Gaming Confessional


Posh Villainess
Jun 17, 2013
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.

-I did not beat the last boss in Prototype, because of the irritating tacked-on time limit.

-I stopped playing DmC (new one) after the succubus stage because it felt artificial and cheesy to me.

-I've politely declined every opportunity to play Half-Life due to a severe lack of any interest.

-I'm completely guilty of using the M203 Grenade Launcher in Call of Duty and loving it.

-I really enjoyed the "cheap cash-ins like Fable 3, Bioshock 2, F.3 A.R. and Dragon Age 2.

-I nearly beat Mass Effect 1 and stopped, loved Mass Effect 2 and played through all of it with gusto, and didn't finish Mass Effect 3 after a section I've already forgotten about (telling eh?)

-I always advocate cooperation and a cool head in rage-inducing games like DotA, HoN and LoL but I silently loathe my teammates that do not perform, do not speak my language, or refuse to cooperate.

-I have a weird fear of playing ladder-based multiplayer games like Starcraft 2 and PoxNora due to an irrational fear of losing and low rank (I'll overcome it someday.)

-I often play games the way they aren't 'meant' to played (going guncrazy in Hitman: Absolution, Metal Gear Solid 4, and simply running past waves and waves of enemies in Space Marine)

-I really, really miss arcades with Dance Dance Revolution (The actual DDR) in them, and feel way cooler than I should when I beat songs on heavy and 2x speed in public.

-Every game that affords me the opporunity to be a sniper I usually to be a sniper I usually take, much to my chagrin later on.

-I have yet to beat Disgaea 4 after getting to Earth (the grinding is getting to me).

-I haven't beaten Persona 4 after the section involving a van (you know the one)(the grinding is getting to me here too.)

-I think World of Warcraft is a great game (though I'm retired), I adore Blizzard and despise the merger with Activision.

-I really want to like The Secret World more. I love the environment, the lore, the era but the combat is sort of lacking for me, as well as the models.

-In games with customization, I very often put looks and being pretty before any sort of functionality.

-I didn't finish Skyrim and have a pretty poor opinion of it.

-I yearn to be completely enraptured by another MMO, but I'm afraid it will never happen again.

-I've spent a large amount of money on Warhammer 40k but have yet to finish painting and building all of my models and then refuse to play because my army isn't fully painted.

Well that feels a lot better. Nice to finally put all that out there. I invite you to do the same, it's quite therapeutic.

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
Forgive me Father for I have sinned:

- I thought GTA IV was boring as hell, seriously, how can it be called "Open World" when it's just endless streets filled with Gray buildings.

- I really like Too Human, the customization in that was the greatest shit ever.

- I actually quite enjoy playing Black Ops MP, running around with a Type 25 is fun.

- I enjoyed driving the Mako in Mass Effect, in my opinion everyone complaining about how it handled where just shitty drivers.

- I hated Dragon Age Origins, talking to most of my companions made me want to shoot myself.

- I liked Dragon Age 2.

- Even when Microsoft was planning on doing the whole DRM thing I was still going to buy one, just for Halo.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Forgive me Father for I have sinned:

-I've never beaten Psychonauts. I got up to the part with the giant fish boss under the lake, lost the boss fight, and never picked up the game again... despite having actually BOUGHT it again since then (In a humble indie bundle pack).

-I recently bought the Devil May Cry trilogy pack, since I've never played the series, to see what I've been missing. Got up to the first boss, lost several times, and now I have no desire to play another Devil May Cry game ever again.

-I bought Killer 7, after I had so much fun with No More Heroes. I couldn't play it more than a couple hours before I got bored and moved on.

-I love Half-Life. It's probably the first FPS I ever played that I really loved. I could not, for the life of me, get into Half-Life 2 at ALL. Another case of playing it a few hours, and never going back.

-I think Blazblue/Persona 4 Arena are better than any fighting game Capcom has ever made.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Forgive me Father for I have sinned:

-I got up to the final bosses in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, and then I dropped the whole thing. Not because they were impossible to beat, but because I lacked the motivation and interest to finish it.

-I gave up on Assassin's Creed Brotherhood after playing for about 3 hours. I try to either finish or get far enough in a game before I call it quits, but I just couldn't bear any more of the town micromanaging.

-Despite the hours I've poured into it, I've never beaten the main story in Skyrim. I keep deviating from it to do the other quests.

-I have only played 1 Kirby game: Kirby's Epic Yarn.

-I've played a handful of tactical role-playing games, but I've only finished 1: Super Robot Wars Alpha 3. It was never licensed and brought over here, so I had to play on a modded PS2 and I don't know the first thing about reading Japanese. Probably the most "weaboo" I've ever gotten.

