Games you've ALMOST finished but never will?


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Mar 20, 2008
Surreysmith post=9.71127.714901 said:
Pokemao red for the gameboy colour. 149 caught 1 to go. I will never be able to catch magmar.
Magmar is Pokemon Blue only. []

The only game I never thought to finish 100% was Serious Sam for the gamecube. I only had to get 2 gold medals to get the God Mode cheat(only gotten by completing every level with a gold medal), it were the Silk Road and Steam Tunnels levels that were laughing at me with their empty medal spaces. But after having played the game for about 3 years, I finally got those two medals a month ago.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I usually can't bring myself to quit on a game, and I usually get 100% as well if possible. However, I can think of a couple that I have purposefully given up on:

Jak II on Hero mode. Can't get past that blasted rail shooter level where you have to down 40 robots who can take multiple hits and always bounce out of your line of sight when you hit them. Too much bother for too little.

Getting ANYTHING past the story mode on GTA IV. Sorry Rockstar, but your new "gritty" and "more realistic" gameworld just isn't any FUN. Didn't know I could hunt pigeons until act 3, nicely hidden! And only 200 of them, right? Wow. I got 100% on all other GTA's but this one I am thinking of trading in.

And of course Rastan and Asterix for the C64, both unbeatable due to graphic errors (Too wide gap and final cauldron piece place inside a wall, respectively) on the last stage. Real fun, especially after getting there legit in a time before continues...


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Aug 15, 2008
Final Fantasy 4. I made it all the way to the final boss and he absolutely destroyed me. I tried grinding in that dungeon for a while, but I kept losing interest and I eventually stopped playing. Since then, I've never really felt the motivation to start again.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
Oh, jeez, where to start...

Fallout 2 - couldn't get past the electric tile puzzle in the Enclave HQ

Neverwinter Nights - couldn't beat the Elf Paladin chick near the end

Half-Life - couldn't do the jumping part to get to the portal to Zen

Dragon Quest VIII - couldn't beat the ghost pirate dude

Beyond Good & Evil - couldn't beat the last boss, the big-ass alien dude

Psychonauts - Fucking. Meat. Circus.

KOTOR - couldn't get past the stream of endless Sith troopers on the Star Forge.

Planescape: Torment - couldn't get past the demon mobs in the streets of Carceri

Yeah, I'm not very good at games...


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Aug 30, 2008
Satki post=9.71127.714912 said:
Deus Ex... got really near the end then the game crashed and wiped all my saves, I won't play it again just so I won't have to relive that.
Thats the dumbest thing I've heard on these forums.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Ninja Gaiden 2. Had a lot of fun with the game until I crossed paths with the last boss. Shoot. Dodge. Shoot. Dodge. Die. Each crack takes about 15 - 20 minutes and none of it is fun, unlike the rest of the game. I could do it eventually if i sat there and grinded the ************ but I cant say I care. Not like Ninja Gaiden 2 has a story anyway. Now I've moved on to Mass Effect
Mar 26, 2008
Eagle Est1986 post=9.71127.714766 said:
Braid. I'm one of of the later worlds, one of the really fiddly ones, just don't seem to have the patience to do it. Will get around to doing it eventually.
I hear that! I skipped about seven levels, as I put them in the "too hard" basket at the time. Now they are the only seven levels left!


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Well, I seem to have the bad habit of playing all the way through a Final Fantasy game, right up the end boss, and just stopping. I'm not sure why, and there really isn't any reason. I like the Final Fantasy series, just, never finish them...


New member
May 10, 2008
Battletoads and Punch-Out, made it to the last level of Battletoads, and made it to Mike Tyson in Punch-Out, then i got totally owned :/


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Battlefield Bad Company. Played the SP for a few hours then my phone line went back up so i got hooked on MP.
Dawn Of War: Soulstorm. Started the SP Campaign and after 1 hour of skirmishing with imperial Guard who consistently took my attention from an ork invasion. then i just gave up and invested my life in MP


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Apr 6, 2008
007: Everything or Nothing

I got to what I thought was the last level, got stuck, and moved on to other games. It was at the point where basically all that was left to do was kill the bad guy before he blows up the world, so I knew pretty much everything there was to know about the story.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Ninja Gaiden II. I just lost interest after seeing the final ending on normal. (i'm the kind of guy who likes to "beat a game" by unlocking everything)


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Apr 6, 2008
Also, Spider Man: 2.

Again, got to the last boss fight, and since I had seen the movie umpteen million times, I knew what would happen, so I really had no reason to finish it. And I was frustrated because I kept falling into the water as soon as I started getting anywhere.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Final Fantasy 8. I got stuck on the last boss of the third CD. I will never go back and beat it because I realised that I hate the game and its retarted battle system.


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Apr 12, 2008
Super Paper Mario

I was over half way through but then I sold it for store credit at Game Crazy because it was boring.
May 17, 2007
Baldur's Gate. It's one of my favourite games, I played it right through without ever getting stuck or having to concentrate on levelling, right up to the final boss... and got smacked down. I think it was because I had installed the expansion pack, which makes the final boss fight harder.

Similar story with Star Control 2: the game was great, the last boss just seemed too hard with too little payoff.

EDIT: Same thing with Pokemon Pearl. I've cruised through the game, taking on every fight but not grinding, but now I'll need to grind up my Pokemon to beat the Elite Four. CBF.
Apr 5, 2008
Couldn't beat the winged boss in the church of lvl of Ninja Gaiden for the XBox (after the underwater elevator). Still have the save but concluded it's one game I'll never replay or see the end of. Oh and Thief II...those hunched robots the Hammers built freaked me out as they shuffled and whirred along the ground praying. The zombies from the first 'Thief' were freaky enough o.o

Other games I've started but rapidly lost interest in because they're not particularly good:
- Beyond Divinity (Not a scratch on it's predecessor)
- Legend - Hand of God
- Dungeon Siege II


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Sanitarium - bleask
NWN2 - felt like playing The Sims
Planescape: Torment though i love the Skeleton Head dude ...
Grim Fandango


New member
Feb 22, 2008
Lazy Lemon post=9.71127.714644 said:
The last mission on Mercenaries. I'd killed everyone in the base, and just threw a flashbang at the Ace of Spades and was about to cuff his ass, then the game crashed. I haven't bothered to do it again because a) the last mission is stupidly long, and b) I watched my brother do it and there's no cutscene or anything after you get him.
Could have been worse, I cuffed the Ace of Spades and dragged him to an evac point only for the helicopter to get hit by a random dude (I thought I'd killed everyone) with an RPG. The helicopter landed on my face and I never played it since.

Got to the last boss on Cold Fear (awesome game) and could never kill it, still haven't, he really served up a portion of ass kicking with a side of deep fried pwnage.

Quackshot on the mega drive. Back in the days when you couldn't save your game. Couldn't do the last level. Ever!

Probably loads more but those three stick out.