your own ship out of blocks, ie StarMade, Space Engineers, and Blockade Runner. I'd like to see a project like this taken on by a big-name developer and maybe brought up to the scale of more traditional space games like X3.

I'd also like to have seen Notch's project 0x10c come to completion. It would have been like the above but the interesting part was that your ship has a computer that you can write programs for in the assembly language for a real CPU. I really like assembly, but I get far too few excuses to use it. The idea of a programmable spaceship really appealed to me, alas, the project was cancelled.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I want a game where you play as a slasher movie villain.
There would basically be 2 types of gameplay:

1. You're a Jason Vorhees/Michael Myers type villain, a killing machine.
You go up against a bunch of people in a cabin in the woods and you need to pick them off one by one before they notice something's up and run away/kill you.
I picture a lot of stealth type gameplay.

2. You're hiding among the people who you're killing and you need to manage pretending to be one of them as well as putting on a costume and picking them off. You would also be able to frame other people to clear yourself of any suspicion.

Haven't seen a game like that before. Maybe some obscure Indie title but I don't think there is one.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I'd like to have a FLASHPOINT [] game made.

The show Flashpoint is basically an expanded version of the SWAT team (called The Strategic Response Unit in the show). They are a specialized cop force that handles just about everything. Hostage negotiations? Send SRU. Bomb threats? SRU. High Risk Search Warrant? SRU. Similar to the real life SWAT team, unless they are absolutely forced to, lethal force is the very last option.

Being able to do all the SRU things (maybe some "Walking Dead"-esque negotiations, some SWAT 4-style storming, etc) would be an absolute awesome game, ESPECIALLY if they keep to teh spirit of SRU and force you to do everything in your power before you are authorized to use lethal force.

In fact, this would basically be an expanded version of SWAT 4. That is just as acceptable to me. I want a brand new SWAT game.

the spaciest

New member
Jul 20, 2011
Oh things are heating up, I like it...


wAriot said:
I'd really want to play a game where you aren't the MC of the story. For example, a team-based RPG where you can't control the leader, just the other guys, and have to protect him from the enemies and help him advance the story.
Of course, this would only work if the MC can also fight by himself, otherwise we would just have a long-ass escort mission (and we all know how much we love those ones, right?).

As an added idea, in the case of an RPG, it would be even more interesting if you can't control the dialogue choices the MC makes when talking to NPCs, but you can affect them with the characters you control (a mage could propose a more intelligent response, for example).
Every time (which is rare these days) that I play a pencil and paper RPG; I sit there bored to tears, losing every trace of hope for humanity, as my so-called friends, unabashedly bare their inner psyche by rolling up power-fantasy, super-badass, mega-wank characters. In doing so they force me to choose the only sane alternative and I say something along the lines of "... Umm I'd like to be just 'some guy' and my 'super-power' is not being a retard, with a side serving of dumb luck." It rarely goes down well and that's the reason I don't RPG anymore.

also THIS

HardkorSB said:
I want a game where you play as a slasher movie villain.
There would basically be 2 types of gameplay:

1. You're a Jason Vorhees/Michael Myers type villain, a killing machine.
You go up against a bunch of people in a cabin in the woods and you need to pick them off one by one before they notice something's up and run away/kill you.
I picture a lot of stealth type gameplay.

2. You're hiding among the people who you're killing and you need to manage pretending to be one of them as well as putting on a costume and picking them off. You would also be able to frame other people to clear yourself of any suspicion.

Haven't seen a game like that before. Maybe some obscure Indie title but I don't think there is one.
I'm fairly sure I played a weird Japanese PSX title that had at least some similarities to the above and it was as awesome as it was inscrutable. I say 'fairly sure' because I may have dreamed it. I'd give the game extra points if it appeared that the slasher was male and the victims, female - but then it turns out that every single character is trans-gender. Because, you know, it would give the neo-fems such a weird lady-boner.

Seriously they're all good, keep 'em coming!


New member
Apr 7, 2014
I'm hoping for action-games to get back to basics and strip away the lenghty combos and RPG-elements in favor of fast-paced, no-nonsense gameplay. Less Devil May Cry influenced, more 2D Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi influenced.

I'm basically hoping for the Super Meat Boy of action-games. The genre distilled to its purest form and perfected.


New member
Aug 10, 2014
A few ideas come to mind

1. A Star Craft II FPS --- being one of Rainer's Raiders would be cool or just a colonial Marine trying to win back his freedom. ( In SC lore, many Marines are prisoners on parole for service ).

2. A Robotech/MACROSS flight sim game. I've always wanted to see what Project Aces ( Ace Combat Series) could do with their current engine for the Macross saga. I don't know if I want to start over during the Zentradi-SDF 1 wars, maybe sometime later, say Macross Plus. What ever the case, I don't think this series was really treated well and the games we had were mediocre.

3. Updates and remastered version of Star Flight --- with large worlds you can actully explore and a strong thrilling story to follow plus a multitude of characters and depth.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
GiantRaven said:
Why the fuck is there not a Captain Falcon action beat em up?
Remember Mace Griffon: Bounty Hunter? Well nobody does...anyway, why isn't THAT game's core concept (you are a bounty hunter travelling the galaxy and...ya know...doing stuff) translated over into a Captain Falcon game?! There can be a free-flying Galaxy bit, various planets to explore...unlike MG:BH though I would like it to be open world...well...multiple open worlds.