-I hate Naruto Shippuden, yet I own Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations because a bunch of my friends recommended it to me. Worse yet, I think Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations is not a bad game. At all.


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Forgive me Father for I have sinned:

-I stopped playing The Last of Us after a few hours because I thought it was shit.

-I love Gears of War.

-I think Bioshock Infinite is significantly worse than it's predecessors.

-I think Halo 4 was shit and 343 and Microsoft have effectively ruined the series.

-I find Saints Row 3 to be completely unfunny, boring and just plain stupid.

-I probably will pick up an Xbox One somewhere down the line

-I greatly enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 and I will be getting XIII-3 on launch.

-I think that New Vegas is complete trash compared to Fallout 3.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
BQE said:
Father forgive me, for I have sinned.

-I've politely declined every opportunity to play Half-Life due to a severe lack of any interest.

-I'm completely guilty of using the M203 Grenade Launcher in Call of Duty and loving it.
My favorite class in MWII was what I called the "Fuck it" class: NoobTube, Danger Close, Scavenger, and a Javelin. Everyone else NoobTubed in that game, so fuck it. :p

-I have yet to beat Disgaea 4 after getting to Earth (the grinding is getting to me).
But...but you've got everyone's favorite 10,000 year old loli as your avatar! :p

-I think World of Warcraft is a great game (though I'm retired), I adore Blizzard and despise the merger with Activision.
While I too confess that I enjoyed my run of WoW up till the very end of BC, I have to disagree with the second part. Blizzard is run by Satan and from it's ranks the Anti-Christ shall emerge.

-In games with customization, I very often put looks and being pretty before any sort of functionality.
I too am guilty-as-charged on this one.

And now for my own...

Forgive me, Mario, for I have sinned:

-I actually didn't have any problem whatsoever with the ending to Mass Effect 3 as it was originally executed.

-I've been with the Dynasty Warriors series since the 4th game and have thoroughly enjoyed every one that's been released since then (with the exception of Strike Force because everything I heard before it came out and since it came out has told me it sucked).

-I thought Aliens vs Predator on the 360 was a very fun game.

(here's a big one)-I actually didn't think the campaign of Colonial Marines was THAT bad.

-I think Dead or Alive is the greatest fighting game series ever made (Not for teh bewbies, I swear).

-When I got an Xbox (that is, the original Xbox, not a 360) it was quite specifically so I could get Dead or Alive 3.

-I think Marvel vs Capcom is the shittiest fighting game series ever made.

-I thought both Darksiders games were fan-frickin-tastic and was pissed off that no one picked up the franchise during the THQ auction, so it ended up getting sold outright to a company that doesn't even make games, but rather shops them out to the lowest bidder.

-I thoroughly enjoyed Bioshock 2 and don't see why everyone else seemed to hate it.

-I genuinely, TRULY enjoyed Dragon Age 2's story.

-I played Arkham City years before I played Arkham Asylum.

-I thought Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was the best of the bunch due to it's campaign more than the kick-ass multiplayer.

-I am a Rage-Quitter.

And that's about enough for now. :p


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Forgive me father for I have sinned:

BQE said:
-I have a weird fear of playing ladder-based multiplayer games like Starcraft 2 and PoxNora due to an irrational fear of losing and low rank (I'll overcome it someday.)
Ditto, I also can?t use a mic or admit to being female in competitive multiplayer less because of harassment and more because of a fear that I will suck and people will use my performance to perpetuate the "woman suck at games stereotype". It doesn't matter whether I'm constantly good at the game or not.

-I have download MMO?s specifically to play with the character customization despite having no interest in the game itself.

-I have played a game largely because I like the design of some characters.

-I try not to do it because it?s dickish but sometimes incompetent teammates piss me off enough for me to ditch halfway through a mission.

-I would play dance games were it not so embarrassing. If I had my own house I would buy one.

-On a related note: I want this [] game. It's a sin all on it's own.

-I know bulletstorm is juvenile and full of toilet humor but I still like it.

-I like my gratuitous violence and "dark and gritty" (though I agree this is getting over-saturated)

-I didn't like Garrus or Liara in the first Mass Effect and I like both Kaiden and Ashley.

-I use to think the Prince from Prince of Persia was attractive (yes that is a sin, he?s a prick)

-I have way to many unplayed games at the moment. God damn steam sales.

-Gaming makes me a perfectionist. I restart levels because of small mistakes that make no difference and I could easily make up for (missed to many head shots, fucked a jump up, picked the inconsequential wrong dialogue option ect)

-I am an achievement whore and a completionist. This is part of the reason I have so many games I've never gotten around to playing.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Forgive me flying spaghetti monster for I have sinned:

- I thought Portal 2 was far too long for it's own good and I quit in the last stretch of rooms.

