I'm rooting for Germany. I hate social networking crap, and refuse to be a part of it. I had a myspace page a while back, and that shit was just annoying. Everyone expected me to be constantly checking up on them. I deleted it, salted the earth, never looked back, and I'm happier without it. (Still kept my music page, but that's mainly just for backing up my songs, and for the rare occasion where I might wanna play one for someone but don't have any other access to it.)
My wife has a facebook page, but the way it's turned out, it's mostly just her family keeping tabs on her all the time, and old acquaintances from highschool she doesn't like anymore seeking her out and harassing her until she "friends" them. Of course, she can't get rid of it now, or she'll offend everyone (sounds great to me, but she's afraid of confrontation.. *sigh*).
The Onion did a bit on facebook that was hilariously spot-on: bored middle-aged housewives constantly spying on their college-aged kids. "See, ya click here, and you can see his photos.. who's that girl he's with?.. we just click on her, here's her facebook page.. says her name is so-and-so.. oh my, now look at *her* photos.. what a tramp. Not good enough for my boy.. I'll just send her a threatening message.." etc.
Tell ya what: if I wanna socialize with someone, I will fucking call them on the fucking phone. I don't give a damn what everyone's "status" is from moment to moment. By today's standards, I guess I'm a freakin' hermit, because I don't even have a cellphone. Why would I want to be reachable by everyone at every point? I don't even answer the landline phone unless I want to. Leave a message on the answering machine, and I will get back to you when I feel like it. When I was growing up, this was normal.
Why does everyone want to be constantly jacked-in to everyone else? Hate to break it it to ya, but people are not any more interesting than they ever were. It's like a grass-roots Big Brother initiative. And now people like me will have our privacy violated, just because we emailed someone who happened to sign up for facebook down the road? Some of my email "contacts" are definitely on there.. do I have to burn bridges with all of my friends and only hang out with other "resistance members" from now on? I hope Germany sticks it to 'em, and I hope they get worse coming to them down the line. Buncha attention-starved gossips with nothing real going on, I tells ya. Get off my lawn.