Games that were objectively terrible, but you loved anyway


New member
Sep 30, 2013
My cousin and I once got together for a weekend and plowed through Sonic '06. We were unaware of the public opinion and, while the story was shit on a biscuit, we just saw it as a decent platform game that was colorful and had plenty of variety.

Simple Bluff

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Does anyone remember the Harry Potter games on the PS1? I played the shit outta them. Maybe I didn't know any better, maybe I was too engrossed in the world to notice the awkward gameplay, but they were some of my faveorite games in the PS1 era.

Although I would never call them "objectively terrible." They had problems, but Lord knows they weren't the worst movie tie-in games.


New member
Aug 17, 2013
Exhuminator said:
For me it has to be King's Field : The Ancient City. It gets a 60 on Metacritic. Honestly, I can understand initially why someone would not like this game. The controls are unwieldy, movement and combat is slow, and you can die within 5 seconds of starting out. However, for those who persevere, The Ancient City becomes an amazing experience. You get used to the controls, movement and combat speed increases as weapons and levels improve, and eventually you learn how not to die. From then on, you're free to explore an amazing world full of incredible atmosphere, devious puzzles, and fearsome beasts galore. Basically, The Ancient City is kinda Demon's Souls, except in first person. Which makes sense, as the games were made by the same developer.
I don't think a low score on metacritic makes a game objectively terrible :p

I guess something like Tekken 2 has to be my answer. It's such a pile of s**t but i still love it. Mainly nostalgia though, because god knows it's not a very solid game by todays standards, and even back then stuff like Street Fighter 2 was above and beyond really.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
Not one from my childhood, but AMY I actually liked, but It was the first survival horror game I played, and all I knew was combat shouldn't be great, controls should be meh, and I should feel cautious at the very least.


New member
May 13, 2010
Tenchu Z. It is objectively bad, the gameplay is boring and repetetive, enemy AI is horrible, missions and story make little to no sense, and the sound is horrible.

But god damnit I love me some ninjas! Tenchu Z is bloody amazing.


New member
Aug 13, 2011
Simple Bluff said:
Does anyone remember the Harry Potter games on the PS1? I played the shit outta them. Maybe I didn't know any better, maybe I was too engrossed in the world to notice the awkward gameplay, but they were some of my faveorite games in the PS1 era.

Although I would never call them "objectively terrible." They had problems, but Lord knows they weren't the worst movie tie-in games.
I personally loved the first harry potter ps1 game myself. However the gameboy colour HP and the philosopher's stone holda special place in my heart. Its an RPG but its the most basic RPG ever, and I love it.


New member
May 8, 2008
While I can´t say it was a terrible game per se, lots of people think it is, so I´ll use it.
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor.


Yeah, I loved it. It was a WW2 style mech military simulator, and lot´s of stuff people find frustrating (waiting for an enemy, sometimes very short missions etc...), I loved, because in the military, you don´t fight 90% of your time...Combat is more like 2% of a military experience. So I liked that the game build in "off time" where you suddenly get ambushed, but the first 5 or so minutes you sit around on your ass and talk to people.

The issue with the Kinect controls...I had no issue what so ever. Even in a cramped, dark room at midnight with only the TV giving off light the game registered me fairly well.
After playing the tutorial, I dissabled ALL INDICATORS AND HELPS showing me what to grab, and simply started engraving the nessesary moves into my brain via muscle memory. Much easier then trying to do some misleading move that actually doesn´t work at all.
Also, I see alot of people playing, who complain about the controls, and don´t do a SINGLE move right. If you wanna get into the gunner view, you simply move both hands forward WHILE HOLDING ON TO the controller...seen people lay it down infront of them for no reason, and while picking it back up, the game thinks you want to get out again.
Of course it´s frustrating if you confuse the game about what you want?

I figured out the controls by myself and after I became good at those, it was a pretty nice experience.
Challenging missions, gripping combat and an athmosphere to die for, hearing what sounds like footsteps on your mech, opening the hatch to find it stuck, and then forcing it open to reveal a MANGLED CORPSE fell on it and is now in your face...
"You okay sarge?" indeed....

