Gene Simmons Declares War on Anonymous


New member
Nov 2, 2009
i dont think u can start an attcak on anonymous coz their not an organization
thir an idea and anyone can be part of it for example i could say
Korea Sucks anonymous rules, if some one agrees wiv my oppinion and saysthe same
it could start a chain of haters towards the subject in question under one name
SO good luck Simmons on what will be the most interestin court case of the milenia


New member
Oct 20, 2010
What makes him a dick isn't that he's threatening to sue for theft, but he's saying to sue them to the point they lose EVERYTHING. It'd be one thing if he was just talking about getting a slight fee from the person who pirated a song, but to go to the lengths of saying to get their house, their car, everything? That crosses the line.
As for him fighting Anonymous, they're apparently planning to take that statement (of people ending up in jail and getting buttraped), try to tie it in with homosexuality, then send mass letters to Dr Pepper about either them supporting a homophobe that makes statements like that, or just making offensive statements in general. Basically targeting his sponsorships.
Also sending out copies of a porn he made that he didn't want public.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Yeah, Simmons is understandably angry about people pirating music. It's his music after all, he made it, and he would like to get paid for it.

But it's a stupid move to threaten anonymous. Yes, they'll more than likely get some of the hackers, but there's no way they can get anywhere close to most of them, because it would be too difficult and too expensive to track down each and every single pirate, hacker or anonymous member.

But also, it's silly for anonymous to get so angry over a speech Simmons made. Lots of artists and lobbyists have made similar speeches, and threatening to "take down a website" isn't going to make the suits go away any time soon.

Both sides are over-reacting and making silly threats at each other. Some people, however, might have their lives ruined by this stupid argument, or at least they might lose a whole chunk of money.

It would be nice to live in a world without pirates. But until someone can perfect a form of quantum cryptography (which isn't as far off as you might think), pirates and hackers will ALWAYS exist. Rather than try to imprison all of them (and they will never be able to do that) or try to crush them out of existence, the industry must evolve with technology. It's not as if pirates are such a threat that they aren't making money any more - the record industry still does make money. They can afford to try to work around the problem, instead of relentless attacking it, which won't get them anywhere.

I am quite technically apt. I could pirate a lot of things. For example, Fallout New Vegas - I could pirate that fairly easily. But I'm not going to. You know why? I like Fallout, and I like Obsidian. I could have pirated the Orange Box or Portal. I didn't, because I like Valve. I could have pirated Mass Effect 2 - I didn't, because I genuinely want to support BioWare.

Musicians could easily beat the pirates by giving people a reason to buy the physical disk. Like, new artwork, free concert tickets with a purchase, or some sort of nick-nack. True fans of the musician would buy these things. The Film industry could combat piracy by making the cinema experience better (No, not 3-D however, that's bad) and giving people a reason to want to go to the cinema. I go to the cinema sometimes because seeing it on the bigscreen with friends makes all the difference sometimes.

I don't like pirates as much as the next reasonable guy. But I recognize that they're not going to go away any time soon. I think studios and the record and the games industry should try to take down the providers of illegal content or the managers of sites that provide illegal content - that at least has some merit. But in trying to take down anyone who downloads, they have set themselves up a fruitless, hard task that will not stop the problem, and will damage their image, which is often the most important thing a studio/musician/actor has.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
HG131 said:
Worgen said:
well so much for liking simmons, he sounds like a pretty big dick
He's always been an ass.
Im starting to come to that realization, altho before now all my experiance with him was listening to some of KISS, seeing him a couple times on family guy, and seeing him once on the Shattners raw nerv or something


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
I like that the people who are against Simmons on this, by and large, are citing the "fact" that he wants people to lose their homes, get raped in prison, etc.

Yeah, folks. It's called "hyperbole." Or did you also think he literally means he wants to sue somebody for the right to actually, physically remove their pants from their bodies? He's making it clear that he's taking a hard-line stance against music piracy. And, while we can argue all day about the ins-and-outs of the music industry and their pricing model, he's not outside his rights on that.

(Yes, the music industry is crap now. There aren't nearly as many do-it-yourselfers out there, so every album has about ten gajillion hands reaching into that money pot--producers, engineers, studio musicians, marketing and ad guys, stage crew, choreographers, yadda yadda. And it's the producers sitting high on the hog, not the artists. The artists are just usually immature little buttheads that are living well on money they have BORROWED against the projected success of the album or tour.

