George Romero On Left 4 Dead 2


New member
Dec 3, 2009
George Romero arguable the farther of the zombie genre, G4TV interview him about his latest film and is asked about his opinion on left 4 Dead 2 and games. "It's so fast," Romero said. "You know, it's all splatter. There's no humor to it. I mean, you're really fighting... every split second, one of them is in your face." He goes on to say "I'd love to talk to a gaming company about it. Is there any way to slow this up and still make it cool for the fans who like to play these things? If you could slow it up and have a little more story and a little more humor and clever ways to kill. Could you do a different kind of strategy play?"

Would you like to see a zombie game with slow zombies multiple options for the player, the ability to pick up anything and use it as a weapon to maim and mutilate the undead, a pick and choose method of survival with unlimited killing possibilities?

I know Dead Rising has this kinda going on but what type options would you like?

Sorry No Youtube link.


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
sephiroth1991 said:
Would you like to see a zombie game with slow zombies multiple options for the player, the ability to pick up anything and use it as a weapon to maim and mutilate the undead, a pick and choose method of survival with unlimited killing possibilities?

I know Dead Rising has this kinda going on but what type options would you like?
It's not just got it going on, that IS Dead Rising in a nutshell.


New member
May 5, 2010
YES! _o/ Yes I would like this to be in settings. I would be great. And the slowness would increase the amount if it would be an option. And I don't think it would be that hard to implement. I actually always wonder the speed of the zombies. They are like rotten inside out but still going as hell.

[Edit] Ability to pick everything and vehicles would also be sweeeeeeeeeet.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
WrongSprite said:
sephiroth1991 said:
Would you like to see a zombie game with slow zombies multiple options for the player, the ability to pick up anything and use it as a weapon to maim and mutilate the undead, a pick and choose method of survival with unlimited killing possibilities?

I know Dead Rising has this kinda going on but what type options would you like?
It's not just got it going on, that IS Dead Rising in a nutshell.
Yes i know but how more optional would you like the game, like i don't know filling a car with exposives and letting it drive towards the zombies?


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Yeah looks like he should have seen Dead Rising, which is pretty much a tribute to the classic Dawn of the Dead, since it's set in a mall.

Janus Vesta

New member
Mar 25, 2008
Romero's zombies are too slow. I never understood how you can fear a threat that you can just walk away from.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Dead Rising - Slow zombies.
Left 4 Dead - Fast zombies.

Simple. Play whichever one you feel like.


TF2 Group Admin
May 1, 2008
SpecklePattern said:
I actually always wonder the speed of the zombies. They are like rotten inside out but still going as hell.
They're infected, not undead :p


New member
May 5, 2010
SextusMaximus said:
Dead Rising - Slow zombies.
Left 4 Dead - Fast zombies.

Simple. Play whichever one you feel like.
Yes well... It would be possible to have both options in one game. That would also market the game foreward. For now we need to make the decision like you said.


New member
May 5, 2010
Janus Vesta said:
Romero's zombies are too slow. I never understood how you can fear a threat that you can just walk away from.
Well thats the point. I don't fear the fast running zombies either. They are at your face all the time. You get numb to that very fast. Perhaps, like in the interview, the aim of the game could be changed from up your face type to more funny game. Or something like that. Fast and slow zombies produce very different atmosphere :) Fast vs. Slow zombies game option would be great because it could change the gameplay radically.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Janus Vesta said:
Romero's zombies are too slow. I never understood how you can fear a threat that you can just walk away from.
it's the sheer numbers and the fact that they only go down by killing the brain. imagine that as a play mode for lfd2 one were the zombies are slow but only go down via head shots and are fucking every where.

you may be able to out walk them but what happens when you get tired or hungry eventually they would catch up and then your fucked.

thats what i loved about the old movies they're essentially slow as hell but they would eventually get you


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Wow, he commented on Left 4 Dead :D *Giggles like a little girl scout*

Uhm... *Coff*

He could had notified Dead Rising a bit more. It's basically what he describes would be the fun of it.

But than again, he didn't show any distaste in the four survivor multi player with special infected who can really fuck you up.
And that it requires heavy teamwork rather than just ONE GUY, ONE MALL, AND WHOLE LOTS OF ZOMBIES!


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
N_of_the_dead said:
Janus Vesta said:
Romero's zombies are too slow. I never understood how you can fear a threat that you can just walk away from.
it's the sheer numbers and the fact that they only go down by killing the brain. imagine that as a play mode for lfd2 one were the zombies are slow but only go down via head shots and are fucking every where.

you may be able to out walk them but what happens when you get tired or hungry eventually they would catch up and then your fucked.

thats what i loved about the old movies they're essentially slow as hell but they would eventually get you
In fact, there's a gameplay mode called 'Realism', in which shots to anywhere BUT the head are much less effective. Except the zombies still run. Which makes it one ***** of a game.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Wasn't there a mod that did kind of this? That made zombies and the players slower and deleted the special infected?

