German Social Affairs Minister Wants WoW Rated "Adults Only"

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
German Social Affairs Minister Wants WoW Rated "Adults Only"

Mechtchild Ross-Luttman, the Minister for Social Affairs in World of Warcraft [] to "Adults Only."

Ross-Luttmann wants the age restriction imposed not only on "killer games" like Counter-Strike [] and other FPSes but also on games with particularly "addictive" qualities, like World of Warcraft. A recent survey of 44,610 ninth grade students by the KFN, the criminal research institute of Lower Saxony, classified 14,000 of them as addicted to games and another 23,000 more in "serious danger of becoming addicted" - an 83 percent rate of addiction or near-addiction that, at face value, makes videogames among the deadliest and most destructive creations in human history.

Ross-Luttman said she would present her figures and proposals to other youth and social ministers at their next national meeting. "Parents must know what danger potential exists in their children's bedrooms," she said.

But even that irony-laden statement isn't enough for some, including Sven Petke, acting chairman of the Christian Democratic Union party in Brandenberg. He wants all violent games banned outright in Germany along with inappropriate internet content, for which he believes ISPs should be held responsible. "The time for excuses is over," he said. "We need web filtering by the ISPs to operate."

This latest uproar against videogames comes in response to the murders of 15 people in the German town of Winnenden by a 17-year-old teenager who played videogames including Counter-Strike and gaming habits [] and while German authorities appeared eager to place the blame on violent games, there appears to be little concern over the fact that he was a troubled youth who was receiving counseling for depression and apparently had ready access to his father's collection of 15 firearms.

Source: GameCulture []



Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
Ross-Luttmann said:
Parents must know what danger potential exists in their children's bedrooms
There we go. Pandering to the concerned parents is a great way to get ridiculous laws passed.


New member
Apr 7, 2008
videogames (including WOW)


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Yeh, Im 15 I play Gears Of War so I'm Obvs Going to go crazy and kill everyone.

My god get a grip people we can tell the differnce between real and games


New member
May 24, 2008
All this talk is the dumb answer of incompetent politicians to the crisis after the school shooting in Winnenden... It's easier for them to blame video games than thinking a little bit further, like about this kid's dad (owning 15 guns...) or the things he must have been put through at school!

So banning "killer games" is a big issue in Germany. At least for the next few weeks, until everyone (including the hysterical media) calms down!

And don't forget: We've got elections this year in Germany, so this is all part of their campaign.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
I don't think it should be rated AO. As a matter of fact, I disagree with ratings in general. They're just guidelines, not laws. You can't measure the individual maturity of everyone who plays games, so they make a bit of sense in lieu of a better system.

Still, this is utterly ridiculous, and I stand by my first statement.
Well that might be the case in the US, but in Germany they're binding. Any retailer that is caught selling (AO or NC17) games to underage customers risks a pretty hefty fine.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm actually wondering, the huge success of Popcap games, online places where you can play scrabble or poker, or the like, the Wii drawing in the older generation to play Bowling, WOW having over 11 million subscribers...

How long is it before one or two politicians realises gamers actually make up a reasonable slice of the voting population?

If I find out either the Labour or conservative party in the UK want to restrict my choices in what games I play, or think it's their job to decide how long I play WOW for, then it'll be one of the things I factor into how I vote, and they need to realise that, and also realise it's not just for kids any more , and that gamers vote, and more and more voters are playing games every year.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Malygris said:
German Social Affairs Minister Wants WoW Rated "Adults Only"

Sven Petke, acting chairman of the Christian Democratic Union party in Brandenberg wants all violent games banned outright in Germany along with inappropriate internet content, for which he believes ISPs should be held responsible. "The time for excuses is over," he said. "We need web filtering by the ISPs to operate."

Every time some psycho murders someone we have the same problem. If you ban all violent video games whats next? End to all violent films, no competitive sports at schools?

You might as well just paint motherfucking swastikas on all the buildings now.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
For the love of Sargeras!

No, if you're retarded enough to be addicted then plain and simple: What the hell? It's a game!

Yes I actively call myself a fanboy and joke that I have no life but honestly I'm only a fanboy because it's a solid game and Blizzard's other creations are aswell.

There stupid Germans made me go ruining all my jokes...(no offence)


New member
Nov 2, 2007
The media here in Germany are just trying to get a lot of attention for their very "objective news coverage" and the politicians are happy to go along with it all.
After all, banning violent games is a lot easier than adressing the real social problems we're dealing with here.
Also, doesn't anybody else find it odd that these kinds of school shootings only occur when a kid has free access to guns in the first place?
His stupid father left one of his guns in an unlocked nightstand, free for the taking. The kid was in psychiatric therapy for depressions. He was also a gun nut and took part in the local shooting club, learning how to use those guns. And he had troubles in school.
All of this together draws a picture of a kid with serious social and mental problems that, when combined, formed into what it took to go crazy like that.
But still, it's easier to point at one thing (games) and turn it into the scapegoat 'cause having more psychologists at school and controlling guns is way too arduous...
Feb 13, 2008
"Somewhere the saving and putting away had to begin again and someone had to do the saving and the keeping, one way or another, in books, in records, in people's heads, any way at all so long as it was safe, free from moths, silverfish, rust and dry-rot, and men with matches."
- Herr Montag, Farenheit 451


New member
Dec 20, 2008
McCa said:
Yeh, Im 15 I play Gears Of War so I'm Obvs Going to go crazy and kill everyone.

My god get a grip people we can tell the differnce between real and games
The problem is that there are some people that can't, but are still allowed to play games. These are the people who shoot up schools and the like after playing Counter-Strike. By bringing the law down upon all video games, they ruin the fun for the rest of us. Rather than ban the games, inform the parents and make sure they can identify troublesome behavior in their children.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
"Somewhere the saving and putting away had to begin again and someone had to do the saving and the keeping, one way or another, in books, in records, in people's heads, any way at all so long as it was safe, free from moths, silverfish, rust and dry-rot, and men with matches."
- Herr Montag, Farenheit 451
Funny, I was just thinking of book burners as I read the news post.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
i wonder if politicians will realize that banning videogames will not end violent crimes, especially crime committed by youth. anyone with a sociology degree can tell you that, or anyone with common sense.