Some of these problems will be fixed as more computer-savvy people become capable of doing their own sound engineering, and the internet is already making distribution a non-issue, so the producers will simply become outdated middlemen. Artists won't get as filthy rich, because everyone else can get their goods to market, and the audience's attention will be spread pretty thin... but they'll start getting a bigger cut of what their songs bring in, for sure.)


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Ok I want to see someone actually respond to my statement that I am going to make.

You see the fundamental problem with the music industry is that is not using the internet to it?s fullest potential as a marketing tool for its music. Instead they pay and hire lobby groups to harass innocent people and try to blackmail governments and ISP?s to do their bidding. The problem is now these lobbies have become so zealous with the power given to them that they are going the way of the drug lobby. They have to keep fighting a war that in reality is bollocks.

Most of the problem comes from a small source which is the music lobbyists who are screeching in Washington and in other places to do crazy rubbish which would circumvent free speech rules if they get their way. The solution is to downsize these groups and get them to turn their attention on those who are willing to sell music on the internet without a licence and deal with them.

The other problem is the way the music industry handles it?s self with the public. A lot of the time they use overblown statements to support their draconian methods of witch hunts. Hello, they don?t need to do this. All they need to do is stop trying to run after the ghost they think they are going to catch because they never will find the ghost because it doesn?t exist.

The Music industry as a whole needs to have a good strategy to deal with the pace of technology, already statistics prove that record sales in stores are dropping and that the market is for internet downloads of music. If they establish themselves there and actually get talking with their customer base and actually work with their artists better. They will find it?s much easier for them to market their products and also they will gain a lot more profits in the long run.

What the record companies as a whole need is a better online presence, also to manage their artists properly on how to use the internet effectively to promote them self?s. This might help the artists avoid more embarrassing problems unless it?s part of their staregy to achieve that.

The whole argument is about how to switch from a land based product to an online product which has massive marketing potential.

(On a related note to this Anonymous vs. Gene Simmons story. I think that Anonymous will ahve
a bit of fun with him and then forget about him because I think this is just Gene Simmons trying to grab some attention for him because of the industry he works in. Even saying the sun is red will get you attention. He is doing this in the hopes that he will further his career.
Also I have nothing against anonymous as all it is a bunch of people coming together and doing stuff and then moving around and having fun except everyone is hard to find out. 4chan is just a picture image board website for people to discuss about stuff. It?s up to the users what they want to see. The only thing I will say is that the mass of people do check themselves and they aren?t stupid. So don?t get all prissy about the internet and remember the internet is how to perceive it and the system is designed to share information.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Oh and speaking of the Simmons family and theft...


New member
Oct 20, 2010
His son stole artwork from various mangas and had his own published.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
GLo Jones said:
Okysho said:
GLo Jones said:
Setsuri21 said:
Feylynn said:
Some people seem to misinterpret who exactly Anonymous are...

Anonymous is exactly that, an idea of anarchy, free speech, and anonymity that is not attached to any single person.
The reason you can't beat them is because you can't fight an idea, what is one man and a bunch of lawyers going to do? Ban freedom of expression? Develop emotion suppressing drugs so we can film Equilibrium 2 in real life?

Anon isn't just 4 chan, it's anyone that ever talks with their identity concealed.

This is why they have the Guy Fawkes mask.

That said, I'm not advocating for them, I'm not saying all of the people that use the name actually get it, or that they aren't going to far. But even if you beat the current anon movement time will prove that the idea is eternal.
Just to throw the little tidbit out there, I love how they use guy fawkes mask's. does anyone actually understand what guy fawkes was actually trying to do?
Well it's fairly well known that instead of simply overthrowing a twisted government, he was in fact trying to instate his own (I think).

But the masks don't represent that, they represent uprising, and demonstration of the dislike of a current system/society. It's easily recognisable, anyone can buy one, and it goes well with a suit.
True fawkes was going to overthrow and instate his own government, but it's not very well known that Fawkes was fighting for the Spanish and that he was going to restore Catholic domination to the Protestant nation of Britain, (during the time of the Spanish inquisition) Britain would have wound up Fascist like Spain if he'd succeeded.

edit: spain isn't fascist now, but they were during the war, I'm not giving a history lesson, look it up
I knew it was something like that, but was COMPLETELY unaware that Fawkes had anything to do with the Spanish.
It's true. Look it up..

Off topic:



New member
Oct 20, 2010
HG131 said:
Mcface said:
cobrausn said:
Well, Simmons doesn't half-ass anything. I expect this to be a good show.
They have already DDOS a ton of his partner sites, found a sex tape where he cheats on his girlfriend/wife thingy, with a girl who wont even kiss him, despite him trying, and they plan on doing more.

