GATTACA is here...


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Bibliomancer said:
Here in the US, they recently passed a law so that people can't be denied work based on genetic profiling. So no Gattaca yet.
Well, at the very least we will see in our lifetimes those little walk-up sequencer places; pay to see if your compatible with your GF/BF thing.


New member
Dec 11, 2007
I put this into the category of useless, along with full body scans. It will only cause worry for something that you "might" be susceptible for. That can be done with any disease without mapping your genome to be quite honest, just look at your family history, and that doesn't cost 99k. Anyways, there is no reason for anyone to have this done, unless done with intentions based on curiosity of what makes you tick.

black lincon

New member
Aug 21, 2008
NDWolfwood5268 said:
black lincon said:
darksusano said:
Pardon my ignorance but whats GATTACA?
A movie where in the world they lived in everyone was judged based on their genes. the point of the movie was that we weren't determined by our genetics and that doing so was bad so I fail to see how this is a step in the right direction.
I don't know if he was being serious, I took it as sarcasm. I see it as disturbing sort of...
I was more referring to the people who commented who seemed excited who didn't exactly understand why referencing GATTACA meant it was a bad thing.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
black lincon said:
NDWolfwood5268 said:
black lincon said:
darksusano said:
Pardon my ignorance but whats GATTACA?
A movie where in the world they lived in everyone was judged based on their genes. the point of the movie was that we weren't determined by our genetics and that doing so was bad so I fail to see how this is a step in the right direction.
I don't know if he was being serious, I took it as sarcasm. I see it as disturbing sort of...
I was more referring to the people who commented who seemed exited who didn't exactly understand why referencing GATTACA meant it was a bad thing.
Ah, I getcha, mmk.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Aegwadar said:
Bibliomancer said:
Here in the US, they recently passed a law so that people can't be denied work based on genetic profiling. So no Gattaca yet.
Well, at the very least we will see in our lifetimes those little walk-up sequencer places; pay to see if your compatible with your GF/BF thing.
You can already do that with your mobile. Just 4.50 a week.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
The_Deleted said:
Aegwadar said:
Bibliomancer said:
Here in the US, they recently passed a law so that people can't be denied work based on genetic profiling. So no Gattaca yet.
Well, at the very least we will see in our lifetimes those little walk-up sequencer places; pay to see if your compatible with your GF/BF thing.
You can already do that with your mobile. Just 4.50 a week.

ROFL! Touche'

Bofus Teefus

New member
Jan 29, 2009
super_smash_jesus said:
I put this into the category of useless, along with full body scans. It will only cause worry for something that you "might" be susceptible for. That can be done with any disease without mapping your genome to be quite honest, just look at your family history, and that doesn't cost 99k. Anyways, there is no reason for anyone to have this done, unless done with intentions based on curiosity of what makes you tick.
Seriously, in most cases, if you have a gene that we believe puts you at a high risk for a certain disease state, that usually gets compared with your family history for that particular disease, and decisions on treatment are usually based on that history.

One exception would be HER-2 positive breast cancer. There is a genetic test that can be done to show whether or not a specific drug is likely to work. It's actually required that the test be done before treatment starts (in the US at least.) This is about the only reliable genetic test that is of any value right now. This may also change.

Most of what makes it to the media is pure, unadulterated hype.


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
Glefistus said:
Yeah, making Gattaca come true will be my life's devotion after I get my PhD. Ahahahaha!
Making the tech from GATTACA come true should be your life's devotion.
Preventing the culture from GATTACA coming true should be your life's devotion.

You work on Snow Crash [].


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
Glefistus said:
BobisOnlyBob said:
Glefistus said:
Yeah, making Gattaca come true will be my life's devotion after I get my PhD. Ahahahaha!
Making the tech from GATTACA come true should be your life's devotion.
Preventing the culture from GATTACA coming true should be your life's devotion.

You work on Snow Crash [].
No, I think the culture would be great. We would become flawless creatures. Our potential as a species would become limitless, and we could inherit the galaxy as a race of superbeings. We also wouldn't have dead weights on society, as "god childs" would be such outcasts, no parent in their right mind would have one, thus eliminating the chance of a defective human being born.
While I agree with you in principle - I am a through-and-through Transhumanist - I do not support Eugenics []. Admittedly, although the possibility of foetal genetic augmentation is incredibly tempting and even likely, discrimination against those without augmented or positive genetic traits should not be encouraged or utilised. The culture of improvement and augmentation should come into existence; a culture of discrimination and limitation should not. Furthermore, we should never be so egotistical to ever consider ourselves "perfect" or "divine" regardless of our form, ability, or skills - there is Always A Bigger Fish.

