yeah? but thats a risk you take when buying ANYTHING entertainment related, be it a book or a movie, hell even with a movie its exactally like you said you could read 20 reveiws on a movie, decide to see it (pay extra for the glasses too...) and realise you thourght it was crapCheckD3 said:Yes, but all the research in the world won't tell you if a game is good, and because reviews and critiques are personal, you could hear 20 reviews that praise a game and still find it crap, the same that 20 horrible reviews about a game won't change the fact that you could personally find a game the best ever. And you could also learn something about yourself through a new experience, and also a previous era of tastes or a polished revision on something you once didn't like but done right find fantasticVault101 said:CheckD3 said:Does anyone else think of Charlie Sheen when he says "Winning?"
Other things I also said
anyway if its going to start anywhere I bet it will be with devs and publishers...mabye going casual/micro transaction is a more apealing option with the huge cost of makign games, but trust me it has NOTHING to do with the consumer
Yes, they are different, but that doesn't change the fact that just because the experiences are different mean that a casual game will be less of a game or a time of enjoyment than a AAA game will be.
It sounds like you're insulting the casual gaming industry, and while it changes gaming's face, it's not necessarily bad. I've come to the conclusion that casual games are 1 aspect of gaming stretched out and polished (usually) to give enjoyment, and while it doesn't push the "games are art" argument at all, you can't deny that casual gaming hasn't had a good impact on the industry and also brought gaming to many people.
I never said that Bioshock 2 or DA2 were BAD games, I said that they didn't live up to the hype that were given to them. And nowadays you have many games that do the same. Very rarely do you have a game surpass a strong opening game, because the original reaction to a game that had no expectations is extremely hard to get when people have something under the same franchise tag and can hold it up to it's original. There isn't enough innovation done to keep ideas fresh. This is why I praised Portal 2, because amazingly, I found it as fun as I hoped. The story was stronger, the characters well thought out and executed, and the puzzles as fun and challenging as I had come to expect. However it's rare to find games that can do this.
And yes, those who don't have access to DLC are a bit SoL, but nowadays there are fewer and fewer people in your situation. PS3 has built-in wi-fi and a free acct, and X360s now have built-in wi-fi, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can still download and buy things the XBLM w/ a silver account. Again, I may be wrong, but even still, if you had to get Gold, I'm sure many people could find use for it to buy games that can be played offline, and play games online. Access to internet on the consoles has grown significantly, and not to sound like a jerk, but they don't care about you because they're not looking back at people who can't afford these upgrades, but are focusing on those who can, the same way that a person with a GC, Xbox (original), NES, PS2 (I believe they're discontinued games on it, correct me if I'm wrong) and older systems have no love from companies while new gens get all the love.
I mean unless your Yahztee its not THAT impossible to pick a game you like, theres also the bargin bin too you might find some gold in there oyu havnt played before
My point about them being different was that it makes NO sense for all the gamers of the world to see "ohhhhh!! angry birds" and never evert hink twice about AAA gaming again because their too busy wth their Ipohones, if that was going to happen..I think it would have or would BE happening because of the wii
its clear im not a fan of casual games, but yeah...I dont really care about them but if somone has fun with them then all the more power to them, (however if they did kill AAA gaming or forced it to go down the DLC/microtransaction route then I'd hardly call that a good impact on the industry) but as I said before the Idea of the former dosnt make any sense
as for over hyped games...I dont see why this is such a big deal, people are going to buy games regardless and others have their expectations too high, the problem isnt with over hyped games its with fresh new IP's or lackthereof
as for my situation I guess that will prbably change (hopefully) in the future
but its the very principal that bothers me, when I get a game I want it to be the complete experience I dont want to have to worry about when the next add on is goign to be released ect
also the big problem is the 5 hour capagn games with their tacked on multiplayer, THAT is the major issue because most people know that that game is not worth $60, basically all developers need to do is make a game worth that much
and keep in mind some countries like Australia, have somwhat of an internet problem
Doom and gloom time!!!! honestly to me this is beggining to feel like when those church nutters tell you the world is endingCarlston said:Man, gaming is dying, hero movies are dying...
You know what is DEAD?
Creative games, games that are longer than 6-10 hours of game play. Games with fresh scripts, games with more fun factor, exploration and flat out STORY have all died to graphics and corridor linear adventures.
But hey, long as you make it pretty and clone God of Wars game play... you game companies will spit out garbage, make hint guides (to make sure we mindless players finish the game in 2 days with all unlockables so we can BUY a new game!) till your blue in the face.
Millions to develop a game? Really? Do we need to see Solid Snakee's zits form in real time?
Do we need to see individual hairs flowing in the wind on someones head? Really? No... we don't.
How bout you make a "fun" game again? That's a start...
best not to think about it and go play some games....