Games where your first entry was a remake


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Not really counting reboots (as they are usually different enough) but re-releases also count I guess.

Basicly times where the your introduction to a franchise was by a remake, making you the so called "new user base".

For me one of them was Conker: Live and Reloaded and I really loved that game, I guess it probably has some changes (especially the multiplayer) but other then that most of it remained the same (I think, at least from some youtube videos thats the impression I got).

I probably would have never played that game as the old version does look rather dated and wonky (and for some reason not many people talk about it). Banjo-Kazooie on the other hand looks decent and I have been meaning to buy them on XBLA.

So yeah, because of the Xbox remake if any other Conker game was announced I would be all over it, and that game made me a RARE fan (although I was already a massive Free Radical fan so that transiction would only come with time after eventually playing the re-release for Perfect Dark in XBLA (Zero was somewhat shitty although I still played a lot of multiplayer in it).


New member
Jan 24, 2014
I've played every main series game since, but my first a Pokemon game was FireRed.

Also I played Link to the Past on GBA, as well as Super Mario Brothers 3, so make what you will of that.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
As well as being a prequel to the other two, Link to the Past could be considered a re-imagining of the original Legend of Zelda on the NES. That's kind of a stretch I know but, that's really all I can think of...I can think of instances where I've played game sequels before original/first entries in a series but very few where I can say I played the remake first. Tomb Raider could easily be the first remake I own before the originals I guess but I still don't OWN that...or any Tomb Raider...Thief is another one, once I buy that it'll be my first Thief. Future me will say Thief.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
I guess Pokemon Yellow. Since that was the first Pokemon game that was in Color I believe.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
My first introduction to Metroid was through Zero Mission, then after that i went to the prime series and was hooked.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
If I remember right, my first full remake(not a port with or without updates) was the Gamecube Metal Gear Solid, because I missed the PSX one. I usually hate rereleases and remakes unless they add to the original, come in compilations, or the originals are hard to find.
josemlopes said:
For me one of them was Conker: Live and Reloaded and I really loved that game, I guess it probably has some changes (especially the multiplayer) but other then that most of it remained the same (I think, at least from some youtube videos thats the impression I got)...

So yeah, because of the Xbox remake if any other Conker game was announced I would be all over it...
You've gotta play the original if you ever get the chance. Experience it at lease once. Every video online of the remake looks like they butchered the dialog just to censor swear word that you could go on xbox live and hear within seconds. (Why Microsoft, proprietor of the online playground for foul mouthed pre-teens, felt they had too censor that when Nintendo, on the tail end of their family friendly phase, green-lit the original's release, is beyond me.)Seeing the Great Mighty Poo singing in fuzzy N64 polygons is better than his lines cutting out every fews seconds, even if it is very fitting fart noises doing the censoring. The multi-player I heard was better on reloaded so at least there is that.

I'd buy an xbone if a Conker sequel came out. (Ya hear that, MS, stop having Rare make Mii ripoffs and kinect shovelware and get them on this. There's plenty of new material to lampoon since the original Bad Fur Day.)
Shoggoth2588 said:
As well as being a prequel to the other two, Link to the Past could be considered a re-imagining of the original Legend of Zelda on the NES. That's kind of a stretch I know but, that's really all I can think of...
It wasn't a stretch back in the day. It reset the story (before the whole multiple Princess Zeldas and Links) and went back to the overhead view that made Zelda 1 so popular after Zelda 2 went with a side scrolling rpg mechanic. There's a reason it's considered the definitive Zelda. The NES Zelda was the blueprint for the series. Zelda 2 added some more mythology and ideas that would be brought up again later. A Link to the Past perfected those plans and laid the foundation the franchise would build on.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
Tomb Raider on PS3 was my first time playing any games in the series. I look forward to any sequels they might bring out.

Recently, I also just acquired Persona 4 off the PSN. I haven't played much of it, but it seems thoroughly enjoyable as well.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
The Resident Evil remake (or RE:make) was my first and is still my favorite RE game. Honestly, I have no desire to go back and play the original, it doesn't look like it would have much to offer.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I played the PS2 Sly Cooper trilogy on the Playstation 3, upon a friend of mine recommending the series to me, and I must say I am not disappointed, it is a fantastic series of games and I am currently replaying Sly Cooper: Thieves in time.


New member
May 4, 2010
Though it was just a graphical upgrade so I'm not sure if it counts, the very first game I owned was Super Mario All-Stars. Despite playing an occasional NES game with 3DS or an emulator, I just can't play more than a few levels of the original 3 Super Mario Bros. games after being spoiled by all the gleeful colors on the SNES versions.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Fat_Hippo said:
The Resident Evil remake (or RE:make) was my first and is still my favorite RE game. Honestly, I have no desire to go back and play the original, it doesn't look like it would have much to offer.
Same here.

I bought it for the GameCube on the day it was released because I had some money to spend, I recognized the franchise name as being fairly popular, and I had nothing else of interest to play on the system at the time. I'm glad I did, because I ended up loving the series.

...well, the main series anyway...

...most of the main series...


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Not sure if it counts, but all I can think of would be Persona 4 Golden. It introduced me to both the Persona series AND the mainline SMT games.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Even though I was extremely aware of the series before playing this entry, the first MGS I ever owned was the HD collection.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I first played NES Zelda 1 and 2 on the GBA... Everything else [I can think of] was just getting a change to play another game in a series I was already "invested" in on a different system... Like Chains of Olympus on the God of War Saga collection, Persona 1 and Persona 2: Innocent Sin on the PSP, and Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix on the 1.5 HD ReMIX...


New member
Sep 21, 2011
Persona 4 Golden, Picked it up for $16 after I got my Vita..
Hooked from the moment I started..
Seriously addicted.. I was studying in game more than out of it..

Really interested in persona 3 portable.. but Somebody thinks it's okay to charge $64 aus for it on the Psn.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
The Gamecube remakes of Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. Of course neither of those were enough to actually get me into their respective series.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
I started playing the Avernum series with Escape From the Pit, which is a remake of Avernum which is a remake of Exile.

It's very fun, highly recommended to those who like open-ended, turn-based CRPGs.