Games you want, but are not willing to pay full price for.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
As some have said, TOR. It seems to get rid of a lot of the things I dislike about MMOs, but well, fuck subscription fees.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Witcher 2.

Keep waiting for it to drop below the magic $10 mark for impulse purchases on Steam.

Not that I have any time to PLAY it, but at least I'll HAVE it. My gaming backlog is getting heavy with quality titles (Portal 2, Shogun 2), and I'm wrapped up in TOR, and GW2 and TSW are on the way, and a bunch of good looking strategy titles, and...oh it's all too much!


New member
Dec 31, 2010
I don't think I saw anyone else say Skyrim in here..

It doesn't look that bad a game or anything, and honestly I can probably see meself enjoying it for a plethora of time and all, but it really has not given me any sort of feeling to go out and buy it. To top it off, the entire world/internet just has not shut up about it in any way; be it about how flawless and addicting it is, or how absolutely broken and unfun it is..

MightyRabbit said:
I really want Kingdom Hearts 3D, but I'm not yet welling to invest in a 3DS. Of course, the moment they announce a new Ace Attorney or Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney are getting a European release for it, I'll be selling my own mother to get one.
Agree with this. 3DS seemed the biggest gimmick so I refused to buy it when I heard about it..... then they announced KH 3D. I'm sure in time, other games will come out for it that would be great(Like Ace Attorney and probably the next Pokemon)... but meanwhile, it seems like the biggest waste of money to get a handheld system for just "one game". On the other hand....
MightyRabbit said:
On a relater note, I really want another PSP because I love to play Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep and Dissidia Duodecim. But it costs too much to replace (O button on mine is totally broken) just for those games.
Generally this too, only I've never owned a PSP. PSP really seemed like a "system" I could not enjoy back when it came out, but then so many franchises I love kept making games for it. Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts, Shin Megami Tensei, others I can't think of at the moment.. Even with all these games on it, I do not want to pay for a PSP to play them..

..I'm so done with hand-helds! Why can't developers make console versions of these games, god damn it?!


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011

I know it's a great game but it really needs a price drop.

Same goes for Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Twilight Princess. I either pay too much on Gamecube or buy a Wii and get it for peanuts.

Assassin's Creed Revelations is another as I won't play the multiplayer so I'm happy to wait until the price drops.

Same with Gears 3. I just want to play the campaign mode to finish out the trilogy.

Soul Calibur next month and Mass Effect after that are games I'm happy to pay full price for because I know they're worth the full amount for how much I'll play them.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Anno 2070 and The Darkness 2. I am just not sure if I would like them or not, but I am tempted to buy them both. However I got more than enough games to play through so I wont bu them unless I get a good deal.


New member
May 13, 2010
Digitaldreamer7 said:
I'd have to say most games today.

Anything with a sub 5 hour campaign and no multiplayer or multiplayer and no single-player.
Agreed. So much this~


New member
Jan 8, 2012
To the Aussies complaining about game price, you need to start importing them from the UK. They're easily half the price, it's easy to find free shipping and you can get 'banned' games. The only downside is it can take a few weeks for the games to arrive via free shipping.

I bought Skyrim at launch from the UK for $45. There is no way I'm paying full (Australian) price for games ever again without feeling like a sucker. Especially the $110 console games.


New member
May 13, 2010
Digitaldreamer7 said:
I'd have to say most games today.

Anything with a sub 5 hour campaign and no multiplayer or multiplayer and no single-player.
Agreed. So much this~


Jesus, 4 Captcha's later I manage to post. I almost did this :/

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
Saints Row 3, Assassins Creed: Revelations, Stronghold 3 (the reviews make me not want to buy it but dammit the first one was so much fun), and Serious Sam 3: BFE (mostly to play with my roomate.)


New member
Sep 7, 2011
Seriously... if i want a game, i'm willing to pay for it. I'm only not willing to pay for games i don't want surprisingly. Contrarily, there are many games i AM willing to pay for that i can't get anymore or aren't available in Australia.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Vault101 said:
If im not willing to pay full price for it then chances are I dont want it...

......if that makes sense
I think it does, and same goes for me. If I really want a game, I'll be willing to pony up the full amount of cash, usually at or close to its launch too.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
Honestly, anything that costs 60 bucks or more and releases with additional DLC. No thanks, I'll wait for the 'special' edition or the price drop.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
I don't ever want to pay down $60 for a game. It feels like a ridiculous amount to spend unless I've been saving up specifically for it. Right now, the games that fall into my "Want, but can't buy" category are Uncharted 3, Kingdom of Amalure(probably butchered that name, but the demo was good fun), Infamous 2 (Downloaded Festival of Blood, though), Super Street Fighter IV AE (Because of the Super and AE. I'm getting sick of that shit), Shadow complex (Because fuck Orson Scott Card), and The entire AC series (because fuck Ubisoft).

I'm sure there is more I'm missing.

bean burrito

New member
Jul 10, 2009
I'd love to give SWTOR a try, but I'm so bad at MMORPGs, and get bored of them fairly quickly. I'll probably wait until either it refines itself and drops the price, or withers on the vine and goes ftp like so many others.

Also Deus Ex: Human Revolution, cause I've never played the other games and frankly, the trailers looked really stupid (just the trailer, I know the gameplay is actually supposed to be really good)

Rodrigo Girao

New member
May 13, 2011
I can't justify getting any new game at full price. Other than the Humble Bundle, I only get used ones. And I don't mean "$5 cheaper than new" used, I mean $5 total. When you stay in the previous generation, it's not hard to find good games, in perfect condition, dirt cheap. The most expensive game I've bought lately was D2, a quite rare Dreamcast survival horror, for $25.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Street Fighter X Tekken, its a fighting game from Crapcom, it won't be long til another "upgraded" version of it comes out
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, its a new IP there should be a law that makes new IP's $10 cheaper
Final Fantasy XIII-2, it looks good and all but I just don't know if I'm willing to make the same mistake again