- I'm a massive fan of Mega Man X and I have no problem with the series more or less repeating itself into oblivion with little evolution.

- Diablo 1 is my favorite Diablo game. I did not enjoy the skill trees and more open areas of 2 and 3 of course has a laundry list of issues on PC.

- I'm possibly the worlds worst altoholic. In Borderlands 2 I've put myself through that horrible slog part of the game from Southern Shelf to Sanctuary 25-30 times. And I'll continue to do so as I have more build ideas. >.>

- I love Spore.

- Despite that most see it as a gimmick nowadays, I still really enjoy having the chance to play an evil son of a *****. Catharsis and whatnot.


Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009
Forgive me Shigeru Miyamoto, for I have sinned:

- I have never played a Zelda all...ever.

- I hate playing games with people who cannot play the game itself and regularly get angry with them if they mess up.

- I believe Final Fantasy to be hugely over-rated.

- I regularly play games on the easiest difficulty.

- I personally had a good time with Dragon Age 2. I liked the characters (except for Anders, fuck that guy) and the gameplay was fast and fluid, although the plot overall could have been better.

- I have brought every piece of in-game DLC there is for the Mass Effect series.


Anime Nerds Unite
Apr 25, 2013
Forgive me Izanagi for I have sinned:

-I love fighters like Persona 4 Arena and Blazblue for their characters and story but can't play to save my life

-I actually don't mind the original ME3 ending, it was bad but not world ending

-I never actually played Persona 4 or the updated version because I don't have a Vita and the time allocation

-I haven't played any of the classics such as Ico and Shadow of the Colossus

-I'm an unabashed fan of Vanquish; could have gone further with the concept but was pure fun even if I couldn't do the things the developer demonstrated

-I personally like the designs of the Sorceress and Amazon in Dragon's Crown; they look like classic anime insanity


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
Forgive me Emperor, for I have sinned:
-I did not thin my paints when I painted my models 4 year ago. I still mean to pain them again.

-I find mindless, modern FPS's enjoyable. I also like the grimdark, gray, brown, and realistic genre.

-I dislike Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and most turn-based RPG's

-I have not played Skyrim

-I rarely explore in sandbox games, and mainly stick to the stories

-I must get all the collectables and the achievements

-I like both Dawn of War 2 and 1, and dislike Company of Heros

-I spent $50 on Serious Sam 3, and I didn't enjoy it. I only played 1 level.

-I have murdered the 4 year old bastard son of my cheating husband in Crusader Kings 2. That's more of a irl sin.

-I have DOS'ed Warcraft 1 and 2 off the internet, as well as some old GBA games they don't make any more.

-I enjoy having fun whilst playing online games; I am fine with losing a match

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
-I never did actually beat Deus Ex. There's this one point in the story I can't really say for reasons of spoilery stuff, and it's meant to be all serious and dramatic and stuff, but the voice acting is just soooooooooooooooooooo bad in that scene I literally burst into laughter and just finish the conversation then shut the game off. Not like I don't enjoy the game either, I've gotten to that point twice now and it's pretty damned far into the game, but that one scene just breaks me every time first into a fit of giggling then into closing the game and never touching it again for months if not years at a time.

-Also, yeah, I didn't like Bioshock Infinite much. Was alright really but then the reaction online, treating the game like it was some sort of paragon of gaming virtues, just killed was little enjoyment I did get out of the game. It's stupid of me to do the whole 'hate because its popular thing' but I really don't see why it got such high praise, I genuinely don't.

Alssadar said:
-I have murdered the 4 year old bastard son of my cheating husband in Crusader Kings 2. That's more of a irl sin.
If that's the worst thing you've done in Crusader Kings 2 you're still a lightweight. Get out, get out now before the game corrupts you completely. The crimes I've committed in that game are unspeakable.

Johnny Reb

New member
Sep 12, 2010
Ignosce mihi, Pater, quia peccavi:

- I have never played any of the half-lifes

- I constantly reply games on the difficulty that I beat them; easy.

- I absolutly adored Fable: TLC for XBOX

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Forgive me father for I have sinned:

-I have two copies of Pokemon Black while owning a copy of White, and I wouldn't mind buying another copy of Black because reasons.(insanity on my part)

-I like the Modern Warfare 2 campaign more than the Call of Duty 4 campaign.

-I still haven't played Half Life even though I want to, but I don't have the motivation.

-I never cared for Portal one that much, I loved the puzzles, but I need more than puzzle solving to have lots of fun with a game.

-I prefer God of War to most other Hack and Slash beat em' ups.

-I think the original Metal Gear Solid is the least fun to play compared to the other three main games.

For some of these, I don't think even the Pope could forgive me of some of these gaming sins.