I liked the crew interaction, every crew member had a personality, and if you didn´t savescum, people died like flies if you played like an idiot.

That isn´t to say it´s perfect. There where some control hickups here and there, and everytime you stood up you had to "recalibrate". Also some controls would fit better on the controler, like changing ammo on the X and Y buttons for example, or a voice prompt...
I mean, the loader sits right next to me, why do I have to push a button infront of me to tell HIM what ammo I want? Just tell him.
And, bar a few exceptions, silent protagonist...he needed more lines other then screaming the name of a dying friend and narrating the intro.

But yeah, I had my fun, it wasn´t "Unplayable" as IGN or Yahtzee would say, atleast for me, and most people I watched playing on youtube or the like failed totally at even the basic moves, to the point of me PMing them telling them how it´s done.


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2010
Ironshroom said:
For me, this was a little vehicular combat game on the PS2 called Motor Mayhem. It was for all intents and purposes Twisted Metal, but I had no idea what that was at the time, so I clinged onto Motor Mayhem and didn't stop playing for ages.
Who else had that game that was critically panned, but you loved all the same
That game was awesome!

Greats level design, cool weapons and drivers as well as a fairly competent AI. I loved that game.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Simple Bluff said:
Does anyone remember the Harry Potter games on the PS1? I played the shit outta them. Maybe I didn't know any better, maybe I was too engrossed in the world to notice the awkward gameplay, but they were some of my faveorite games in the PS1 era.

Although I would never call them "objectively terrible." They had problems, but Lord knows they weren't the worst movie tie-in games.
Oh man, I still remember that part in the sorcerer's stone (or philosopher's stone because UK) where you had to go get fire seeds to help hagrid hatch his dragon egg.

Wow. I mean, spells actually took skill to cast and everything. You even had potions class. I think most of the school was actually very well detailed. Even if nearly headless nick still had to tell you to use your cross button.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I liked a few LJN games. They were... almost competent.

Also, Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei (literally, Classmate Goddess Reincarnation. It's quite suprising how almost nobody likes this game. And if you ask a Persona fan about it, they'll just look at you and think, "What the fuck is Shin Megami Tensei?")

Still better than Pokemon.


Dec 3, 2010
Pretty much only played the bigger titles as a kid. Never anything obscure or bad.
I guess Prince of Persia: Warrior Within would count though. Not sure what the general opinion about the game is, apart from "way worse than Sands of Time", but as a kid I fucking loved it. Had never played a dark, gritty game before and the platforming/combat was extremely cool to me.

On the downside I was a bit too young to understand simple mechanics and my English wasn't nearly as fluent as it is today, so I never got very far. If my memory serves I got stuck in the beginning of the clocktower level which is maybe halfway through the game(only played it through once with the HD collection).


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I liked Wanted: Weapons of Fate quite a lot. Cool mechanics and action scenes.

Also some people say that Postal 2 sucks but I love it!


New member
Mar 30, 2011
The 'Splatterhouse' reboot.

The game had bugs out the wazoo, horrendous loading times, QTEs that took way too long and got old fast, and not nearly enough enemy variety, yet for some reason I found myself loving the game. I loved the Lovecraftian/'Reanimator' plot and setting, and something about playing a brutish character who quite literally beats everything to death with his bare hands was kind of cool.

Plus you can beat enemies with their arms that you just ripped off, now that's COLD!


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At Worlds End for the Wii. It was one of the most shoddily crafted games I've ever played aside from Lego Star Wars II for the DS. Not only does it present the movie's plot in a confusing way, and it had some of the most hilariously bad cutscenes I've ever seen in a game. For instance, if you replay a level with a different player character, the player character replaces the level's proper character in the cutscenes.Yes, you can watch Will Turner talking to himself or Davy Jones dancing on the Black Pearl while holding a jar of dirt.