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
SextusMaximus said:
Dead Rising - Slow zombies.
Left 4 Dead - Fast zombies.
Resident evil (1-3) - story with slow zombies.
Resident evil (4 and 5) - story with faster zombies (like things).

Simple. Play whichever one you feel like.
My opinion with my addition in bold.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
More Zombie games are about the killing themselves, and like every horror movie become about the gore and killing. Is it just me, or is the suspense out of the horror movies now?

Going to that, while Dead Rising is a great game w/ slower zombies and a story and like Romero said, the problem is that it's about the brutal killing more and more. There needs to be more suspence, like when you're trapped in an area, zombies piling up by your door, and you have to find a way out or to protect yourself before they break in and overwhelm you

I understand that it would be difficult, but the games rarely have suspense, which brings them to an actual horror level


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I think with Romero's help, there could be an installment of a game like Left 4 Dead that could work well with slow zombies. The processors would probably be shot to hell though considering that slow zombies need greater numbers to be a major threat. Of course, another difference that creates trouble is that the slow zombies seem to be constantly aware and more sensitive to many things such as sounds. In L4D you can spend a few minutes at the start of a chapter and snipe a good deal of the zombies. Doesn't really help a lot considering you still have hordes to rush you at any moment also, but it at least thins the ranks a bit if you get lucky and don't piss off the AI Director right away. A street filled with slow zombies that don't know your there suddenly turns into a gradual river of zombies heading your way once the first head pops because they're all going to hear the report.

Also, there's a slightly more intense thrill factor with slow zombies because while you might be getting cocky and walking backward while shooting zombies trying to follow you. Well, now your arrogance has got another group of zombies that were ahead of you to begin with now chowing down on your spine because you weren't paying attention. Slow zombies could also discourage camping situations more. Choke points are nice and all, the horde seems to run itself out pretty fast and a nice, small doorway just gives you a place to spray bullets until they stop. The slow zombies would shamble on and have a steady enough stream that you fuck yourself by running out of ammo and explosives by the time you get a big enough hole to try and run through.

I do find it funny that Romero asks for a slower style to L4D. I remember once in Land of the Dead that there was a Land of the Dead video game that was pretty much L4D layout with Romero zombies. I think it was strictly single player though so that's not exactly a good thing.

I am also a Romero fanboy so all of this could just as easily be tossed out by that fact. Mostly it just sounds cool on paper, I'm sure efforts to put it in a game would not end very well for various reasons. Killing processors with the sheer number of walkers it would take to make the situation seem a bit more dire being only one possible issue. The other disappointing part is that the Special zombies would probably be terribly nerfed by the shambling problem or not exist at all. It's actually odd that Romero asks to slow the game down and put in more story. I'd love an actual plot to Left 4 Dead and all, but he's essentially asking for movie material in a butcher game. I think that Left 4 Dead is the type of game that should be able to stand just fine without a story and humor some of its fans with some type of plot whenever it wants to. Crash Course being a perfect example since that's a direct sequel to No Mercy and such is mentioned.

I dunno, I can't really tell what I want anymore. I think that maybe Left 4 Dead's teams and Romero should get together and work on a new zombie game altogether and try that instead. Left 4 Dead would be a horrible train wreck if they fucked with it now.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Janus Vesta said:
Romero's zombies are too slow. I never understood how you can fear a threat that you can just walk away from.
They are really scary when they get into groups. It's very hard to walk away when they are swarming the building complex or street that you happen to be walking because after they have every area blocked they can surround you and you have nowhere to run to.

OT: I am still sort of in agreememt with Romero over the 'fast/slow' zombie thing save for that Left for Dead wouldn't really have the same emphasis on co-operative gameplay if the creatures moved slowly. Sure, like I said if they grouped together then you would need people to help but to be honest if they moved slowly it wouldn't feel as frenetic and with respects to Romero most people who play action games like the frenetic action that would be missed if the creatures in question were slow.
Plus while I object to fast moving zombies, the creatures in Left for Dead are infected humans and not technically zombies. Hence they can move at whatever speed they want.

To be honest I'd be more interested to hear what George thinks about Dead Rising given that that game has a lot in common with his excellent 'Dawn of the Dead'.

A BigCup of Tea

New member
Nov 19, 2009
sukotsuto said:
Yeah looks like he should have seen Dead Rising, which is pretty much a tribute to the classic Dawn of the Dead, since it's set in a mall.
i think you will find that if you look on the front cover of dead rising it has a disclaimer noting that they did not take the idea from his film (but of course they did lol) so he did notice it and he might of even played it.