Germany's Getting Gears Of War 3 Uncut


New member
Apr 10, 2008
The general rule that the USK tends to go by is "Never EVER allow people to harm human beings!"

That's what lead to the hillarious revamp of Half Life 1, having to mod the game before release to replace all the marines with robots and even re-recorded the voices in robotic distortion.

Same think with Dead Space 1 and 2.

DS1 - No censorship really. At least none I woul dhave noticed. Dismemberment is fully intact.
DS2 - OH NOES! You can't possibly shoot your human buddies in the multiplayers! Disable the team-damage for multiplayer only and therefore cause Steam to be unable to carry a version cause they dun wanna be held responsible for limiting Online connectivity to other people who purchased their version as well. Smooth move, USK.

Bulletstorm - OH NOES! Bad words for creative kills! Let's just rip out the entire POINT of the damn game! So yea, no skill-shots for the German default version.

Thank you very much for so many years of pure idiocy, FSK/USK.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
As a german i have to say...this doesn't sound good.
I don't care about indexing, i import UK games anyway (cheaper).
But the fact that it's actually uncut...should mean it's not as brutal as it should be...i guess?

Aphex Demon

New member
Aug 23, 2010
lolmynamewastaken said:
Archangel357 said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
i thought porn in germany was less restricted than in most places? this has come from my searching the internet for stupid laws...
Think of Germany as reverse America. We have naked tits on billboards, on daytime network TV, and in mineral water commercials. Nobody in Germany has any problems with sex in the media.

However, anything depicting violence gets censored to hell and back. The first Command & Conquer games? The infantry were "robots", so they wouldn't make that squishy sound when you drove a tank over them, and the three pixels of "blood" were changed to "oil". God of War? Yeah, not in any of our retail stores. The 18+ rated version of the last "Rambo" flick in theatres? Missing about 10 minutes. GTA? If you're looking to get money by doing assassination or rampage missions, better look at imports.

It's exactly the opposite of the US, where you can chainsaw people on Sesame Street, but nudity in an ultra-violent game like GTA IV gets everybody in a major tizzy.

I'd like to say that both are equally retarded, but then, murder tends to hurt people more than tits do.
Haha! im from the UK so i pretty much get all of the above to a poncey extent. its like boobs are there if you want to look for them and so is murder, so long as its safe murder.
Am I right in saying nothing gets cut from our UK versions?


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Aphex Demon said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
Archangel357 said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
i thought porn in germany was less restricted than in most places? this has come from my searching the internet for stupid laws...
Think of Germany as reverse America. We have naked tits on billboards, on daytime network TV, and in mineral water commercials. Nobody in Germany has any problems with sex in the media.

However, anything depicting violence gets censored to hell and back. The first Command & Conquer games? The infantry were "robots", so they wouldn't make that squishy sound when you drove a tank over them, and the three pixels of "blood" were changed to "oil". God of War? Yeah, not in any of our retail stores. The 18+ rated version of the last "Rambo" flick in theatres? Missing about 10 minutes. GTA? If you're looking to get money by doing assassination or rampage missions, better look at imports.

It's exactly the opposite of the US, where you can chainsaw people on Sesame Street, but nudity in an ultra-violent game like GTA IV gets everybody in a major tizzy.

I'd like to say that both are equally retarded, but then, murder tends to hurt people more than tits do.
Haha! im from the UK so i pretty much get all of the above to a poncey extent. its like boobs are there if you want to look for them and so is murder, so long as its safe murder.
Am I right in saying nothing gets cut from our UK versions?
yeah i think so, but it is rated high than it should be in some cases.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Archangel357 said:
lolmynamewastaken said:
i thought porn in germany was less restricted than in most places? this has come from my searching the internet for stupid laws...
Think of Germany as reverse America. We have naked tits on billboards, on daytime network TV, and in mineral water commercials. Nobody in Germany has any problems with sex in the media.

However, anything depicting violence gets censored to hell and back. The first Command & Conquer games? The infantry were "robots", so they wouldn't make that squishy sound when you drove a tank over them, and the three pixels of "blood" were changed to "oil". God of War? Yeah, not in any of our retail stores. The 18+ rated version of the last "Rambo" flick in theatres? Missing about 10 minutes. GTA? If you're looking to get money by doing assassination or rampage missions, better look at imports.

It's exactly the opposite of the US, where you can chainsaw people on Sesame Street, but nudity in an ultra-violent game like GTA IV gets everybody in a major tizzy.

I'd like to say that both are equally retarded, but then, murder tends to hurt people more than tits do.
Second that.
Murder does hurt people more than tits. :3
Well you could call both retarded but personally I think it's more rational to cut violence than sex but I guess that's me. And uhm... seems less gay to me too but meh.

Then again, I don't get why Gears of War gets indexed while the movie Hostel is perfectly fine. I mean there is quite a gap between those 2 in gruesomeness if you ask me. Ah well.

On topic though: I don't think it's as bad as it used to be. Or maybe I just didn't care about recent indexed games. And honestly? Who DOESN'T buy the UK versions via amazon in germany these days? oO
It's cheaper. Seriously, new UK versions on amazon often cost less then used German games. And for the people who really want to play it in German most EU games have it on them anyway (or so I read anyway, I play my games in English).