Somewhere out there in a Gamestop warehouse there is a guy stripping down and reflowing xbox360 boards in a scrappy old oven... for 10$ a piece apparently. For 10 years now. Mmmm solder fumes!
Because I really don't believe they properly replaced the defective solder. That's the problem with these in case anyone is wondering, its a lead-free solder that breaks when heated and cooled often. Dumb, but not so dumb Apple didn't fall for it too with their macbooks.
Funnily enough, fixing up borked xbox360s was a fairly common thing in Poland. For most people there it was the only way to own a state of the art console, and some jail-breaking later they could get whatever game they liked running for next to nothing.
Because I really don't believe they properly replaced the defective solder. That's the problem with these in case anyone is wondering, its a lead-free solder that breaks when heated and cooled often. Dumb, but not so dumb Apple didn't fall for it too with their macbooks.
Funnily enough, fixing up borked xbox360s was a fairly common thing in Poland. For most people there it was the only way to own a state of the art console, and some jail-breaking later they could get whatever game they liked running for next to nothing.