

New member
Nov 9, 2008
Another answer (might've already been said, I didn't read every comment) is that people take sports way, way, WAY to seriously. It's pathetic.

Jroo wuz heer

New member
Apr 1, 2010
Serioli said:
I am not being paid a bajillion pounds a year to do either better or worse.
similar.squirrel said:
Football acts as an excellent catalyst for idiocy and xenophobia.
its not football its soccer
and theyre not pounds, theyre dollars, why cant you guys speak real english? instead of, you know english english

OT: one word: DOUCHES


New member
Apr 12, 2009
ClockworkAngel said:
Another answer (might've already been said, I didn't read every comment) is that people take sports way, way, WAY to seriously. It's pathetic.
no and finally someone else pointed it out


New member
Jan 21, 2009
evilthecat said:
Personally, I'm glad England are out.. If it means the tards of this country will stop blowing their vuvuzelas and hogging bandwidth on iplayer so they can watch a bunch of overpaid, adulterous semi-morons kicking a ball I'm happy. Until the days when such people are prescribed mandatory ritalin, it's a start.

Regarding history.. If you're English and you're proud of your history, I despair. The recent bits basically come down to fucking up half the globe, developing the concentration camp and burning lots of German civilians from the air. Being patriotic shouldn't mean endorsing racism and mass murder, you'd be horrified if Germans did that so don't do it yourselves.
Fucking up half the globe? I'd guess this is a dig at Iraq or Afghanistan. Yeah maybe but half the globe maybe stretching it a tad. If you're throwing Africa and India in there then they were mostly left better than they were, America certainly was.

Concentration camps? Boar war i assume you're referring to but these types of camps have been around for a very long time but just not named as such, can?t compare to the Germans death camps which were far more nasty (hence the name)

Burning German civilians from the air? That kind of went on from both sides. The catalyst was a British bomber dumping its bombs and hitting civilians. Hitler started the blitz at this point so you can call that 1 for Germany.

I am proud to be British, proud of its history and proud to have served in the forces for a good chunk of my life. If you feel ashamed then hand in your passport on your way out and make room for the rest of us.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Stooo said:
evilthecat said:
Personally, I'm glad England are out.. If it means the tards of this country will stop blowing their vuvuzelas and hogging bandwidth on iplayer so they can watch a bunch of overpaid, adulterous semi-morons kicking a ball I'm happy. Until the days when such people are prescribed mandatory ritalin, it's a start.

Regarding history.. If you're English and you're proud of your history, I despair. The recent bits basically come down to fucking up half the globe, developing the concentration camp and burning lots of German civilians from the air. Being patriotic shouldn't mean endorsing racism and mass murder, you'd be horrified if Germans did that so don't do it yourselves.
Fucking up half the globe? I'd guess this is a dig at Iraq or Afghanistan. Yeah maybe but half the globe maybe stretching it a tad. If you're throwing Africa and India in there then they were mostly left better than they were, America certainly was.

Concentration camps? Boar war i assume you're referring to but these types of camps have been around for a very long time but just not named as such, can?t compare to the Germans death camps which were far more nasty (hence the name)

Burning German civilians from the air? That kind of went on from both sides. The catalyst was a British bomber dumping its bombs and hitting civilians. Hitler started the blitz at this point so you can call that 1 for Germany.

I am proud to be British, proud of its history and proud to have served in the forces for a good chunk of my life. If you feel ashamed then hand in your passport on your way out and make room for the rest of us.
No probably talking about that the gold standard was a British idea to enforce back in the early 20th century. Or are involvement in India and Pakistani or huge list of stuff where we turned up killed things.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Jroo wuz heer said:
Serioli said:
I am not being paid a bajillion pounds a year to do either better or worse.
similar.squirrel said:
Football acts as an excellent catalyst for idiocy and xenophobia.
its not football its soccer
and theyre not pounds, theyre dollars, why cant you guys speak real english? instead of, you know english english

OT: one word: DOUCHES
please do the routine above in Manchester


New member
Apr 12, 2009
And finally I'm half French half northern Irish and lived in the UK most of life. Most of the people in the UK are just who like football are not really like this though its crap sport like most sports since there's no risk. And the English have a selected memory when comes to history like French through out history have been a ally more than an enemy yet francophobia is quite common.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Zac Smith said:
1. To any German residents, do you find this sort of insult offensive, considering it's something that happened around 70 years ago and was more to do with a political party rather then a specific country.
The party originated in Germany and got most of its power from Germany. Is it a dick move by the British? Yup but think of it this way German people. You kicked their asses.

Zac Smith said:
2. Secondly why does Germany get all the prejudice countries like Japan, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Finland, Iraq and Thailand were all affiliated with the Nazi party. How is it fair that a single country and its people get blamed for the actions of a few?
Once again the party originated in Germany and the German army was the one that rolled across Europe and ran the Holocaust more than any other so that is why Germany is most affiliated with the Nazi party. They created it, elected it, and allowed it to cause the deaths of 50 million people. That isn't the fault of any modern Germans living today (except maybe a few German senior citizens but not many of them could have made a huge difference) though so the insult is somewhat inaccurate.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
I think that it's uncalled for calling every German a Nazi. However, Russians are still commonly referred to as "commies" even though Communism was a originated from a German idealist and Russia wasn't, and still isn't the only "communist" nation. It's all about dogma and stigmatization. It will take hundreds of years for these presumptions to pass. A prime example of this is how everyone calls the French "cheese eating surrender monkeys" and yet, they used to have an empire comparable to that of Britain. However, after enough time, people forget these facts in favour of different ones. Maybe in a hundred years Germany will have done something to alleviate this dogma and will be refereed to as something equally offensive or honourable.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Being Welsh, and therefore stereotypically biased against England, I'm glad Germany won.

