Games You Didn't Expect to Be Good


New member
Jan 6, 2010
With respect OP, why did you decide to buy a game you thought would be rubbish?

I appreciate you're glad to have bought it. ZP's review makes me want to buy it when it comes out on PC, too.

I only really buy games that I expect to be good though.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
dillinger88 said:
With respect OP, why did you decide to buy a game you thought would be rubbish?

I appreciate you're glad to have bought it. ZP's review makes me want to buy it when it comes out on PC, too.

I only really buy games that I expect to be good though.
Well, everyone seemed to like Forza Motorsport 3, which I hated and Burnout Paradise, which got really boring. But because of the Yahtzee review, I did end up picking it up.

I have made some pretty shit purchases in the past though.

Buying NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams without renting it was probably my worst purchase ever. That or Sonic Unleashed.

Jak LesStrange

New member
Oct 15, 2010
I would have to say Costume Quest. I hadn't heard a lot about it before I tried out the demo, and up until that point, I had loathed turn based RPGs with a passion, but Costume Quest ended up being one of the best games I have ever played... and the characters are really cute :p


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Funny story...
I was about 14 at the time, and my dad and I went to Best Buy for something. I told him there was a game I'd been looking for, so he told me to go find it.
Whatever the game I wanted was, I didn't find it, but I still wanted a game, so I randomly picked up Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and told him that it was my second choice.

And to this day, PoP:SoT is my favoritest game ever. :)

It was kind of the same thing with FFXIII. I bought it feeling if-y, but my fiance and I had a blast with it.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I thought the Green Lantern game as pretty fun, I got a lend of it though, so no investment wasted, If i would have bought it I would have been pissed because its very short.

Honestly its a blast on Co-op though.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Played Kane & Lynch: Dog Days after watching the ZP review, and was honestly surprised how much I liked it. Long story short, it's one of my top ten games of all time (Number three, to be exact.)


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Dead Space and Mirror's Edge. Bought them both on whim when they were on sale on Steam.

Mirror's Edge totally blowed me away and became one of my most loved games.

Dead Space impressed me with its innovative way of dealing with your Heads up display and had great atmosphere, combat and nice puzzles.

I guess I can bring in Mass Effect while I'm at it. Mass Effect starts extremely boring and I found the game severely lacking at first but later when I was let lose in the Citadel then the game opened up big time.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Dragon Age Origins. All my friends said it was good but I had heard that the console version was lacking but I decided to give the ultimate edition a try anyway. Loved it and could barely put it down for the 60 hours I sunk into my first playthrough. That, or Mirrors Edge, which I REALLY love.


New member
May 29, 2010
Monday Night combat. Seen it a few times while browsing the steam store and always thought it was a bad TF2 clone. After seeing TB's review of it though I bought it, and was pleasantly surprised.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
EBHughsThe1st said:
So, I picked up Driver: San Francisco and am having tons of fun.

I didn't expect it to be good. I expected it to be another licensed car driving game where the handling is funky, all the missions are basically "race here" or "smash this thing", the story is a rags-to-riches story about a hot-shot nameless driver who makes his way to the top by racing, and so on. But I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved it.

The ability to hop from car to car is awesome. Hijacking a bus and ramming it into a bunch of street racers while imaging that the main character is saying "Hiiiiiiii!" Right as he crashes into them never gets old. You can basically just drive recklessly except for when you have to use one single car to navigate a series of turns.

And the plot, while silly, is done very well. Plus the dialogue between a guy in a car and the guy you just possessed does produce a few chuckles.

It's a rather pleasant surprise that this game turned out to be very fun.
Hmm, that would be Penumbra for me.

EDIT : I recommend BOTH Penumbra AND Amnesia series to anyone.

I once decided to buy Amnesia, but I wanted to know what other games they made, and choose the better one, since I could only buy 1 at the time.

It looked crap, at first. Graphics that look like they were made in 2003, limited UI and weird shadows.

I only bought the game because it was an awesome deal on Steam, for £ 3.24 I think.

It was THE BEST horror game I've ever played, I finished all of the Penumbra series.

