Gearbox: "We Are Not Working on Borderlands 3"


New member
May 27, 2009
Weaver said:
Of course not, they're working on Borderlands 2 DLC still.
Which isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't sound like there's going to be any more "big" DLC because of hitting memory limits on the consoles and they can't add more new stuff unless they do some massive overhauls.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Naqel said:
TiberiusEsuriens said:
I like their "sequels need to have a few years in between them to really breath" approach.

Plus with how Borderlands 2 ended, I fully expect the next entry to be... MMO.
So you're saying they'd be making Destiny 2.0, since Destiny is essentially just Borderlands with more sci-fi? (not a bad thing!)

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
TheEvilCheese said:
Calling it now, Borderworlds (or equally silly name). MMO, vault hunting expanded (the cast recruit new player hunters after the end of 2). Recently started pre-production. Out 2016. Announcement late this year or Q1-2 next year.

Because they really like money.
I believe they do have a domain name under Borderworlds somewhere, so they may be working on the game.

No idea what kind of game it would be.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
CriticalMiss said:
I guess the Telltale game is what we get to pass the time with.
Though, with telltales track record, they'll end up releasing a project better than the original. It would be nice to see more heart and characterization added to the hilarity. Maybe this isn't such a good idea for Gearbox after all...

Whatever, just give me more Tiny Tina and we'll be fine.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
gigastar said:
Scorpid said:
That honestly all sounds great but it's a long way from making up for Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem which to be fair to Duke Nukem no was really expecting that game to be good and it at least was recognizable gameplay wise to it's promotional unlike Colonial Marines which was just lies on top of lies. No one should forget about those games when Gearbox talks big future plans and promises.
Contrary to what you think, Gearbox can be forgiven for Duke Nukem Forever. Most of it had already been done by 3D Realms. And when they lost the rights to that game to 2K, it was then given to Gearbox, who might have made something good out of it, if 2K wasnt more interested in finally seeing a return on its 11-year investment.

As for Colonial Marines, given that this game was at one point cancelled then later uncancelled due to fan demand, i believe the root of the problem that would produce A:CM started there.
This is the most obvious counter point to both of your arguments against Gearboxs responsibility; Fans nor 3drealms released the games nor would they see any of the profit from those bad releases, and in the consumers case even enjoy the releases they bought. Gearbox couldn't of simply missed it either, so it was clearly an organized effort on sega and their part to lie to their consumers in a very desperate attempt to make some money from those stinkers before everyone knew what they had actually bought. It's simply now a fact that if you see the gearbox logo on a game 'it's buyer beware', and that puts them in the unpleasant company of studios like Hammerpoint and Eutechnyx.

EDIT: I would like to say I don't hate Gearbox as a developer. I mean I can't hate the company that made in my opinion the best WWII shooter in gaming (Brothers in Arms). But I can't easily forgive them for this either


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
So the last money gate of Gearbox is being shut down. now maybe they will sink in thier own shitty gates finally. Seriuosly, we all talk about how EA this Nintendo that but when you look at it the last good game Gearbox released was... a half-life expenasion pack in 2002!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
While I would like another sequel at some point but I am actually ok with this given how open ended the ending was (so many direction they can take).


New member
Nov 21, 2009
TiberiusEsuriens said:
So you're saying they'd be making Destiny 2.0, since Destiny is essentially just Borderlands with more sci-fi? (not a bad thing!)
Seeing as Destiny dosen't look like it'll come to PC any time soon, I'd say it's fair game.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Good, I don't think I'd even buy the 3rd if they did, not after what happened with both DN and A:CM, I've learned to stay away from a lying asshole.

It was funny though that I recently got chewed by a fan on another forum for telling the truth about what GB did, even though people give shit to EA,Ubisoft,SEGA,Nintendo etc, GB is not the exception.