Germany Drops Paintball Ban, Goes After Bomberman


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Anyone has a right to protest, I don't care who they are. And this is coming from a Grandchild of Survivors. And I find it amusing that while everyone is being dumbfounded that Nazi's still exist (hell, if memory serves, a self-professed Nazi almost won in the race for PM), and saying they get what they deserve, I'm far more concerned by Germany's attitudes on banning things willy-nilly. As a paintball player as well as someone who reads, watches the "news," et cetera, I've got to say that from what I can tell, those who play paintball aren't any more likely to flip out and redecorate with their peers' innards. And trying to ban Bomberman because some putz used the image in a way that would incite violence makes little sense. Best ban pictures of cows, because they might be used to incite obesity. Hell, ban images of Dig Dug because it might incite strip-mining. Now I know that this is neither the first, nor the last time a government isn't burdened with things such as logic and critical thinking, but this is pretty silly, even by American alarmist standards.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
It's official. Germany is officially the Japan of Europe.

That would explain a whole load of things.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Woe Is You said:
It's official. Germany is officially the Japan of Europe.

That would explain a whole load of things.
Well... no... not so much...

Japan is crazy because the people and culture and crazy...
But most people in Germany can be considered normal or at least mostly harmless...

The Problem lies more on the political side of things, with our laws, rules and idiots in charge going totally bananas on each other...
Germany has a lot of people in power who have no idea what is going on and why, but each of them wants to get the biggest piece of a cake they haven´t even found yet. So they all randomly slash out what they think is best for the country without ever stopping to maybe listen to each other or, god beware, think about what they´re doing in the long run...
And the general public sits idly in between and takes all the blows...

If you think that germany is crazy because of stuff like this paintball or bomberman thing, you should try to live there... this is just the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes...


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
Woe Is You said:
It's official. Germany is officially the Japan of Europe.

That would explain a whole load of things.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
do you really have to incite violence against Nazis? i think they can do it all on their own

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
ElephantGuts said:
Well we certainly wouldn't want to hurt the Nazis' feelings. It's not like they've ever said or done anything mean to anyone.
Congratulations. You just won the thread!



New member
Dec 18, 2008
So, someone is facing charges for speaking out against Nazi's?

My response is going to have to be "Wait, what...?

Last time I checked, they were the bad guys.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Wait...don't we want violence against nazis?

Didn't germany outlaw naziism, or was that just outlawing the displaying of a swastika?


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Okay, if I understand this correctly, these aren't the Nazis of yore, but just a political party, correct?

If I am right, still, why in the fucking hell would you call yourself a Nazi, or even hint or allude to that?

BAD things happened in Germany because of them, so how could these groups get any support? Unless there are pockets of racists over there...

Anywho, I hate racists with a passion. I don't care if BIG BRO tags me as being violent. If I meet a neonazi or a KKK, somebody's going to have to pry me off their jugular vein.

Bottom line:

Bomberman, stickin' it to the bad guys.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
Can someone tell me what's wrong with Germany? I'm not being sarcastic, I really want to know why they act the way they do. It doesn't really make sense to me (not that I'm saying most things do, but for being a Western culture, Germany acts rather strange .


New member
May 11, 2009
They are not a Nazi party per se. At least not officially because if you deny the Holocaust openly or state that Jews or foreigners should be thrown out or discriminated then you get the Hammer of law in your face. However, being right wing, even if a little extreme, is not against the law. It's just a political direction. They have the right to protest like everyone else in the country. It's called freedom of speech, you know it? (Yeah, not only America has that...) Of course not all right wing people are automatically Nazies and the people who are would never admit it.

I don't find anything wrong with how Germany handles these kind of things. Openly promoting Violence against people of any political view is bad thought I think with Bomberman here it was rather meant as a more cutesy way to promote action against Nazies but whatever.
You know what? Screw it. Let's just do more knee jerk reactions against Germany's actions because it's easy to stereotype. LoL Nazies

On a side not, they dropping the ban of Paintball? I fucking called it.