And yet, it was just so fun pretending to swordfight with a Wii remote, the gameplay was engaging most of the time, and it actually provided good exercise. It's the biggest 'guilty pleasure' of a game I ever had.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
dylanmc12 said:
I liked a few LJN games. They were... almost competent.

Also, Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei (literally, Classmate Goddess Reincarnation. It's quite suprising how almost nobody likes this game. And if you ask a Persona fan about it, they'll just look at you and think, "What the fuck is Shin Megami Tensei?")

Still better than Pokemon.
I thought it was generally considered pretty good? It's the SNES update of the first two Megami Tensei games on NES, right?

Has the fan translation been finished yet?

OT: I loved Sonic Unleashed. Even the night levels, so there.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Clayfighter 63&1/3rd.
Sweet Jesus is that game terrible... and I still love it for no good reason. Maybe it's because it was a game from my childhood, or maybe it's 'cause I can still remember how to do the combos, lol.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Soldier of Fortune is a first person shooter from 2000 that has aged really poorly. Even back then, it was full of stupid enemies, boring level design, floaty controls, and the absolute worst kind of Hollywood ripoff storyline... but goddamn, does the dismemberment system tap into your scary dark side. If you have a really bad day and just hate the world, this is the game to play for that misanthropic itch.



New member
Apr 3, 2010
Wurm online

 Beautifully rendered full 3D world on the Java engine

Animated GIF of actual combat!

VIP ship docking.

a cruddy-looking, low-tech, exceptionally arcane and grindy survival MMO that was incredibly deep. The best part about it is how you could change the landscape, claim/control areas, and make a permanent impact on the world. Build a house and fence off an area only you have the key to, grief hilariously by breaking into someone's shit at night to steal their carts, build a "great wall" of brick walls or grow a dangerous thorn forest of trolly cockblocking, or literally move a mountain (reserve a solid year of your time for that one.)

Half the comments me and my buddies ever had about this MMO was how crappy it was but at the same time so much fun. But we didn't stop playing, I guess it's kind of like huffing turds to get high (I think that's a thing,) but we had the best times of our lives playing this game.

My absolute shining golden moment of trollitude was when I built the deepest pit my skill level would allow on top of a hill during the wee hours of the morning when no one was on (as these were illegal for reasons that will soon be explained) for the sole purpose of being a noob trap so they'd fall in and break their legs. I laid low in the troll cave my friends and I lived in upon its completion. This quickly grew to be an attraction the next day when someone fell in and died, spread word of the outrage perpetrated against them, and then there were nearly 10 other players all gathered around it as well as my friends and I, ecstatic hysterics barely contained, playing the roles of innocent looky-loos. Many of the other players fell in while approaching too closely trying to gawk. They'd fall and injure their feet, not have the stamina to climb back out due to injury, fall back down from lack of stamina, repeat until dead. Once dead, many would try to recover all their gear they had left down on their dead bodies, and died all over again. It caused such a calamity that an admin, Enki, had to come in and execute a command to fill the hole with new dirt. The next night while my friends and I were alone, giddy with the most potent excitement for pranking of my entire life, we altogether now re-dug the hole in the same spot. When events once-again proceeded as before, the same admin came in and exclaimed "I JUST FILLED THIS HOLE!" and nobody was ever the wiser.

The lols had WERE COMPLETELY EPIC among my friends and I but we had to follow the troll's code not to reveal our secrets, despite many people applauding our anonymous success at "epic trolling." Trolls never admit when they're trolling, but I think the statute of limitations (5-6 years ago) on that particular act has passed, and now I can claim my infamy! Matter of fact, my character name, MHR is the same as my profile name here, and my signature can be seen on the first and only colossus built on the Serenity server though. Yep, that's my colossus that took a week to build with friends in Shoehorn cove, a terrible place that we settled and gave a terrible name XD. I went by a different name I can't recall the time I dug the trollhole so many years ago.

It's my understanding that Wurm Online is the game Notch was working on before he got fired for being lazy and went on to make Minecraft.