Pretty sure he's lost..
Dude, his GF/Wife knows about that kind of stuff. Still, I pity the poor bastard who found and watched that thing.
They have his home address, phone number, fax, and are also working on targeting his sponsorship deals, as well as his niece (this by sending the coach of the vollyball team she's on for her school by sending him a picture of her drinking alcohol).


New member
Oct 20, 2010
WarpedPerspectiv said:
HG131 said:
Mcface said:
cobrausn said:
Well, Simmons doesn't half-ass anything. I expect this to be a good show.
They have already DDOS a ton of his partner sites, found a sex tape where he cheats on his girlfriend/wife thingy, with a girl who wont even kiss him, despite him trying, and they plan on doing more.

Pretty sure he's lost..
Dude, his GF/Wife knows about that kind of stuff. Still, I pity the poor bastard who found and watched that thing.
They have his home address, phone number, fax, and are also working on targeting his sponsorship deals, as well as his niece (this by sending the coach of the vollyball team she's on for her school by sending him a picture of her drinking alcohol).
Oh, and his son as well for copywright infringement in the comic his son made. Which has been shown on various sites that it's ripped off of some of the most popular manga novels out there (most notably Bleach).


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Soylent Bacon said:
zidine100 said:
Soylent Bacon said:
zidine100 said:
Soylent Bacon said:
zidine100 said:
Soylent Bacon said:
I can just listen on Grooveshark or Youtube or whatever, and that's good enough for me. I'll just grab the popcorn and sit back while I watch Gene Simmons and The Internet duke it out...
i hate to tell you this but that in itself would probably class as piracy. (youtube anyway, ive never heard of grooveshark myself.)
It's already a pretty unrealistic goal to severely punish everyone who downloads music illegally, so I highly doubt they're going to track down the IP addresses of every Youtube user who watches Rock and Roll All Night. Hell, even if that were to somehow happen, I would just have a story to tell my friends about how I was one of the victims of the Great Gene Simmons Internet Massacre of 2010.
unlikely at the present time yes (still im quite sure it would be a hell of alot easer to track down youtube users than music down loaders due to the fact they already have a solid lead on where the musics hosted).... although i wouldn't put it past some people, but do you really think most copyright holders care if its on you tube in a different file format with a picture, or a mp3 file on some torrent site. I think someone will go after youtube and its users eventually, in fact im sure of it.
Pirating a song with peer-to-peer software is different from watching a video on Youtube. If I download a track with Limewire, for example, I am knowingly taking music to keep for myself and play from my computer or on my mp3 player, when I would be expected to be paying for this by purchasing CD's or paying for it on iTunes. If I watch on Youtube, I am streaming the content on a site with advertisements each time I play it. Many musicians upload their own content to Youtube, and content on Youtube that is illegally uploaded is taken down or muted, because the uploader is actively abusing it, not the users who view the video.

then if thats the case it apply s to illegaly hosted tv shows on other sites, as there is no difference.

Just because its streamed doesnt make it legal, you are not paying to listen to there music and therefore are removing potential revenue from them by using youtube, sure some artists host music themselves witch is there's and that is legal (but the amount whitch isnt hosted by the artists themselves is huge), and youtube is doing that themselves the muting and the removing to try and appease copyright holders, it is working for now, just wait for them to get greedy enough though.

oh and yes streamed files are stored on your computer in case you didn't know.
I didn't say streamed files are legal, I said the viewers are not responsible for content posted illegally on a legal site, because it is not always clear whether or not a video has been posted illegally. If I see a video on Youtube of a song, and the name of the user is the name of the band's label, I have no way of knowing for sure if it was actually legally uploaded or not, since it could just as easily be a legally uploaded video as it could be illegally uploaded by a phony user.

Streamed videos are saved on your computer, but not in a form that you can watch/listen from your computer or save to a mobile device and watch/listen on that. The only way you can do that is with illegal conversion software. One cannot be held responsible for the content being passively downloaded in an unusable form, but one is responsible if one actively converts that streamed video into a file that is usable without access to its legal source.
i dont know if its the same from where your from but here, ignorance is not classed as an excuse here, its the same with handling stolen goods.

and actually streamed videos are quite easy to use again, for example youtube, videos are saved in a flv format, witch is very easy to copy and use, and hell alot of mp4 players support it natively without conversion.

oh and yes, most media players support this file format, you can play it without conversion very easily on your computer.