I'm still really annoyed that Rock Band: Japan never happened.

Why hasn't there been a Destroy All Humans game since the 2008?

Why hasn't there been a Wario Land game since Wario World in 2003?

I can't really think of anything else off of the top of my head...


New member
Jan 19, 2010
MirenBainesUSMC said:
A few ideas come to mind

1. A Star Craft II FPS --- being one of Rainer's Raiders would be cool or just a colonial Marine trying to win back his freedom. ( In SC lore, many Marines are prisoners on parole for service ).
Hey,what about Starcraft: Ghost? You know,the Starcraft FPS that was supposed to star Nova,but got cancelled for one reason or another? Anyways...

The Legend of Dragoon: The Dragon Campaign. The Legend of Dragoon ties up pretty much every loose end EVER. No room for a sequel. But the Dragon Campaign,a major historic event,is CONSTANTLY brought up. It has HUGE historic precedent. It was the war that freed Humanity and the other "Lesser Races" from the subjugation of the Wingly Empire. And most records of the event are lost. I'd love to see a game of the event,considering it was a long and VERY bloody war.

...That,and I wanna see how Rose and Zeig interact without being on opposite ends of a sword...

Steve Waltz

New member
May 16, 2012
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the WiiU.

The whole multiplayer version of that game demanded us use a GBA as a controller so we could have a screen in our hands. Now Nintendo has a controller with a screen built in--give us a port of Crystal Chronicles for the WiiU! I want one, so bad, yo!


New member
Jun 28, 2010
A Samurai Jack 2D brawler, preferably in the style of Shank. Now that hand-drawn animation for games has gotten this far, there is no excuse.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
A game where you play as a dungeon master. You have the ability to create very elaborate dungeons, similar to the level of Zelda dungeons. You can add monster and traps. At the end of the dungeon, in the final room you're the boss of the dungeon.

The dungeon is invaded by heroes who are all controlled by other player. They have to fight their way through the dungeon and kill the dungeon master. Since all the monster you can summon are ridiculously powerful, the heroes need to work together in order to beat the dungeon. Puzzles would need several player working together to solve them.

Thinking about it, it would have a dungeon editor mode that would be as good as the Warcraft TFT map editor. Except you would be more limited in how much you can change the powers of the minions and you wouldn't be able to change the stats of the heroes, obviously.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
A proper current age version of Microprose's Magic the Gathering:

ProJared did an entertaining video on this game (about time) so check it out if you need a reminder of it's amazing potential...[link][/link]

Beyond that I'd love to see an RPG or MMORPG whose focus was entirely on getting players to the fun as quickly as possible.
- No running through waves and waves of monsters to get to the interesting part.
- No more spending minutes of backtracking or even just fast traveling to cities just to talk to a quest giver/return a quest.
- No more tedious stretches of running or even stretches of sitting on a mount

Take out all the bullshit that easily quadruples these games length and just give the players the tools to jump into the fun right away. If players want to explore naturally they can...but give others the option to cut out needless grind. This has been a severe problem forever. It's most noticeable in MMO's but even games with fast travel systems like Mass Effect 2, Skyrim and Dragon Age 2 greatly suffer from it.

If it made a game like Dragon Age 2 go from 40 hours to 6 hours than I say GREAT! That would be 6 hours of awesome without all the inevitable filler we've seen from these genres since the beginning.

How would you do this? simply cuts. Do you need to talk to person X in another town as part of your quest? Great. Upon completion of said quest the game cuts to that interaction. Your character than either returns to town or their quest location whatever makes sense given the situation.

Need to buy/sell gear and manage inventory? Great. Just do this IN your inventory at any point in the game. There's no reason to force people to run back to town to talk to a shopkeeper and do this stuff. It's realistic, sure, but it's boring and adds NOTHING positive to the game. Simply let us manage all this stuff at any time. Almost like FF13's orbs but instead this is just part of your inventory. When you meet a new shop you add their purchase options to your list. No more backtracking to shops, ever. If this is too jarring for the player the game could even cut to that merchant NPC when purchasing stuff to imply that traveled to that town to do business with them and then cut back to your location on the map.


New member
Aug 31, 2014
BiH-Kira said:
A game where you play as a dungeon master. You have the ability to create very elaborate dungeons, similar to the level of Zelda dungeons. You can add monster and traps. At the end of the dungeon, in the final room you're the boss of the dungeon.

The dungeon is invaded by heroes who are all controlled by other player. They have to fight their way through the dungeon and kill the dungeon master. Since all the monster you can summon are ridiculously powerful, the heroes need to work together in order to beat the dungeon. Puzzles would need several player working together to solve them.

Thinking about it, it would have a dungeon editor mode that would be as good as the Warcraft TFT map editor. Except you would be more limited in how much you can change the powers of the minions and you wouldn't be able to change the stats of the heroes, obviously.
There's Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2 on
There's also some shitty mobile game stuffed up in every orifice with micro-transactions, where some blocks can take up to 24 REAL hours to be dug up. And EA is responsible for it (As always). Get DK1 and DK2 at GOG, it's pretty much that.