I managed 32372 with some serious Google-fu. It seems like they get progressively harder too. It was tricky but doable to orient myself in Port Fairy, AUS as there was a flag and signs to go by. Same with being plunked on a highway in Brazil right between a brige and a giant highway sign with 5 references. Being dropped into Wicken Fen near Cambridge, UK was a bit harder, but the second last one had me resorting to finding the road that crossed a Brazilian interstate border in the right direction with only a police shack for orientation, and the last one was actually a single panorama taken by a German fellow named Samuel Rothenbühler, whom I had to add to my Google+ in order to pull the coordinates from the picture. Turns out it was taken in a small forest on fucking Jeju Island off the coast of South Korea.
If Googling is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Edit: http://tinyurl.com/d7mf27t just in case anyone actually cares lol.