Games you like, but are never talked about


New member
Jun 11, 2013
I was reminiscing today about an old game I played, and actually really enjoyed, which is called War of The Ring. It is a LOTR game, and an RTS but in the vein of Warcraft 3, and not like the other LOTR RTS games like Battle for Middle Earth. And I just remembered it came in two different covers. I got the orc cover.

I only played the single player, and I had a blast summoning balrogs, creating armies of invisible Harad soldiers, and also armies of invisible Elven archers. I remember being able to solo entire missions with only the hero unit (they were all pretty OP). Boromir could easily solo his siege of Osgiliath mission, and Aragorn had a kingsfoil self heal so he was pretty unstoppable. There was also a special power you could put on your heroes which up'ed their stats, and Aragorn was literally unkillable with it. You could just wade into whole armies and win, it was ridiculous.
I also remember just hunkering down in the evil campaign and creating the ringwraiths, then attack moving with a big army. Good times.

And yet, I never read or hear about anyone playing this game! It isn't an amazing game by any stretch, but it isn't awful. I don't think it had a lot of advertisement and publicity, and I think it deserves a little better, because it is a completely serviceable game.

I can barely find any youtube videos for it either, like this game seems to be a rare piece of software, haha.

Does anyone know about this game???

Also, do you have your own game that seems to have come in under the radar, and stayed there?


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Chaos Gate, the Dark Souls of Turn Based Strategy. It was challenging, you had a limited number of Space Marines, Chaos outnumbered you 2 times over with every match, limited weapons and ammo and grenades.

Chaos Gate. A damn good Warhammer 40k game.



New member
Jun 11, 2013
Silentpony said:
Chaos Gate. A damn good Warhammer 40k game.
lmao, I feel like there are so many Warhammer games, but I have only heard about them within the last couple years. I thought it was starting to be used in videogames since Dawn of War, but there are tons of games going back a while. It really surprised me.
I thought it was only becoming popular now, to use the Warhammer settings. But nope.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
inu-kun said:
Dark Chronicle, legitimately one of the best ARPG's ever made and combined other mini games like city building and Golf. But I sadly never hear about it.
Doesnt help that its called Dark Cloud 2 elsewhere, cause I know it as that and it is one of my top 10 favorite games ever. I immediately got it when it was ported to PS4.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
-Army Men (I was always under the assumption that this was something people grew up with back in the day - guess I was wrong)

-Golden Sun (very popular within its fanbase, very obscure outside it)

-Marathon (completely overshadowed by Doom, and mostly forgotten)

-Spyro the Dragon (though I guess being held hostage by Skylanders doesn't help)

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Odin Sphere. There's been some name dropping now and then because of the recent HD release. But in the 10 years since the original game I have yet to see anybody actually discuss the story, characters or the game(play) on any level of relevance (not to mention the beauty of the game, which is one of those 2D pseudo hand-drawn Vanillaware titles). I think it has a pretty good story, and told in a pretty clever way too, and some very interesting characters. But I guess because it came out in a time of generational upheaval - a PS2 game released in 2007 - it was mostly ignored.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
Hawki said:
-Golden Sun (very popular within its fanbase, very obscure outside it)

-Marathon (completely overshadowed by Doom, and mostly forgotten)

-Spyro the Dragon (though I guess being held hostage by Skylanders doesn't help)
I would say Golden Sun and Spyro are pretty well known. At least, Golden Sun is always brought up in underrated games lists. Spyro was pretty popular during it's heyday.

Marathon though, that is a great game. Definitely should be talked about more, it basically improved upon Doom in every way. I like Dooms aesthetic better though, there's nothing like mucking demonspawn.
I could go for a Marathon remake by Bungie.
That and another Oni.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Glongpre said:
Silentpony said:
Chaos Gate. A damn good Warhammer 40k game.
lmao, I feel like there are so many Warhammer games, but I have only heard about them within the last couple years. I thought it was starting to be used in videogames since Dawn of War, but there are tons of games going back a while. It really surprised me.
I thought it was only becoming popular now, to use the Warhammer settings. But nope.
Its funny. When I was 6 maybe 7 my parents took me to the Toronto plaza Games Workshop, because my dad was big into models(Trek and Wars mostly) and wanted to spark that in me too. He bought me a deck of Citadel Combat Cards, an old card game based off 40k. Still have it, BTW. And I was obsessed with the models on the cards. Love all of them.

Then about a year my cousin introduced me to Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate and Final Liberation. And again, I was obsessed. I played every 40k computer game that came out. Obsessed. And I swear this is true, for nearly 6 years I played 40k games and this little card game, and never knew you could buy models or about the tabletop game! No one told me! And the interwebs wasn't really a thing, so I couldn't find out!
Then one day, the same cousin, brought his Space Marine army over and convinced my dad to drive us to a local GW. And the rest, as they say, is plastic army bliss history.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
It's so never talked about that it even lacks a WIKI page.

