Mumorpuger said:
I'm not familiar with a "dog whistle complaint," could you explain that for me?
A complaint that is designed to aggravate certain people; one that uses particular language to sound innocuous to the average person, but which is loaded to the "right" people. Kind of like how "only dogs" can hear a dog whistle.
I'm asking if this isn't a way of complaining about gays while making excuses about how what you're really against is something that they're not doing in the first place, but sounds far more reasonable (except for the fact that it's a completely false premise because they're not).
It's not just sexual orientation I feel this way about though... similar events like Black History Month give me the same feeling. Morgan Freeman had an interview that pretty much sums up my thoughts on that though:
Yes, and let's talk about how poor an analogy that is. This is about gay people getting prominence in the community, and is more comparable to the "negro rights" movement (Which has been largely renamed "civil rights" or "black rights"). I doubt Freeman would have opposed it under any name. I should point out my very white father lent his support back when it was called the black rights movement, as did a lot of white people. Where does this myth of segregation come from? Thousands upon thousands of white folk supported Martin Luther King, even as they were actively harassed as "****** lovers" and the like. And you can't be on the side of a "gaymer" convention because....Ponies?
Again, this seems like a dog whistle complaint, if for no other reason than its utter speciousness when taken as a "legitimate" argument.
Oh, and while I love Freeman, the idea of getting rid of racism by not talking about it is completely idiotic and he should be ashamed. And again, I doubt he would have taken that tack when blacks were routinely getting assaulted by god Christian white folk in the South.
I wonder if he would have told King to "stop talking about it."
And I really wonder how my father would feel about the notion. I mean, he was jailed, spit on, assaulted, and called the previously-mentioned slur. And all he had to do was not talk about racial issues? That would have been especially easy for a white boy from Maine.