Seriously; I don't care about what happened decades ago - most people involved with it are probably long since dead. I don't see why people have to bring it up once anything German is involved.
Anyone who refers to the German team, or Germans in general as Nazis, whether somewhat related or not, they are pricks. End of story.

Ich liebe sie, Deutschland!


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
Trivun said:
Irony is, he wasn't even German, he was Austrian. Speaking of which, the entire Second World War could have been avoided if Hitler had made it into a prestigious art school in Vienna, but they thought his work was crap so they rejected him, prompting him to pursue a career in politics instead of art. Weird thing is, if you look up some of his stuff, he was actually a really good artist. That art school must have been pretty damn exclusive to reject Hitler after seeing some of his work...
so true, yet so hard to believe(his paintings really were incredible). hell the very thought that we as a race would have one less world war and one attempted less genocide in our past if an at the time unkown had just been accepted into a stuck up school.


New member
May 16, 2010
Captain Pancake said:
Even though Hitler was Austrian, it was Germans who put him in a position of power. Remember that next time you try to de-affiliate the Nazis from Germany, even though it did happen in the past it's still a part of their history.
Give this man a medal, I can't believe it took this many posts before somebody raised this point! Hitler was Austrian and it has been 65 years since the war ended but Hitler was democratically elected by the German people and they tolerated/were slightly complicit in his earlier crimes whilst they could still do something about it. It certainly doesn't mean the current generation of Germans should be held to account for that, but that is the (justified) explanation for the association of the Nazis to Germany.

Also, I don't think it's really fair that some people have tried to compare the Holocaust to the actions of the colonial empires, or any other historical atrocity. What the Nazis did is the greatest scar in humanity's history and my very definition of the word 'evil'. Various groups commit crimes based on political or religious motivations but nobody has ever demonstrated the inhumanity and sadistic actions of the Nazis. It has happened once, it can happen again and needs to remembered forever so that it can be prevented.

Jroo wuz heer

New member
Apr 1, 2010
murphy7801 said:
Jroo wuz heer said:
Serioli said:
I am not being paid a bajillion pounds a year to do either better or worse.
similar.squirrel said:
Football acts as an excellent catalyst for idiocy and xenophobia.
its not football its soccer
and theyre not pounds, theyre dollars, why cant you guys speak real english? instead of, you know english english

OT: one word: DOUCHES
please do the routine above in Manchester
I cant afford to fly there, sorry


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
murphy7801 said:
Megacherv said:
Mr.Wiggles said:
Crayzor said:
Because we're British, and beating the Nazis is all we have.
Now, listen hear Sonny Boy!

*long intangible rant*

You also fought the Spanish Armada and Napoleon!

Until recently you owned 3/4 of the globe!
It was 1/4...and that was made from a method of evil, murder and flags...
but lad we ruled the seas as well
Well, yeah, but we were huge dicks to other countries still


New member
Nov 8, 2007
KaiRai said:
Because most people are angry about the score, and will bring up things like that. It's just like if we won, there would be Germans bringing up Thatcher, or whatever from history.

It's simple, you lose, you hit 'em where it hurts.
Perhaps, but unlikely. The biggest kicker in all of this is that whilst the Brits hype up the Germany as a historical nemesis (along with France), the Germans don't give a shit about us. They regard the Dutch as their rivals.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
AgDr_ODST said:
Trivun said:
Irony is, he wasn't even German, he was Austrian. Speaking of which, the entire Second World War could have been avoided if Hitler had made it into a prestigious art school in Vienna, but they thought his work was crap so they rejected him, prompting him to pursue a career in politics instead of art. Weird thing is, if you look up some of his stuff, he was actually a really good artist. That art school must have been pretty damn exclusive to reject Hitler after seeing some of his work...
so true, yet so hard to believe(his paintings really were incredible). hell the very thought that we as a race would have one less world war and one attempted less genocide in our past if an at the time unkown had just been accepted into a stuck up school.
They weren't. They were technically OK but lacking in inspiration. Art schools tend not to favour generic looking landscapes.


New member
May 13, 2010
Being born and raised in England and having a German mother, when I was growing up it was unfortunate that my being part German affected people's interaction with me rather significantly. As a result, I have a pretty unique perspective of things and can imagine being in 'someone elses shoes' so to speak.

I've been called a nazi (and so many other things :D) so much in my life it's unreal, and it doesn't affect me at all nowadays. I actually laugh at people's lack of knowledge/stereotyping and take the remark(s) as a compliment. (I grew up with it, as a result of getting bullied etc).

Anywho, England played so pathetically I am ashamed that they wore the shirts. I can't fathom how they cannot play well when all these so-called stars are together and yet when in their clubs they play completely differently (although Terry as captain might of made a difference).