New member
May 14, 2012
Forgive me Father for I have sinned

-I allowed Bismark to trick me into a costly war in Civ 5, only to be tricked again by William the Orange and his puffy medieval booty shorts.

-I have never beaten Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion, Suikoden 3, or Suikoden 4.

-I talked large amount of trash in Alliance Battles in GW1 in a vain attempt to gain personal fame and enrage my foes, i failed at both.

-I have had lude thoughts about Tauren and Pardarn Females.

-I have regularly destroyed NPC Villages in Minecraft instead of stealing their crops and lootz like a proper miner should.

-I was angered to wrath at the take back mass effect people for their failure to respect the ending, despite never having played the series. May the number of fucks i have to give be reduced to the number of likeable characters in Twilight.

-I allowed my brother to buy the Happy Feet video game when we already owned DDR and a dance mat.

-I played Unsummon on Thrask in MTG

-I have no little to no interest in learning combos in fighting games and am content to fall back on my Spam Fu abilities.

-I played two levels of Portal and hated it.

Mr Dizazta

New member
Mar 23, 2011
Forgive me Shigeru Miyamoto, for I have sinned:

- I have never beaten a Zelda game, even Ocarina of Time.

- I hate watching a friend play a game I have already beaten simply because I can't help but spoil the game for them.

- I hate playing a game blind and frequently search for guides especially when I play RPGs.

- I regularly play games on the easiest difficulty(turning up difficulty during replay though).

- I like even loved Dragon Age 2. I liked the characters and the second Act of the game. Only problem I had was the recycled environments and the third Act.

- I have brought every piece of in-game DLC there is for the Mass Effect series(except Genesis Comic(don't want) and Omega(will get soon).

- I have yet to beaten my first playthrough of Dark Souls since starting it last year. I simply cannot marathon through the game like I can others. I am not saying that the game is bad, but that I simply cannot sit down and play the game for long stretches of time because of frustration with some of the gameplay mechanics. I am up to Ornstein and Smough though.

- I rage quit Deus Ex: Human Revolution after stupidly jumping off of the top floor of Sarif Industries building. I didn't start playing the game again until last month.

- I have never played a main series Final Fantasy to completion. Only Final Fantasy game I ever beaten was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

- I have never beaten any first party Nintendo game outside beating Brawl's story mode and Pokemon.

- I preordered and bought the Balls of Steel Edition of Duke Nukem Forever.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
forgive me collective gaming hive mind for i have sinned

- i have not beaten fallout one or 2 partially due to lacking a mouse(touchpad is dreadful) due to terrible combat and have really just read the story through the wikia but will one day force myself to play them

- (NOT trying to start a argument )i believe the anti fallout 3 army are just whining about the lore because the original fallout 3 wasnt made to finish by obisidian(blaming interplay not obsidian) and are going by endings of fallout 1 and 2 which some are quite vague to be honest also to add the game before hand made by interplay the true lore raping game being brotherhood of steel killed it worse than fallout 3 ever could anyone remember bawls energy drink and nuka cola being removed along with all classical music that game anyone? bethesda revived it from a terrible mutilation by interplay.

-fallout 4 is going to be made by bethesda sorry but its the truth i will admit obsidian are better writers
and a good chance fucking Todd howard and his groupies will skyrimafy it.(not a bad game but rpg elements are scare) but im going to buy it regardless because im a fallout fan and cant judge its worth till i try it

-i think fallout new Vegas best dlc is dead money

- i have never beaten final fantasy 7 even though i constantly mean to i have not yet

-i have played any baulders gate game other than dark alliance one & 2 due to terrible combat and my computer refusing to run but due like the story set up though.

-i also like gears of war series and think its the epitome of third person shooters only being nearly tied by vanquish

-i liked halo 4 campaign and wonder where it goes next but if the mp is still the same as i lasted played the rest of
the game can go die

-i actually have saves/acheivments of call of duty mw2 on my xbox(thanks to a friend) even though i hate the series

-MMO's are near fucking plauges and all they do is ruin games series either immediately or eventually casees in point Warcraft KOTOR and soon elder scrolls the only exception i can recall is EVE due to it starting as a mmo.

-the mass effect ending was made better by the extended cut and some of the dlc.

-in multiplayer shooters i will use any weapon i find you can whine all you want for me using gears retro lancer halo's energy sword if it will give me a advantage.

-i actually want buy dead space 3 to finish the story and my collection of the series.

- im so far actually looking forward to the thief reboot.

- dragon age origins for its decent characters and story is boring as hell.

- i loved the mechwarrior games released on original xbox

-i havent played majoras mask

-heavy rain is not a game it is a movie that you see once and never play it again

-i dislike valve because their just reaping of tf2 hats and steam instead of making damn games.

- i may buy mass effect 4

wow that was relieving nice thread.