TLDR: Eugenics bad. Posthuman [] good.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
BobisOnlyBob said:
Glefistus said:
BobisOnlyBob said:
Glefistus said:
Yeah, making Gattaca come true will be my life's devotion after I get my PhD. Ahahahaha!
Making the tech from GATTACA come true should be your life's devotion.
Preventing the culture from GATTACA coming true should be your life's devotion.

You work on Snow Crash [].
No, I think the culture would be great. We would become flawless creatures. Our potential as a species would become limitless, and we could inherit the galaxy as a race of superbeings. We also wouldn't have dead weights on society, as "god childs" would be such outcasts, no parent in their right mind would have one, thus eliminating the chance of a defective human being born.
While I agree with you in principle - I am a through-and-through Transhumanist - I do not support Eugenics []. Admittedly, although the possibility of foetal genetic augmentation is incredibly tempting and even likely, discrimination against those without augmented or positive genetic traits should not be encouraged or utilised. The culture of improvement and augmentation should come into existence; a culture of discrimination and limitation should not. Furthermore, we should never be so egotistical to ever consider ourselves "perfect" or "divine" regardless of our form, ability, or skills - there is Always A Bigger Fish.

TLDR: Eugenics bad. Posthuman [] good.
I'm stuck between the two realms on this one... I like the idea of refining the human gene... but at what expense? Gah. Maybe too big a thought at this moment.. I'm sure to think this one a little more...


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
Aegwadar said:
I'm stuck between the two realms on this one... I like the idea of refining the human gene... but at what expense? Gah. Maybe too big a thought at this moment.. I'm sure to think this one a little more...
At worst, we could end up like the cities of GATTACA... or perhaps even worse, like Rapture [].

If we're luckier, we'll get something closer to The Culture []. We'll see.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
BobisOnlyBob said:
Aegwadar said:
I'm stuck between the two realms on this one... I like the idea of refining the human gene... but at what expense? Gah. Maybe too big a thought at this moment.. I'm sure to think this one a little more...
At worst, we could end up like the cities of GATTACA... or perhaps even worse, like Rapture [].

If we're luckier, we'll get something closer to The Culture []. We'll see.
I'm actually not to worried if we end up with a couple of "Raptures" in our time, as sick as it sounds, its always a Miss and try again scenario for humans... Plus, we would be paving the way for that ever-so-elusive space colonization issue.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Not even close yet, we don't have the genetic manipulation technology to make it a reality. Generally speaking we're likely to find that everyone's genes are weak.

SPOILERS about Gattaca:

Gattaca is a rather bad (in my opinion) movie where in the near future there is a Space Program that only the brightest and the best can join.

You've got this situation where they have the abillity to both identify genes and modify people into what amounts to perfect humans. A couple decides to modify one of their children and make the other one a "god's child" which is to say a natural unmodified child birth. The kid in question winds up with the potential for all kinds of defects based on it's genetic history with no modification for it.

The unmodified kid basically grows up to be like Batman despite all odds. Not a vigilante but rather the peak of physical abillity. Better than most of the genetic gods around him, but he's doomed because of his genetic history. Natural borns being relegated to meniel duty and such since nobody will hire for the good jobs based on genetic history, and genetic history is a crime to fake.

This kid decides he wants to be an astronaut and cuts a deal with a genetically modified guy who is in the program to take his place. This guy being dysfunctionally depressed. Being "Batman" he of course is capable of doing everything perfectly, but needs to go through insane amounts of precautions so he will not be outed as an unmodified human. Of course the program begins to suspect and drama and suspense ensues.

The guy whose place he takes winds up finally breaking down and committing suicide After numerous close calls (including one of the most ridiculous ways to cheat on a blood test I've ever seen, I mean literally the guy hides an alternate bag of plama under his arm and nobody notices) he eventually goes into space, where he doesn't have to risk being sent back even if he's discovered because it would be too expensive, and by that point nobody would care.

Oh yeah and there are subplots about his brother being a cop, and some sexual tension with Uma Thurman. It's been a while but this synopsis covers most of what I remember.

Really I recommend avoiding this movie, it's actually pretty bad. I'm surprised so many people have actually heard of it/seen it. Interesting premise but... wow.
