Games that you will never play. Ever.


New member
Aug 12, 2009

Well, never say never, but I don't think I'll be playing Rule of Rose in this lifetime.
Not because it is bad or anything, but because of the freakin' price tag.

That's really the only game of which I am pretty sure. I've played many games of genres I don't like - either trying them out or just playing them for shits and giggles with friends. On top of that, I don't really hate any developer so much that I won't play their games. Also, I generally avoid shovelware, but that doesn't mean I will never be put in a position where I end up playing a game anyway for whatever reason.

But Rule of Rose... Yeah, I think that's a long shot.

That and pretty much every game that never left Japan.


New member
May 11, 2013
Don't get me wrong, it looks like a decent game, but I'm never going to play it out of principle. Gearbox are assholes. They flat out lied about Aliens: Colonial Marines and scammed money off Sega, leading to them cancelling support for the game. They just flat out rushed Duke Nukem Forever, and although I know that after 13 years they could never live up to the hype, I'd rather wait 16 years for a decent game than 13 years for something they just rushed out to cash in.
Gearbox disgust me for many reasons. They're dishonest, they're overrated (Yes, Borderlands is good, but it's their ONLY good game, and their Half-Life stuff was ports) They do shit on par with EA, but no-one calls them out on this! It's absurd! Why?!!
...I'm going to have a bath now...


New member
Dec 25, 2013
Custer's Revenge was the first game that came to my mind, and I stick by it.

I'm also never going to play any of the games Extra Credits listed in their Propaganda Games episode.

And... I won't say "never", but one of the games I'm absolutely scared of playing is I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, and it's likely I'll never play it. Then again, I was terrified to play Papers, Please, and I got through it, and gained a better understanding of the value of saving up (I have a spending problem IRL).


New member
Dec 5, 2008
World of Warcraft.

I know many people feel it's the pinnacle of the MMORPG, and they may well be right. I'm not saying it's a bad game.

But early on, I knew too many people who "disappeared" into it for months. And even if that weren't still the case, I don't have the patience to deal with the impatience I would inevitably encounter from many veteran players who would see me as a "newb".

...Putting aside the subscription fee, my mounting Steam backlog, and, y'know, real life.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
95% of modern FPSes for me, which may sound odd considering some of my favourite games ever, like Doom I/II and the Half-Life series are FPSes. I think it's largely because a lot of them just don't feel that distinct from each other, compared to the difference between, say, Duke 3D and Rise of the Triad.


Elder Dragon
Jan 6, 2013
For me its the GTA games. I don't understand the appeal in these games,aside from just dicking around in the free roam, sandbox games are ALWAYS fun like that, but the main story missions, storylines, and characters just always felt really poorly done when I played them. I know a lot of people like them though, but the GTA series just isn't for me.

Lately its also been a lot of Ubisoft games on PC. Everytime they release the PC version of the game, I have horrible luck with them, and so do a LOT of other players. Far Cry 3 was particularly offensive in this regard as I, and by the looks of things about 40% of the people who bought the game on PC, were unable to play it due to instabilities, bugs and crashes resulting from a poorly optimized PC port. It's not like I have a bad PC either, I'm running 16GB of RAM, GTX680, and an i7 processor. I tried every fix that I could find and NONE of them worked. Several of my friends ran into the same issues. Also would it kill Ubisoft to actually adjust the UI a bit to make it PC friendly? From the half hour of gameplay I had between crashes, the UI was clunky and set up on a D-Pad configuration and a fucking quick select wheel. I have a keyboard and mouse, let me use them.

What annoys me the most is that the game looks FANTASTIC. The glimpses of the world, systems, mechanics, and gameplay looked AMAZING, and Vaas (or whatever the main villain's name was) was a very interesting and genuinely TERRIFYING individual.

I can play high end PC games no problem, but Ubisoft titles have lately been very poorly ported in terms of stability.

