Games you love to play... except for that one part!


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I rather dug the witcher 2, but the whole part where you have to fight the spectre battle from the POV of those invovled grates on me. Since you don't have access to any of your special witcher powers or weapons, it's pretty much straight swordfighting, except for the one part where you have to dodge volleys of flaming arrows with little room for error. The whole thing is great in theory but fails on a gameplay level due to the difficulty.

The only good part of the whole thing is that the game auto-saves at the beginning of each section. Sadly, you can't skip the cutscnes, you have to fast forward past all the dialogue before each section.

Unfortunately, if you want to get the entire story, you have to play through that battle twice, once for each story branch.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut. The part I hate...The Missing Link DLC, that is firmly stuck in the middle of the game, and you can't skip it. I really find that part annoying. I don't know why, it just really breaks the flow of the game for me, and being forced to play through it any time I play the game, is extra frustration.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Prettymuch any point in an FPS where it ups and decides it wants to be a platformer instead. There's probably ways to do that well, but its clearly the red-headed stepchild mechanic in every game I've seen the two crop together. Even in third-person, they manage to make the controls all floaty and weird (Jedi Knight, I'm looking at you) .

In sort of a related note. The stealth parts in Wolfenstein:New Order and its DLC (at least the DLC didn't inexplicably have the stealth sections feature the only guards in the game with no guns and the hug-it-out knife spamming mechanic).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
God Hand - The boat level where it turns from a brawler into rail shooter. A shitty rail shooter. I know Clover was trying to break up the monotony, but they could have handled that gimmick better.

Killer Is Dead - The first dream sequence where Mondo is just walking. Interesting the first time, annoying on repeated playthroughs or going for a AAA Rank. The boss is annoying mess too.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I wanted to give Metro 2033 a revisit for along time. But I lose all motivation whenever I think about the stupid amoeba level... all the reloading screaming and using all my ammo. If only you could tell that arsehole to wait a bit. Did they ever fix this in redux?

If I ever replay Stalker, I do not look forward to fighting Controllers again ever. Especially just that scripted one that begins mindfucking you the moment it appears in that cutscene. They weren't so bad in Pripyat if I remember correctly since you could just get the jump on them. Having to charge one while your screen zooms in and out and everywhere was such a pain in the arse.

Someone mentioned the RE4 regenerators, and I must say it was super turbo horseshit in the craptastic Ubisoft PC port(basically the game stapled onto a bad PS2 emulator). It didn't have mouse support and I didn't have a controller but mods fixed that! Problem was the scope. When zoomed in, the controls or something didn't translate well. Don't know if using a controller would have fixed it or not. Aiming was basically stuck on like a 'grid'. You couldn't fluidly aim and could only snap between a set of minimum points. And I sure had fun when the Regenerator weak points were in between these aim points. Like getting out the heatscope in close combat wasn't painful enough already... I ended up just outdamaging a few that I just couldn't get a bead on. One with some magnum shots and another by just emptying my max capacity TMP into it. I had shit loads of TMP ammo anyway.


New member
Feb 3, 2016
The Vale of Shadows in Icewind Dale. It's an early area, so if you like restarting with new characters, you're going to see this one a lot. Your team is fairly low level, so has to rest often, which tends to spawn groups of skeletons, of which there are already quite enough. The game really picks up from Dragon's Eye on, but before that it's a bit of a slog.

The Witcher 3 is already one of my favourite games ever, and I've played through it 3 times. But there are some bits I don't look forward to going through again. The serial killer quest in Novigrad is cool for the first time, but after that the mystery's out of it and it's mostly just a lot of running around. It's a long quest. I also cannot stand horse racing, but I can stand open quests in my journal even less so I kinda have to do them. The big fight in the inner courtyard during the prison break quest late in the game is also a huge pain in the ass because the high amount of enemies, shooters on the walls, and the cramped conditions making the camera your worst enemy. Actually, all fights where the camera fucks you over.

Residue Processing in Half-Life. Just...ugh.

I would also like to state that those two things that crop up the most often in threads like this: the Mako and the Fade, well, I love 'em. Love 'em to bits. Highly underrated.


New member
Oct 6, 2013
All of the massive, town-sized bosses in Monster Hunter.

They're just lumbering masses of damage sponges. There's no strategy or tactics when fighting them. Just wail on them for about 30 minutes (feels like hours).


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Since I recently got reminded of it, Mass Effect 3.

I stop at Thessia or whatever the planet of the blue skinned ladies is again. It's not just the infamous ending, the whole earth and london sequence is pure fail and a horrible way to end the series.

I still vividly remember arriving at earth for the first time (and i had 0 outside influence affecting my judgement here, hadn't been online to see what people were saying) and having this big sense of disappointment..This is it? This is how the Me series is ending? Fighting in ugly shitty small levels gunning down the same enemies i've been doing before? The ending was just the cherry on the cake as far as i'm concerned. So yeah, whenever I replay the ME series, I always cut out before earth, then hop into the surprisingly decent multiplayer..Which is getting harder and harder to do when no one plays it.

Jarek Mace

New member
Jun 8, 2009
Frankster said:
Since I recently got reminded of it, Mass Effect 3.

I stop at Thessia or whatever the planet of the blue skinned ladies is again. It's not just the infamous ending, the whole earth and london sequence is pure fail and a horrible way to end the series.

I still vividly remember arriving at earth for the first time (and i had 0 outside influence affecting my judgement here, hadn't been online to see what people were saying) and having this big sense of disappointment..This is it? This is how the Me series is ending? Fighting in ugly shitty small levels gunning down the same enemies i've been doing before? The ending was just the cherry on the cake as far as i'm concerned. So yeah, whenever I replay the ME series, I always cut out before earth, then hop into the surprisingly decent multiplayer..Which is getting harder and harder to do when no one plays it.
See, I stopped there too but for a different reason.
Up until that point I had been literally stomping and slamming my way through. You see, the whole "Weapon weight affects ability cooldown" combined with a high level ported vanguard meant that you were essentially invulnerable and could wipe missions in break-neck speeds. I then proceeded, in about 10 seconds, to beat up Space-Cyborg-Samurai-Ninja-Cereal killer in a display of biotic might.

At which point "LOL CUTSCENE NO YOU WERE BEATEN BY HIM LOL OH AND HE GOT THE THING THAT YOU CAME FOR YOU WERE BEATEN LOL" despite blatantly winning in game. Just felt like I was fighting a cutscene villain.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Jarek Mace said:
cutscene villain
Haha yeah omg I forgot all about that. I had less problem with that sequence then most because i'm a boring sod who usually plays the soldier class and thus have no powers (what personally irks me in cutscenes is when my shep keeps using his pistol..C'mon man you're the soldier class, use your l33t assault rifle!) so didn't feel too weird when some dude who actually does have space magic powers bested my shep. But i can fully understand why it would piss of biotic gods such as yourself, especially when said super cyborg samurai kawai desu was a character that kinda came out of nowhere and was all like "hey im your biggest rival, rawr!" and you're just scratching your head wondering who the heck is this noob, if he was so good how come you only meet him now?

Now that you reminded me of it though, the whole shep moping around after that was lame too. So yeah truly the game took a nosedive after Thessia.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
sgy0003 said:
Dead Space 2: The eye surgery sequence. If you are a half centimeters off, then.....
Is it bad if I kept stabbing him in the eye repeatedly for funsies?

OT: The stealth mission in Neo Tokyo in Timesplitters 2, and the computer puzzle in 3.