Games you want to get into but can't


What this
Jun 14, 2012
XCOM. The recent one. I dunno, after 5 minutes, I just can't play it. Maybe it gets better, but as of now, I really can't get myself to play it. Any tips would be appreciated.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011

I've tried to get into this game. It just doesn't do anything whatsoever to grab me. I don't think there's ever been a game other than Skyrim where I could put 100+ hours into it and been so thoroughly bored by the experience that within a month I'm already not able to remember much of anything about the game beyond its existence.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I just downloaded the demo for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and this is a series that I tried getting into but am struggling to really like these games. The only one I actually put money down for was one of the ones on the PSP (which probably didn't help endear me to the series) and the Wii U demo hasn't done much to endear me to the franchise. I want to like the games because I like the concept of hunting giant freaking monsters and gathering resources to make the best gear. What I don't like is the complexity of the controls and the interface. Also, like Yahtzee said years ago, I can't help but feel like fighting giant fucking monsters happens too seldom and most of the time you're in your bad-ass heavy armor with your bastard sword...and your quest is to skip gaily through the hills collecting flowers. There's also the MMO problem of quests that involve gathering Rabbit Fangs (or whatever) from a monster that only drops required item once or twice for every hundred you've killed.


New member
Jul 18, 2009

I've tried getting into the first Borderlands about 5 different times now, either renting it or borrowing it or having a friend bring it over. I just can't get into it. Haven't tried Borderlands 2 yet though.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011

I have a lot of criticisms for TES games, but I still am able to sink plenty of hours into each of them as they still do have plenty to offer.

I got Skyrim knowing it wasn't going to blow me away, but will entertain me and give me lots to do. But, the latter just didn't happen.

I got about maybe 20 hours into it before never playing it again. The whole game just feels... hollow. I've yet to even discover all the cities in the game, and I don't even want to. I feel as though I won't find an ounce of charm or appeal no matter where I go in the game, and there's no motivation or interest to do anything for anyone.

The gameplay sure as shit doesn't do anything for me. So I was hoping the experience as a whole would make up for that. Sadly, there's little experience to be had here. I might go back to the game and cram it to the brim with mods to alleviate every glaring issue the game has. But my biggest issues are with the core itself.

thesilentman said:
XCOM. The recent one. I dunno, after 5 minutes, I just can't play it. Maybe it gets better, but as of now, I really can't get myself to play it. Any tips would be appreciated.
What's preventing you from getting into it? Maybe the game might just not click with you.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Monster Hunter - I just can't get into the grindiness of it. (I've only tried MHTri btw)

InFamous 1 + 2 - I've played through the "good" storyline of each of these games, but when I try to go back to them to play through as evil, I just can't get into them for some reason. I found the combat to be mediocre and the enemies to be ridiculously spammy in latter areas of InFamous 2 and just don't want to try.

Fallout 3 - I really wanted to love this, I really did. But the horrendous animations and lifeless people irritated me to no end and took all the enjoyment out of the game for me.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
2 games:

XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I bought it on release, got several hours into it, put it down: and now I can't be asked to finish it. Starting with my old save leaves me thinking 'wtf was I doing again?' while I really don't like the appeal of starting over from scratch.

The other is a 4X game called Distant Worlds. It's like Master of Orion meets EU3. In short the type of game I would have played all the time...if I was ten years younger. These days I just feel the complexity to be overwhelming.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
For me, Vanquish and the Crysis series
I played through all of Crysis 2 and still had a very "meh" mentality about it. It took me weeks of off and on forcing myself to commit finish the campaign.
Vanquish I still haven't beaten.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
gxs said:
Hitman: Absolution for me. It has been sitting on my HDD since release but I only finished the tutorial.
I'm kind of in the same boat, except for me it's every Hitman game. I love the character. I love the ongoing back story. I love the concept of the gameplay. But, when it comes to actually playing the games, I just always stall out after maybe the second mission at most. There's something about the minute to minute gameplay that doesn't connect with me.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
ShinyCharizard said:
The Witcher II. No matter how many times I try I just can't get into the game at all.
+1 on Witcher 2... The story seems to be interesting... But hell, its soooo much running around between sequences and even fights. On top of that the fighting is very "clunky"


