Games we want but aren't holding our breath for


New member
Oct 8, 2012
So I know its coming out fairly soon but I'm going to just end up waiting on the Witcher 3. I absolutely adored the Witcher 2 but had to download a god code mod just to get through the parts of the game that I liked because the combat was so heinous. So I fully expect the Witcher 3 to be the same. I am really looking forward to playing the next installment into an interesting and in depth story but I will just wait for 1. the modding community to produce a god code and 2. for it to go on sale because there's no way I'm paying full price for a game I have to mod in order to enjoy.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Mikejames said:
And the teaser trailers with no follow-up are just cruel.
Ugh. Don't even get me started on that BS.

I know it's practically been a decade, but the fact that Shafer continues to say that he's willing to work on it if he just had the resources gives me a painful little glimmer of hope.
Yeah, but sadly Schafer says a lot of things nowadays. It's hard to know when he's being serious, when he's being facetious, or when he's just being nostalgic.

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Just the other day someone asked me if there were any old games that I thought had a lot of potential, but failed to live up to that potential. And if so, would any of them benefit from a contemporary remake or sequel.

I thought about it for a bit. Mentioned some usual suspects. But then one popped into my head that I felt deserves a modern-day remake or sequel.

Jet Force Gemini

The game was almost a little too ambitious for Rare, possibly even more than Banjo Kazooie or Conker's Bad Fur Day. It had a lot of promise but didn't quite deliver. It was still a fantastic game, awkward controls aside.

With the engine technology available today it could make for one hell of a great action-adventure game. Provided, of course, it doesn't turn into some dime-a-dozen 3rd person cover-based shooter.

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
Rainbow_Dashtruction said:
"Like Jak and Daxter but like the old ones" Oh you mean the ultra generic platformer original that was a dime a dozen when it came out and didn't really deserve any praise because it brought nothing new and improved nothing?
it played better than any other at the time. in fact, it still holds up now.

Adam Lester

New member
Jan 8, 2013
-A Soul Reaver remake.

-DMC 2.

-No More Heroes: Paradise 2, as well as a release of the XBox360 version.

-Beyond Good and Evil 2.


Dr. Stan Gray
May 31, 2011
What I want (and why it won't happen, or happen WELL):

-Killing Floor 2 (They are going to nerf the SHIT out of the Berserker class, I just know it)
-A PROPER Banjo Kazooie game (Rare's little satchel of magic powder has been exhausted for years now)
-Another Final Fantasy Tactics game (Instead, we get hipsters with laser swords in muscle cars fighting dinosaurs - wut?)
-Another Fallout FPS (I have a niggling thought that the next installment will not be, at least entirely, in this format)
-Conker's Worse Furday (Hard to make diamond lighting strike twice)
-Age of Empires IV (...that doesn't suck fat nuts like III did)
-DOOM (My fanboy body just isn't ready for that amount of awesomeness to collide with it)
-5 Nights at Freddy's 2 - (First game was fairly good - I can't imagine how you can make a fresh, familiar, better sequel out of it though)


New member
Jan 20, 2014
-Another Final Fantasy Tactics game (Instead, we get hipsters with laser swords in muscle cars fighting dinosaurs - wut?)

What are you complaining for? The Final Fantasy Series is at its best when it thoroughly embrace its anachronistic style. I for one welcome our new blue-blooded immaterial-sword-weaving hipsters strolling about in expansive cars while giant turtles and humongous see snakes threaten their mobster-kingdom.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
MeatMachine said:
-Another Final Fantasy Tactics game (Instead, we get hipsters with laser swords in muscle cars fighting dinosaurs - wut?)
And one with a story and atmosphere similar to the first Tactics game (and without that Ye olde butcherede englishe crap the War of the Lions rerelease had BTW). The sequels that we've had so far have become progressively lighter and cheerier with each installment, and I'd like them to go back to the first game's focus on the selfishness of man, the horrors of war, and the atmosphere that comes with that.
-DOOM (My fanboy body just isn't ready for that amount of awesomeness to collide with it)
So would I, as long as they continue things along the same vein as Doom 3. All the news I ever hear when it comes to a DOOM sequel is them wanting to go back to it being like Doom 1 and Doom 2, which I find disappointing as while those games are fun for a single playthrough, they aren't anywhere near as enjoyable or stick with you like Doom 3 did. The PDAs and such created a more interesting and impacting world, and the atmosphere was genuinely creepy at times, in short, it did what Dead Space was supposed to be doing, but better. The other Doom games are just basically a shooting gallery, and there's only so long before that gets boring.

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
MeatMachine said:
-Another Final Fantasy Tactics game
My experience of War of the Lions was less than brilliant personally. I barely put more than 2 battles into it and yet found it next to unplayable. the field shifting was a nice idea, but it didn't seem like I could shift it myself to find the right space to move to, meaning I missed the right one often. Then, while we're talking about that shifting, it was extremely confusing and difficult to keep track of.

My first War of the Lions experience was fairly recent, and it was completely heartbroken. As a kid, I fell absolutely in love with Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, basically everything about that game was perfect and I actually originally thought they were the same game. When I realised they were different games I was excited to play a different game that gave the same amount of awesome as Tactics Advance. It is an understatement to say I was disappointed.

I would love to see another FF game exactly like Tactics Advanced. The rich colours, the characters, the gameplay, that game is so damn perfect.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
A Dino Crisis Reboot/Remake. CAPCOM love milking franchises' to death so why they haven't revived Dino Crisis is beyond me. DC3 may have been a colossal **** up but Dino Crisis 1 & 2 were amazing. Even just a HD makeover of those two would make me happy CAPCOM.


New member
Mar 20, 2014
Another Souls game directed by Miyazaki. (He's moved on to other games now.)

Another Metroid (or any game like it honestly) game as good as Super Metroid (not because of revolutionary stuff it did.). I just want the awesome sequence breaking and expert world and level design. Good interconnection that allows choices.

Games that advertise feature for them to actually feel and play the way they advertise them. Not gonna happen though because apparently false advertising isn't real and they can lie about and exaggerate anything.


New member
Mar 20, 2014
This thread is so good. It makes statements like "gamers don't know what they want" seem silly. You just don't realize how much gamers really want advancement and truly good gameplay in their games until you read threads like these.


New member
Mar 20, 2014
Vigormortis said:
I thought about it for a bit. Mentioned some usual suspects. But then one popped into my head that I felt deserves a modern-day remake or sequel.

Jet Force Gemini

The game was almost a little too ambitious for Rare, possibly even more than Banjo Kazooie or Conker's Bad Fur Day. It had a lot of promise but didn't quite deliver. It was still a fantastic game, awkward controls aside.

With the engine technology available today it could make for one hell of a great action-adventure game. Provided, of course, it doesn't turn into some dime-a-dozen 3rd person cover-based shooter.
I forgot about this one. I love that game to death. Oh it certainly gets boring, especially the bear hunt at the end. But if they updated some things and managed to have more and slightly larger planets, and released a new one, it could be the game I've been waiting for for awhile.