Gaming with out the music.


New member
May 4, 2009
Would your favorite game, that you know and love, be the same without the soundtrack backing it?

The docrine of ethos states that the music affects your character and emotions. This is found throughout all of the games we play from the lack of music in the survival-horror genre, to the epic soundtrack in Halo. Would you be as into games if the music that has been there was not there any longer. Probably not. From the old digital loops from Doom and Duke Nukem, to the full orchestras of any of the Final Fantasy games, music in the games we love has come a long way.

Games rely heavily on the composer they use. A personal favorite of mine is Martin O'Donnell, the man who made the Halo soundtrack. For the first game, all he had was a MIDI sound studio with very limited effects. When Halo 3 rolled around, he had a full orchestra, and you can feel the power of the soundtrack behind the game. This is a long way away from the humble beginnings of the MS-DOS digital sounds. The first games, for the younger gamers out there, did not have amazing sound cards to rely on. They depended on the sound card built in to the motherboard, which could produce only monophonic, or one tone at a time, themes. A quick arpeggio when you opened a chest. A sullen low tone trill when you entered a cave. It was very unmoving, but it was a start.

Slowly, as hardware expanded, the sound that the composers were able to make became more and more complex. The Duke Nukem theme features the same technology that your phone uses. That was advanced back then. A polyphonic theme was the shit. This technology kept growing, until you were able to listen to very basic MIDI loops. Today, nobody thinks about the sound card that is in you console or PC. That is because it does not matter. Memory being what it is, combined with the fact that more advanced BUS' and CPUs could handle more with less, meant that you just take what comes stock. In fact, most people could not tell the difference unless the card being added supported a Dolby 8.1 surround sound system and was being compared to laptop speakers.

So, why put this much emphasis on creating original scores, themes, and movements? For you. All of this is done so that the game sucks you in. Next time you are playing a game, listen. Listen to the lack of music, or subtle tones in Resident Evil, or listen to Breaking Benjamin's "Blow Me Away" in the fight sequence for Halo 2. Feel how it moves you. The birds chirping are not just there, they serve a higher purpose. All of this culminates into the most emotionally gripping experience. So, next time you are playing a game, just listen. Close your eyes and feel what is happening. It will move you.

In closing, would your favorite games be your favorites without the soundtrack? Would it have touched you differently? How would your experience have changed? Probably a lot.

Post your favorite moment in a game, where the music could have made or broke the scene.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
In my opinion the best soundtracks have come from the Metal Gear seires. I feel I would still be interested in games without the music but it just builds the atmosphere and emphasises the story making you care more about the characters, something important in the Metal Gear games, especialy MGS4.

The techno in Half Life 2 also makes shooting zombies with the shotgun all that more satisfying.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
My favorite game is a visual novel. The music is absolutely vital, so much so that even absolute silence conveys an emotional state (usually either shock or immediate suspense).

Noob_Tube said:
Post your favorite moment in a game, where the music could have made or broke the scene.
I don't understand the question.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
My favorite games wouldn't be the same without it's music....sometimes.

In all honesty, except for some standout titles, the music in most games is hardly memorable. For example, i played Zeno Clash and Riddick: AODT yesterday and don't really remember anything about the music.

And in most cases, music in games is a very secondary thing, something that is forgettable if it does not dampen or heighten the experience (exceptions being...or course, music based games like REZ and GH or games like Left 4 Dead where it is used as an Gameplay Element)

Of course, the wrong music in a game not suited for it ruins it....

As for favorite music thing that comes to mind is the entirety of Shadow of the Colossus. It's epic, it's emotional, and it heightens the feelings that the game evokes.
Same for every Silent Hill. Even the lesser ones like the room had some absolutely beautiful and some downright terrifying music.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
You mentioned Halo multiple times in your post, recently, i completed the original Halo for i think the 4th time and some of the music soundtracks still managed to help inspire and heighten the drama in the scenes i was playing.

This is the composition i was talking about, it literally enhanced the battle.
(skip about halfway in)
This track was mostly playing around the control room and without this music, it would've seemed like an elaborate looking tower, but the music enhanced it into an important structure.

