Haven't we already had one of these threads?
Well, anyway, my three most anticipated games for 2020 are Doom Eternal, Resident Evil 3, and Halo Infinite. I say that because they're the three games I've either pre-ordered or at the least, intend to get. However, those levels of anticipation aren't equal.
RE3 I'm pretty upbeat about, even though I'm a bit wary of it - I'm not sure how good it can be when it's had a far shorter dev time than RE2. I get that it probably helps that it's using the same engine and gameplay with some tweaks, and RE3 was originally a spinoff, true, but...I dunno. Also, they seem to be changing a lot of stuff, and while RE2 did that as well, while I really liked the game, not all of those changes were for the best IMO. Still, I think it'll be fun, if nothing else.
Doom Eternal is very iffy for me right now, given all the gripes I had with Doom 2016. That I'm pre-ordering it is very much a risk, because my enjoyment of the game is going to be contingent on whether it's fixed the problems I had with its predecessor. From what I've seen, it seems to have done so, but even so, jury's still out.
And finally, Halo Infinite. Dear god I'm concerned for this game. It's coming out at the end of this year, 5 years after Halo 5, where we know practically nothing about it, and what we do know has me uneasy, not to mention behind the scenes drama at 343. I hope it's good, really, but so far, I've seen nothing to get my hopes up.
Apart from that, maybe Gears Tactics
CritialGaming said:
I mean....I made two threads about my most anticipated 202 game.
There were games in the year 202AD? 0_0
Worgen said:
Is it much harder? I don't recall it being harder then 2, then again, I played much more Resident Evil 3 then I did 2 back in the day. RE2 I went through once or twice, RE3 I went through at least 3 times.
3 was definitely harder than 2 for me. If you know what you're doing in 2, you're pretty set. 3 however has the challenge of Nemesis, and it's a challenge that I, at least, could never completely subvert, especially in boss battles.
If anything, I think RE2 is the easiest of the original trilogy. 1 has the most scarce ammo, 3 has the hardest monsters, 2 is kinda breezy in comparison, least on normal. Of course, RE2 Remake jacked this way up difficulty-wise (not that I'm complaining).