Well the news doesn't they're now blaming the action on Trumpism
At the core of Donald Trump's angry populist appeal was -- and is -- this sentiment: The elites think they know better than you. They think they can tell you how to live and what to believe. But guess what? We the people are smarter than the elites!
No I don't quite think that's it.
Firstly because of the obvious reason that those that get annoyed enough over shady stock practices to take action are statistically not likely to be Trump supporters. Trump supporters have lionized corruption for years now.
But I also think its to simplified they are simple annoyed or even angry with the elites. That's certainly part of it. In fact populism views everything as a death battle between one pure, united and holy people and an eternally evil bunch of nebulously defined elites. These people don't want to ''annoy'' the elites but destroy them entirely.
But its exactly this nebulous definition of elites that ensure that populists aren't exactly anti elites in their entirety. In fact with Trump they colluded with the elites rather than opposing them, putting an elite in power, who gave cabinet positions to the elites to enact an agenda beneficial to the elites. At its most anti elite Trump was merely the attempt to replace the political elite with the business elite. Remember that when interviewed Trumpsters often said Trump being a businessmen was a positive and that America should be run as a business. Ergo, their distaste is primarily for the political elite and not so much the financial elite which stockbrokers are a part of. And its not much different in other places. Brexit is the baby of the Tory party, hardly a friend of the working class and in many populist parties enact a right wing platform that benefits big business over the little guy.
Some of those populist voters are merely duped into voting against their own best interest. But others know what they are doing. Rather than being opposed to the elite as a whole they seek to replace the elite with one more in line with their own thinking. Still rich, old and out of touch white men but rich, old and out of touch white men who are emotional and ''macho'' rather than technocratic, who wish to pursue an isolationist course rather than a global one, and who value tradition over progress.