Games to train a non-gamer with?


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Fable 2.

I can't stand it, but it would be a decent stepping stone for a new gamer.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Gears of War 2 (NOT ONE! 1 is a bit too brutal even on Casual for a starting gamer), any Halo although I'd avoid ODST for newbies due to a bunch of somewhat unnecessary things, Modern Warfar 1 or 2, or World at War. All of those pretty much give you somewhere to start with shooters that's somewhat new-player friendly.

I think Fable would be pretty good for an RPG starter, but go with the original. It's better and stuff.

RTS isn't big with console gaming, nor are MMOs, so I think shooters and RPGs about cover it without going into the out there stu- Oh! Wait! Platformers! If you need an intro in platformers that's available on the 360, I'd say Mirror's Edge would be okay. Plus if they can handle Mirror's Edge's platforming controls they'll be ready for just about everything else platforming can throw at them.

Also as much as it pains me to say this I would recommend Soul Calibur 4 as something that can be played on the 360 for fighter games. But if you can find something better or even just get this person playing Soul Calibur 2 or 3 instead I'd do that. As I've said previously, Soul Calibur 4 can fuck itself with a claw hammer. 2 and 3 and hell even the original were absolute shining gems coated in gold studded with platinum and more gems, while 4 just ruined everything they'd done for the fighter genre.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
kwagamon said:
Gears of War 2 (NOT ONE! 1 is a bit too brutal even on Casual for a starting gamer), any Halo although I'd avoid ODST for newbies due to a bunch of somewhat unnecessary things, Modern Warfar 1 or 2, or World at War. All of those pretty much give you somewhere to start with shooters that's somewhat new-player friendly.

I think Fable would be pretty good for an RPG starter, but go with the original. It's better and stuff.

RTS isn't big with console gaming, nor are MMOs, so I think shooters and RPGs about cover it without going into the out there stu- Oh! Wait! Platformers! If you need an intro in platformers that's available on the 360, I'd say Mirror's Edge would be okay. Plus if they can handle Mirror's Edge's platforming controls they'll be ready for just about everything else platforming can throw at them.

Also as much as it pains me to say this I would recommend Soul Calibur 4 as something that can be played on the 360 for fighter games. But if you can find something better or even just get this person playing Soul Calibur 2 or 3 instead I'd do that. As I've said previously, Soul Calibur 4 can fuck itself with a claw hammer. 2 and 3 and hell even the original were absolute shining gems coated in gold studded with platinum and more gems, while 4 just ruined everything they'd done for the fighter genre.
If we're talking about teaching a non-gamer to play fighters, trust me, the ACTUAL iteration of SC won't make a difference. They won't be able to tell the difference at the start anyway.

And SC is terrible choice for teaching people how to play fighting games. The amount of system knowledge inherently required just to perform is immense. SF2 might be a better choice.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Oh, just re-read the question. Only shooters? I wouldn't start there, personally. But, if you insist... Yeah, actually, Halo is probably the best place to start. You specified shooters, and Halo is nothing if not *the* shooter, the one from which all of our current shooters take all but the basic run-shoot-findammo inspiration from.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Give her a dose of Halo or MW2 and Gears of War, try to add some stealth and RPG titles in it. Add water and boom....profit?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
It's been said before but I think Portal works very well. The game requires you to move in a 3D environment without much time pressure. And can be taken at a slow pace.

Then perhaps L4D as it is good to start out with enemies that don't shoot back.


Seer of Light
Aug 16, 2009
Zillar said:
So, I'm friends with a couple. The guy loves video games and the girl doesn't, but she wants to get good at them. She's asking me to help her out so that she'll (eventually) be able to kick her boyfriend's ass.

I'd like to know what you all think would be some good games to get her started. I was thinking about starting with the first Halo and going through the Pillar of Autumn level, due to the fact that the tutorial is pretty basic and Halo is such an iconic game. That one "training" special ops mission in MW2 would be good as well, but those are pretty much all I can think of.

So the requirements are that they need to be shooters (not necessarily first person), available for the Xbox 360 and multiplayer, and not too artsy/unconventional/weird. Not games like Wet or Portal or Dragon Age. Hopefully I'll actually get to her to enjoy playing video games :p
Only FPSs? I would have suggested something else...

Like Soul Caliber, or something. The first time I played that was a few days ago, and my friend had been playing for months. I beat him, every single time. Sure, its a fighting game, but still...

But, if you insist...

Okay, I suggest showing her something like MW2 first. It's good fun, and if she gets the combat down, it will transfer over to other games. Try the Halo games as well.
After she's reasonably alright, show her Half Life 2, Oblivion, Fallout 3...

And yes, you need to show her Portal. Not at first, but it is an increadible game, and she needs to play it.

Plus, Portal 2 is coming out soon, and it has co~op!

Good luck, and all.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Let her play F.E.A.R. with the volume all the way up and the lights off. Seriously my heart is still killing me from playing it just a while ago. ...Then again I've been told I'm a sissy with horror games.

Duke Machine

New member
Aug 27, 2008
Zeetchmen said:
Dont drag your friend into the depravity of being a gamer
Well I didn't think it was that bad. And now for my contribution to this forum...Anything out of the Orange Box, and maybe Bioshock, not the best shooter ever but its a good one to get your feet wet with.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Left 4 dead is pretty good for beginners since you can play with them and help them get through.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Zillar said:
So, I'm friends with a couple. The guy loves video games and the girl doesn't, but she wants to get good at them. She's asking me to help her out so that she'll (eventually) be able to kick her boyfriend's ass.

I'd like to know what you all think would be some good games to get her started. I was thinking about starting with the first Halo and going through the Pillar of Autumn level, due to the fact that the tutorial is pretty basic and Halo is such an iconic game. That one "training" special ops mission in MW2 would be good as well, but those are pretty much all I can think of.

So the requirements are that they need to be shooters (not necessarily first person), available for the Xbox 360 and multiplayer, and not too artsy/unconventional/weird. Not games like Wet or Portal or Dragon Age. Hopefully I'll actually get to her to enjoy playing video games :p
its been said about 8 times i think halo the first 3 and she should be good for FPS games. Now if you have a gamecube or a Wii get her to play animal crossing or sonic adventure battle 2 both of those got my sister hooked.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
well, if the goal is to get her up to speed so she can BEAT her boyfriend, it might just be easier to get her to play the game she wants to beat him in, and then just train her in good FPS discipline like cover, target leading, and different weapon usage.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
I'd start her off with basic games from each genre, to see what she is good at and likes. then give her some more complicated stuff, like Assassin's Creed, or the force unleashed, or a platformer, not like mirror's edge, like Prince of persia. (the Original Sands of Time trilogy, the new ones they have out are just shit) L4D 1 and 2 are always good as begining shooters.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
To start off with, games like World of Goo or Portal are good, where there's no pressure or time based challenges (well portal has a few, but they're later on) and a lot of the fun is derived from the mechanics themselves. They're games where most of the work is in your head, so a non-gamer would be on near equal footing to a seasoned gamer for the most part.
Then Mario Galaxy, to show the wonder of platforming. It's a must.

Finally, Fallout 3. You'll need to play it with them to explain how everything works, but V.A.T.S makes it very easy for first time players. I got my girlfriend to play fallout 3 for about 5 hours yesterday. She did drop the controller in terror when she got ambushed by mirelurks though. :D