Games you regret to have bought ?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
M.A.G. was shite, the only thing it had going for it was the amount of players in a match.

Fable 2 was utter shite. Pure trash, and I totally fell into the hype around it. The casino games and all that. So, I'm kinda done with Lionhead after that experience.
a few of the PS2 Castlevania 3d jobs were shitty, I cant remember which one it was i bought, but it was shite.

probably a ton more but i cannot remember them at this time. And I'm not gonna try.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
MetalDooley said:
kasperbbs said:
MetalDooley said:
GTA4 - Was so dull compared to the older GTA games plus the vehicle controls were terrible
Vehicle controls? Well i love gta4 controls, i played some san andreas today at my friends place and i couldn't believe how much it sucked.
Ok I actually meant to say vehicle handling not controls(the actual controls were no different than a lot of other games).It was the handling that annoyed me.Most of the vehicles handled like oil tankers which made things like escaping from the cops/chasing targets very frustrating.I get that they were going for a more realistic approach but GTA didn't become popular because it was realistic.If I want a game with realistic vehicle handling then I'll play Forza or something similar
I understood what you wanted to say and i have to disagree, I loved gta 4's vehicle handling, it took some getting used to at first, but now i can`t think of any other open world game that has done it better.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
HMM.. I tend to play all types of games to see what if anything I can learn from them. I like to dissect the good and bad in games to see where certain titles have gone wrong, or right. Since I already know that a lot of the games I purchase are going to be of poor quality I wait until I can find them cheap and am prepared for the worst!

As such I have yet to find a game where I could not learn at least a little something.
So I guess I have no real regrets.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Tekken 6. Now i like the game, but after clearing the single player content, i didnt get hooked on it online like i was hoping for. I wouldnt blame the game for it though.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
I've seen Far Cry 2 mentioned a lot in this thread and I have to agree, it was a disappointment.

I actually liked a lot of things about it, but the bad still manages to outweigh that in the end. I feel that a lot of potential was wasted in it. It felt polished yet distinctly unfinished, which is an odd combination... Far Cry 2 has the foundations of an open world game but hardly builds anything upon that. The setting is beautiful and the atmosphere is good but the gameplay doesn't measure up. Especially the way the story (what little there is) feels utterly disconnected from the gameplay.

For instance, there's a big emphasis on the different factions and you spend the entire game playing them off against each other for profit, yet outside of the safe areas, the NPCs are all totally indistinguishable. There's no way of telling who belongs to which faction, and it doesn't matter anyway because they all attack you on sight (even if you're working for their bosses). The game handwaves this by saying your missions are secret so the fighters don't know who you're working for, but that's just an excuse. I was hoping that there would, at the very least, be some kind of reputation system (beyond the one that exists in game which is purely symbolic) which affects different factions' behaviour towards you.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
I've had a lot of regretable purchases (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock, etc - Yeah, I know a lot of people love those games, but they quite frankly bored me to tears.)

But games that I actualy wish that I had never even tried:

ArcaniA: Gothic 4 - Dumbed down sequal to a pretty awesome RPG series.
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Frustrating, boring, repetitive steaming pile of overrated shit.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Tax_Document said:
I do not believe you've played Starcraft 2, ever, because Custom Games would've taken up 90 % of your time. It takes up 90 % of EVERYONE'S time.
You can believe whatever you want to believe. Doesn't change the truth.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Hrm. I can't honestly say there's one game I've bought recently that I didn't get my money's worth. The Force Unleashed was crap, but it was $7. Dark Messiah was no jewel, but I've still played the everloving crap out of it.

Well, I did buy one of the Harry Potter shovelware titles like ten years ago. That I regret.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Command and Conquer 4: I just beat three so I didn't check the reviews before buying it. Big mistake.

Dungeons: I thought that this was be like a successor for Dungeon Keeper. Unfortunately your monsters have no personality and the game is entirely about micromangement instead of a living empire of evil like in Dungeon Keeper... speaking of which maybe I should replay Dungeon Keeper again.

The Last Remnant: I wanted to try a JRPG on my computer and a friend advised this one. I now hate JRPGs.

Prince of Persia: They took everything that was good about the series and crapped it out. That must have taken some serious effort.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Medal of Honour on the PC. I don't know why I bought it, since the previews weren't exactly raving. The multiplayer felt ok, but lacking in the awards/levelling up department. Felt as though DICE did that deliberately so as not to drag people away from their own games (mostly BFBC2).

Other than that, the Auto Assault Collectors Edition. I found it to be a reasonably enjoyable MMO (while it lasted, which wasn't that long). Could've been worse though... there are other MMO's out there that have taken greater nosedives.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
King Toasty said:
TheDutchin said:
Two Worlds,
Pokemon Colosseum,
Halo Wars.

All these games had such great potential but fell sooo far short, TW should be self explanatory, Timeshift did't use time as well as I'd hoped, i bought PC when i was younger and into pokemon but even then i couldnt help but be super disappointed, i hated how i couldnt go out and catch and build my own team, no, i had to catch these certain pokemon, and when i didnt catch one i felt like i was missing something and so couldnt do it >.< and Halo Wars was wayy easier then i thought it was going to be, i used the same strategy for every single level, it wasnt even a warthog rush, i just sat back and built an armada of tanks and just walked them along the level destroying EVERYTHING haha in short, dont buy any of these games, but if you have to, buy timeshift, it was the least disappointing
Pokemon Colosseum!? That game was the shit.

sorry, but i really dont know what you see in Colosseum, please provide at least a little bit of detail, thats how serious discussion happens.

unless you were being sarcastic?


New member
May 3, 2011
Left for Dead for 360, as I'm pretty much a solo gamer and refuse to play for XBL gold.


New member
Apr 11, 2011

Dreams of nostalgia filled my head memories of FFX and FFXII raised my hopes on heights beyond mount everest. then i bought the game threw it in my PS3 raised my hopes higher and then

yeah worst 60 bucks i ever spent


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Fallout: New Vegas. I tried to get into the series but I found myself incredibly bored, the story rather dull, and wasting too much time trying to lighten my bags. I guess I only like lower-key RPGs, oh well. If I ever have a bunch of spare time and money laying around I'll give Dragon Age a try.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
BioShock 2 for the PC. Not a terrible game by any means, but a short campign, terrible multiplayer (the PS3 multiplayer was significantly better, maybe because of no GFWL?) and my saves kept getting corrupted. All for 50$, it rather sucked.