As much as I want to play Watch Dogs, I won't be pre-ordering and I won't be picking it up until several months have passed so most of the inevitable AAA game launch bugs have been resolved, NVIDIA updates its drivers several times to cope with what I will assume is an unstable port, and reports of crashing and unplayability are fewer then at launch.

And even then I may not get it so I won't spend money on a bunch of broken code.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
MMOs, MOBAs, Halo(really bad experience the one time I DID try it so never again), COD, any sports game(I'd prefer to play sports in person rather than game), and that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

And anything that forces me to play randomized online multiplayer. I don't do well with randomised online multiplayer games. The levels of harassment I've been subjected to in randomized online multiplayer isn't worth it to me playing multiplayer with people I don't know. And it's not beneficial to my mental health either and that comes first for me.


New member
Apr 11, 2014
There's probably quite a few for all different reasons..

There are lots of indie games that I've seen people play online and look like they're pretty fun, but that I just don't feel I'll get much use out of, games like Prison Architect or Hotline Miami. There are also games I've seen online that having seen them I just have no drive to go play them myself. For example, after watching Spoony's review I have little interest in playing Final Fantasy VIII.

And finally there are games that just aren't my thing and have never really interested the top of my head Crysis, Dead Rising, Killzone and I'm sure many more.

Oh, and Flappy Birds.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
IceForce said:
Dark Souls.

I'm not interested in the genre, I'm not a fan of crushing difficulty in games, and the elitism of the fanbase has put me right off playing it, permanently.
You beat me to it...what clenched it for me though was the video Beardman did on it:

(Note; the review thing doesn't really start until the 5-minute mark)

I'm mildly interested in Demon's Soul but would rather just stay away from that series.


I don't see myself playing any actual Spectrum, 3DO or, Famicom Disc games...really if you name an obscure console I don't think I'll play on it.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Sports sims. Mario Sports is fine, and fun, but things like EA Sports are a big "NO."

Until about a month ago, I'd also have said "anything made by Zynga," due to their scummy business practices. But then I had to play Farmville for work. I am serious.
I work at a computer repair shop and a woman came in with her laptop saying that it would crash whenever she tried to play Farmville and wanted us to fix it. I don't remember what the issue was, but after I fixed it my boss told me to test it out by playing Farmville. I had no choice in the matter, and I felt dirty for days afterward.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Anything that looks like it's a shit game... I hate to rule out entire genres but if I had to pick one it would be JRPGs. I just don't like the style of most of them.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Arqus_Zed said:

Well, never say never, but I don't think I'll be playing Rule of Rose in this lifetime.
Not because it is bad or anything, but because of the freakin' price tag.
Same. It's a shame, because it seems really interesting. Hopefully it'll be released as a PS2 classic someday or something.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2011
Half Life 3.

Because it's NEVER COMING OUT!!! D:

Though more seriously, Mass Effect 3. Just... Why did that game have to be Origin exclusive? Mass Effect 1 and 2 are sitting pretty in my Steam library, and all because of money I'm stuck with a blank spot where ME3 should be sat.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Any Final Fantasy game. JRPGs bore me at the best of times, but a series as overly contrived, milked and hyped as FF? No thank you.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Ohh, lots of games on that list. But, the one that I can absolutely guarantee that I will never play is World of Warcraft. I have no idea why it is so popular, and frankly I don't care.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
Any MMORPGs. I don't get enough time to play a SP game these days!

Also not a fan of sports games (although I love football/soccer, I don't want to play it in a game).

But the top of my list would be Call of Duty. I have seen videos/heard stories about 'enthusiastic' players that have put me off for life.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
I won't play the half life games. I missed them when they were new and innovative, so now they have nothing to offer me.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
MMOs. I started playing in the first age of MMOs where these "new worlds" were a new electronic frontier. The games were about exploring to find new places to level and adventure. Then Wrath of The Lich King came out, which changed the genre forever turning it to nothing but gear mills. The adventure of exploring a new frontier is lost.