This track definitely helped in the flood scenes, it put you on edge while pushing you to keep moving.

Im trying not to sound like a fanboy, (im not, i hate parts of Halo 3 immensely) im just trying to appreciate what a good soundtrack can do to enhance a game.


New member
May 4, 2009
Noob_Tube said:
Post your favorite moment in a game, where the music could have made or broke the scene.

I don't understand the question.
If your favorite scene in a game did not have music in it, would it be the same?


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
I cannot - CANNOT - play through a game without music. If there's no music while I'm playing, then the ambiance has to be enough that I would barely notice, otherwise I can't bring myself to continue. And if a game's soundtrack is lacking, it's even harder for me to want to finish it, regardless of how good the gameplay is.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
well, the music in Fallout 3 was good because watching your enemy explode into a cloud of eyeball-strewn gore while listening to some light Jazz added an ironic twist to it, but generaly I don't pay much attention to the music (unless it's metal, of course).


New member
Feb 27, 2009
I loved the soundtrack in the following games:

System Shocks 1 & 2
Silent Hill 2
Deus Ex
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (especially the Hollywood theme)

among others.

Oh and I'd agree with the Halo soundtrack, it was the only good thing about the game.



New member
Nov 6, 2008
Im trying to imagine any of the ssx series with out the kickass sountracks... the thought scares me


New member
Apr 6, 2009
I don't know if I can point out my favorite moment,
But Chrono Trigger is a game that the soundtrack was vital.
When ever that main theme started playing, something badass was going to happen.
Not a scene, but the music in Radiata Stories really gets me into that game.
Strolling down the main street that Theater Vancour is on, that music is perfect.

Also, if anyone has ever doubted how important music is to making a game, they haven't played Jet Set Radio Future yet.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
I usually play late at night while my wife is sleeping. So i tend to have no sound at all. Only for shooting games, then i plug in the earphones. My ears sweat after a while htough so i dont tend to play very long.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
C0RV4L0U5 said:
Im trying to imagine any of the ssx series with out the kickass sountracks... the thought scares me
too right

See the thing is, I decided to re-watch Crank the other day. Now despite being a well educated guy, and knowing all the reasons why Crank and it's sequel are shit, I love them. Point is, I put the DVD into my laptop and all of the sound effects and vocals weren't playing, so all I could hear was pure soundtrack, it was the trippiest shit I had ever witnessed.

I think all in all, yes the soundtrack may be important, but sound effects are more important. Like in left 4 dead, there's barely any music, but as long as I can hear the gun shots and what not over the metal I'm playing, then I'm happy.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I play with my Winamp on to almost everything, except:

FPS games.

Neverwinter Nights.

Nintendo DS games (but I do like to turn TV on then ;p).

And action games with nice music, like Prince of Persia, Dark Sector or Beyond Good and Evil.


New member
May 15, 2008
I personally have gone through a few games without any music at all (even the game music) just to see what it would be like.

I have still not yet come to a conclusion, but I can say that I have found some scenes more interesting without music and vice versa.

Otherwise I have my music on if I have completed the game once before/I'm playing Oblivion. The most repetitive soundtrack I can currently think of at this point in time.


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online again, and must say that the music makes the game that much more enjoyable. I found a fellow minstrel in a tavern playing a lute. I invited him to play some music with me and we ended up playing some Beethoven, Mozart and some traditional folk music.

Many people gathered to listen to the music and just chat amongst eachother. You don't often hear someone playing nice music like that, it's usually just cover band stuff.

(For those who don't know; LoTRO has several instruments that you can play via the keyboard. With keys 1-8 of different notes, and 3 different octaves for each. Ctrl, Shift and Normal. You can also download ABC music files, and load them in the game to automatically play them. It also allows you to /play "Song" sync, with your group members, so you can play a 6 person song.)

Some samples.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Silent Hill 2 made me brake down because of the incredible music inserted at the right time. No sad scene in Silent Hill would be the same without the spooky music, it just doesn't really work.

And the beginning of Beyond Good and Evil is also amazing because of the music. Anyone remember the flute melody played while Jade was watching the sunrise? Always loved that scene.