It still gives me the creeps... *ME GUSTA*


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Minecraft all the way for me. I played the free version and I really wasn't as thrilled about it as my husband was, so I held off when he actually bought it for a bit. After he convinced me to actually give it a try I was immediately hooked and still am today.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Rawne1980 said:
A couple of days ago I started playing a dreaded F2P game, Forsaken World.

Turns out it's actually a pretty decent game. I've quite enjoyed it so far.
yeah, i tried forsaken world, just couldn't get into it.

for me though, it has to be terraria. i thought it looked mediocre, just a 2d minecraft clone i didn't need because i had minecraft. but one of my friends really got into it and gifted it to me via steam. we spent the next 3 days at his house playing it only taking short brakes for food and longer ones for sleep.

i didn't expect to enjoy oblivion as much as i did either. i was a kingdom hearts fanboy when it won GOTY through gphoria (back when G4 was actually about games), so i thought it was a stupid decision. the first person hack and slash just seemed silly to me, and the combat looked kinda stiff and boring as did the conversation.
fast forward 3 years my friend has the game (same friend, he has many many games), i matured and opened my mind a bit, and so he let me borrow it.
in the next week or so, i logged about uh... 30 ish hours on oblivion? i didn't keep track but i just absolutely loved it. (pretty sure it was about 30 now that i think about it). however, once i hit the point where i had to get support for bruma via destroying a bunch of oblivion gates, it just started to feel a bit static and boring, so i stopped. sometime this year im going to make another character, and just dick around as much as i can and completely ignore the main quest. should be much more fun. (and im not doing it on my main char because it just doesn't feel right. gets boring fast and then i stop)

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I didn't expect Dragon Age 2 to be good. And quite frankly it wasn't. It wasn't bad either. If I forget that DA:O ever existed, then it's a good game. But my brain doesn't work like that.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. I installed it together with the 2009 Complete mod. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

My god, this is one of the (if not THE) best games I've played so far.

Seriously, Fallout 3/ NV have nothing on this game. If you want to play a MAN's nuclear apocalypse, give it a go.

i love headcrabs

New member
Apr 25, 2011
mass effect 2
I give it a try because it was cheap and I loved it
I didn't like the way it looked but my friend told me to try it played classic and loved it now im addicted
the orange box
I thought all the games were terrible but I picked it up and now all half-life 2 portal and tf2 are my favourite games

Iffat Nur

New member
Aug 13, 2010
Rise of Nations.
Before I played that game, I was more into shooters and racing games. Then I got blown away by RTS. It was good, simple, and unlimited population made the game the greatest spamfest ever.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
oh! another one of mine! its not a game i didn't expect to be good, but my best purchase by far.
i remember seeing an Xplay review of a strategy game which i thought looked pretty cool. im fairly sure it was rise of legends, but i really dont know. a couple years later, someone at my brother's high school tells him about torrents, how you can get games for free. so we decided to pick up a couple old games we had never played before but we thought were worth a shot.
he got portal (we both beat it in about 2 hours, and its next on my purchase list so i can stop feeling guilty for not giving valve the money they earned with that one), and i remembered that old game which i thought looked cool but all i can remember was a short clip of a machine resembling the steampunk spider in the wild wild west movie (the one with will smith), and the g4 opinion of it having a mediocre story. i started looking around for reviews of it so i could remember the name, and caught sight of what i thought it was, the first dawn of war title.

upon torrenting and beating dawn of war 1, i promptly bought it and the next 2 expansions on steam. from there i have played/beaten all of them (but soulstorm), dawn of war 2 and expansions, and purchased and am in the process of painting about 200$ worth of 4th edition Tau miniatures (the battleforce, 2 extra squads of fire warriors, and an extra crisis suit if anyone cares). so yeah, confusing something for warhammer 40k: dawn of war is the best mistake i have ever made. (hell, it even got me to meet my best friend(s) because i overheard him talking about it and jumped in)

and if anyone doesn't know, the 4th edition miniatures is referring to the tabletop game which i now play occasionally (would be more frequently, but a friend got me and 3 others into a dungeons and dragons campaign, and a call of cthulhu campaign, which i find absolutely fan-fucking-tastic, despite my many near-death experiences. [seriously he popped a fucking hero-slayer on us at level 3 and it ate all of my arms and legs because he was being forgiving that day (D&D). he also had the necronomicon bite my genitalia off (Call o' Cthulhu). luckily i got it back])