Get a First Look at Mad Max: Fury Road


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May 20, 2014
Get a First Look at Mad Max: Fury Road

After a nearly 30-year hiatus, Mad Max is finally returning to theaters this spring.

Though Mad Max: Fury Road, the fourth film in the franchise, is slated to come out in the spring of 2015, for a film that finished principle photography in 2012 (with reshoots in 2013), we've heard very little about the latest installment of this post-apocalyptic epic. We do know that Fury Road won't feature Mel Gibson or Tina Turner (cue 80's nostalgia) -- instead, this reboot will star Tom Hardy (as the titular Mad Max) and Charlize Theron (Imperator Furiosa). Beyond that, details are scarce.

However, you can get a look at the new film [,,20483133_20828946_30178232,00.html] through these photos from Entertainment Weekly. The first images we've seen of Fury Road, these photos paint an appropriately gritty (though high-def) picture. But will this new version of Mad Max will replace the 1979 version in our hearts? We'll have to wait to 2015 to find out.

Source: Entertainment Weekly [,,20483133_20828946_30178232,00.html]




I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
1. ok so its a reboot? or prequel?

2. is it still set in Australia? because it would be sad if one of the most iconic-post apocalyptic titles abandoned its roots as the bizare little Ausploitation movie it started as....

3.if it is or "supposed" to be...will there be accents? and will they be terrible? (unless you put Meryl Streep in there)


New member
Apr 23, 2010
They say people don't believe in heroes anymore. Well damn them, you and me Max, we're going to give them back their heroes.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Vault101 said:
1. ok so its a reboot? or prequel?

2. is it still set in Australia? because it would be sad if one of the most iconic-post apocalyptic titles abandoned its roots as the bizare little Ausploitation movie it started as....

3.if it is or "supposed" to be...will there be accents? and will they be terrible? (unless you put Meryl Streep in there)

I can't see it being a prequel because Mad Max was a cop in the first movie that loses everything and then heads out into outback. Its probably before or after Thunderdome. Maybe even a remake of Road Warrior with less fetish gear.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
icythepenguin said:
I can't see it being a prequel because Mad Max was a cop in the first movie that loses everything and then heads out into outback. Its probably before or after Thunderdome. Maybe even a remake of Road Warrior with less fetish gear.
derp...I completly forgot that

Mad Max 2 I belive is where it comes into its own as "iconic" Mad Max whereas the one before was just at the height of societys fall


New member
Feb 13, 2014
Maybe Hollywood has left me cynical, so I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I just can't bring myself to believe that this movie is going to do anything but suck.
Aug 1, 2010
I know it's effectively impossible, but I'm really sad it won't include Mel Gibson doing that awesome accent.

Unlikeable, old, that thing with the jews, etc, but I still want to see the guy come back.

Oh well, Hardy is a fine actor, so this will probably be fun.


New member
Aug 10, 2013
PCPLX said:
Maybe Hollywood has left me cynical, so I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I just can't bring myself to believe that this movie is going to do anything but suck.
Every plot synopsis I've seen, and these photos just make me think that it is going to suck pretty much the same way that Thunderdome sucked (relative to Road Warrior, was still a great movie). That is, it is going to be trying way too hard to be the movie that came before it, and rather than trying to tell an interesting story, it will just be an excuse to try to do the set-piece chase from Road Warrior again (but BIGGER!). In Mad Max 2, the final chase made sense. You knew why they were chasing, you knew what everyone hoped to accomplish; every character had a clear motivation. It was a smart movie and the action scene capped it off perfectly. In Mad Max 3, the reasons why anyone did anything after the first 30 minutes had to be explicitly stated because you'd never guess otherwise. The final chase, and the events leading up to it were dumb as hell. The kids were annoying, sure, but the way the second half of the plot was built around them was worse. The way the chase ended was absolutely perfect, but even then only served to highlight how much of a waste the whole exercise was.

I just don't have a lot of faith that they're going to make this one awesome the way Mad Max 2 was. It wasn't awesome because it was big and flashy and violent. If they go for superficial similarity they're going to miss what made that big and flashy and violent movie so much better than every other big and flashy and violent movie.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Vault101 said:
1. ok so its a reboot? or prequel?

2. is it still set in Australia? because it would be sad if one of the most iconic-post apocalyptic titles abandoned its roots as the bizare little Ausploitation movie it started as....

3.if it is or "supposed" to be...will there be accents? and will they be terrible? (unless you put Meryl Streep in there)
It's actually a sequel. Weird, I know.

Screenshots make this looks really, really good. I hope it won't disappoint.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
This is going to...hang on, Theron is playing a character called "Imperator"...which is a male title. Huh.
Mar 30, 2010
Hang on, a new Mad Max film? As in new ... not a reboot?

This news has made my day, and I'm pretty damn happy on Fridays anyway.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
In that last shot...spooky...Charlize Theron...looks almost like Christopher Walken. Ooaaaaoooowwwwwww. Put it on your head.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
So it's a sequel and not a reboot?
Then I guess you could say the makers of the film went beyond thunderdome.