New member
Jan 19, 2012
ComandaKool said:
Mass Effect

Same here, I love RPGs and Sci-Fi, and I really enjoyed KOTOR but I just can't get through the first few hours of gameplay. To the disappointment and anger of some of my friends.
Yip agreed. Cover based combat I suspect is the issue.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
The Morning Suit Man said:
Far Cry 3.
Im going to have to agree with you on that one. Personally I felt as if it was a visually stunning game with above average character development that was stunted with boring gameplay that was far too repetitive. Liberating camps and hunting became dull very very quickly for me.


New member
May 21, 2010
Pretty much any AAA title or shooter. Wow, that sounds so hipster of me, but hear me out. It's not that I think they are bad, I just don't like them. My tastes lie pretty much solely with JRPGs. There are occasionally a few other games that I might like, like the Sonic series, Scribblenauts, Journey, Mario, and SSB, but other than those fairly specific examples and a few other titles, all I really like are JRPGs. Call me crazy, but I actually like melodramatic anime-styled games (To an extent. There's a lot that I don't like as well), and find it hard to like much else. I find most other games to be incredibly boring and un-engaging. For example, Mass Effect 2. My dad's friend got it for me when he heard that I hadn't played it, and had no interest in playing it for Christmas, and of course, since he was nice enough to get it for me(That, and I also didn't have many games for my new PS3 at the time), I felt obligated to play it. It was absolutely painful to play, without exaggeration. It was one of the most boring things I've had to do in a long time, and I was dying to find a save point so I could turn the game off within a minute of each time I turned the game on and tried to play it. Keep in mind, I don' think it's a bad game, it's just not my cup of tea, and I failed to find derive any sort of enjoyment from playing it.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
thesilentman said:
XCOM. The recent one. I dunno, after 5 minutes, I just can't play it. Maybe it gets better, but as of now, I really can't get myself to play it. Any tips would be appreciated.
Tip: Look up "what to invest in first," and consider playing on "Easy" for your first play-through.

Once you get comfortable with the 'focused' nature of it, even a turn-based strategy game can hook you (I *HATE* turn-based top-down games as a rule). I was impressed once I finished it. It was actually engrossing.

That's just me, though.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Trauma Center (at least the first one). I want to like it. I really do. I guess I KINDA do, but it's just not hooking me so far. Shame, really

I'd like that to change, but I don't know. We'll see.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Borderlands 2

If only because I loved the first one (eventually), and I was duped into paying sixty bucks for the shit-fest sequel.

I hate wasting money on entertainment.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
Eternal_Lament said:
Super snip
I absolutely agree that Demon's Souls has a better built-in sense of narrative stakes and motivation. Dark Souls, though was the first time I ever truly role-played on my end of the experience. I made different characters to make up a new backstory and personality, and coming up with reasons and motivations as to why certain NPCs would live or wouldn't, what gear/magic they would use and why from a religious or cultural standpoint, etc.

I hear about people doing this in games like Skyrim, but I never could. I just can't do the role playing on my end like I'm playing D&D with the computer. Enabling me to do that is a big part of why Dark Souls is so dear to me.

Skyrim, on topic, anyway. Lord, I've tried probably 7 or 8 times. Can't play it for more than an hour. All the NPCs feel like the same person to me, and there's just so much life missing from the game to me. I play Falout 3 and wonder how the same people made both games.


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
Monkey island the new version. I want to get into it because I remember how much fun the original 90s version was, but for some reason I can't do it.


NAPs, Spooks and Poz. Oh my!
Aug 4, 2011
MMO's in general. I like the sound of a lot of them, even played a bit of WoW as an Undead Rogue on their free trial. But when it comes with working with others? Ehhh...