It's a genuinely fun game.
Fight on the water or go underwater.
Not the best graphics, even for the time, but totally serviceable.
Plus the soundtrack is pretty good.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Dragon Warrior Monsters. Its like Pokemon, but better, and with breeding that actually mattered. Like, seriously the breeding of that game was super in-depth, but simple enough too, and made combinations of things fun, since doing things like a Slime, and a Drake, would leave you with a Drakslime, as opposed to female Pokemon species + similar species = species of female pokemon.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Glongpre said:
I would say Golden Sun and Spyro are pretty well known. At least, Golden Sun is always brought up in underrated games lists. Spyro was pretty popular during it's heyday.
Spyro's well known, but the criteria of the thread was "never talked about" rather than "forgotten" (there'd be a lot of overlap, but not 100% between those two categories). I included Spyro because I rarely see him talked about in isolation. He may be brought up as part of a discussion about Skylanders, but rarely in isolation.

Glongpre said:
Marathon though, that is a great game. Definitely should be talked about more, it basically improved upon Doom in every way. I like Dooms aesthetic better though, there's nothing like mucking demonspawn.
I could go for a Marathon remake by Bungie.
That and another Oni.
For me, it's basically Doom having the better gameplay (or more enjoyable gameplay at least, even if Marathon did introduce a whole slew of mechanics), while Marathon has the better story. But yeah, I'd love a Marathon remake. I mean, Doom got one that, personal thoughts aside, did quite well.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
OH! There are SO many I want to talk about!!!!
For example the latest game I played is "Love at First Sight"

But with all honesty, I find difficult to discuss the fetish I found in this title, because one of them is new to me
Like, did you know there is Food and scars fetish? I am serious.
Play the game to see what I mean.
Btw, the game is for ALL AGES, even if have these kind of subjects.
Still weird though.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I would put forward Operation Darkness.
Lovely little SRPG on the the 360. WW2...Except the Nazis are Zombie making Vampires...and you control a British Special forces group full of Werewolves and Witches. Very different and rather difficult but fun!


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
This game is to my knowledge the only isometric sci-fi diablo-clone, and I never hear about it.
It barely runs on win 8 so I'm dying for some similar stuff.
Like, right now. Give! Me!

Lost Empire: Immortals
In terms of max stars (5000), this is by far the biggest (and most beautiful zoomed out 'verse) 4X game.
It had some problems out of the gate that still remains and some of the gameplay aspects are lacking.
Though I firmly believe that if it had been received better and sold more I wouldn't even write this post since I'd be too busy playing Lost Empire III, the perfected sequel.
A man can dream. ,)

Conquest: Frontier Wars
Not quite an RTS, nor a 4X game. Still fun though.
Imagine a whole lot of small maps being connected via one or two wormholes to each-other.
You have to set up shop in everyone, defend the wormholes and build stations around the planets in order to amass enough materials to support a fleet to crush your opponents.

Perimeter: Emperors Testament
There was a time in my life that I played, and somewhat enjoyed RTS games. Shocker, I know.
Not that many RTS games being released today, or even talked about but even when they were, this one went under the radar completely.

This one is a lot more talked about, or at least it used to be. Not so much today.
I loved the camera controls and I'm always up for a building sim.
It needs a sequel!


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Hawki said:
-Army Men (I was always under the assumption that this was something people grew up with back in the day - guess I was wrong)
Well, I did grow up with it, I just never actually played it. I did know the name and I've seen other play the game, though.


Any Color you like
Jul 19, 2007
Rise of the Triad 2013
For me the most accurate Remake of 90's shooters with all it flaws and also good aspects.


New member
Apr 28, 2014
Uninvited, part of the MacVenture series of graphic adventures, doesn't seem to attract as much discussion as its presumably better-known "siblings", Deja Vu and Shadowgate.

The game apparently had a more pronounced horror theme than the other titles in the series. A partly censored version was later released for the NES.

Ayame Murasaki

Crazy cannibal elf chick.
Mar 28, 2014
Nobody seems to remember Vagrant Story at all, and that's just sad. I played the shit out of it when it came out in 2000; it had an evolving-weapon system (if you used a weapon to exclusively kill dragon-type enemies, it would become better and better against dragons, until you were able to just two- or three-shot even dragon-type bosses!), a legitimately tense atmosphere, and some of the best damn mindscrew and plot twists on the PS1. I just wish it could have been on the PS2 with voice acting and better graphics.


New member
Apr 12, 2016

Easily the best JRPG I've ever played, one of the few games I've played for the mechanics and remained for the story.

And there's also:

Made by the same company that would later do the Skylanders games.

I had never even heard of this game until last year, but man I did find myself enjoying it.

I know people talk about the Tactics franchise, but not to the extent of the main series and not certainly the GBA version.

The child of Gearbox's Alien's license and WayForward's (the guys behind Shantae) platforming excelence.