Gamifying Diabetes.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
So, my little sister is ten years old, and she's been very recently diagnosed with type one diabetes. This means she now has to carefully be aware of everything she eats and what carbs and starch it has, to monitor and keep her blood sugar levels in check. She can still eat what she likes, as long as she keeps things balanced.

Now, does anyone remember Extra Credits episode of gamifying education, to make things a lot more fun? Like if you score high in homework you get XP, and get enough and you 'level up'.

I'm wondering if there are any such useful resources, spreadsheets, little games, apps, interfaces and the like that.. can be a useful tally chart, can gamify it, make it easier for her.

Like, 'I ate a curry and a cup of tea. This gets me X amount of points, which means Y amount of insulin. And keeping my blood sugar at Z means I level up!' And maybe have a League of Legends/DotA reset of the levels every new day.

I just figure it'll be less of a somewhat daunting scary thing if it can be made.. with a little bit of fun. D'you know what I mean? I hope I've explained myself adequately.
Suggestions or ideas or pointers to the like are appreciated.

Captcha: I'm blessed. Little bit heartless, given I'm the one with family history for it and she isn't, and I'm the shut-in gamer and she's a healthy eating active girl.. =/


New member
Apr 3, 2010
you may be in luck, i recently received an about a competition that encourages software/game designers to work closely with people with diabetes and create a piece of software to help with it, heres the link if you are interested

SilverStrike said:
quote for attention