Getting a PS3, any recommendations?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Next week I'm going to get a PS3 for my birthday since I really need a good console to play serious games that I'm craving to play.

Any games worth recomending to get? I'm planning to get a Blockbuster membership so I can rent any game and return it anytime so I can get several games a month and play each one for a reasonable amount of time.

And please keep in mind that I just don't want to hear the burned out multiplatform hits like CoD4 or Bioshock or Fallout 3. Some PS3 exclusives would be great to hear instead.

I'm planning to go rent Prototype as my first PS3 game to play, followed by Infamous and then I'll see what games I get after that.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
Oh Max... You buffoon :)

I'd say Little Big Planet and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. They look like stellar games! :)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Folklore was pretty interesting. so was Valkyria Chronicles. MAG might be worth looking into when it comes out. Disgaea 3 for turn base RPG. might be others i would recommend to at least take a look but can't remember off the top of my head. oh, forgot about MotorStorm, pretty good fast paced off-road action.


New member
May 25, 2009
Uncharted is good fun, and getting it now should tie you over until the second one comes out in October, and of course there's Motorstorm: Pacific Rift.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I'd agree with LittleBigPlanet, it does end up taking up a lot of your time!

Honestly though I didn't really like inFamous that much. I have Prototype for the PC and love it, so a big yes on that one! :D

I've heard lots of good things about Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, but I haven't actually played it yet :/


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Valkyria Chronicles has been the only genuinely interesting game I've played for the PS3 so far. Everything else has fallen pretty flat, for me at least.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
get uncharted: drake's fortune, ratchet and clank tools of distruction. ristance 1 and 2 just so you know what is going on in 2 and for the online. then LBP if that what you like but get the others first most you can get cheap now


New member
Jun 29, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:


Uh...You could play that one game...
It's like Halo but dark 'n grittyz, and only on the PS3.

Or that one platforming game.
I do believe this incredibly clever man with the jokes is speaking of Uncharted and Killzone.
Try inFAMOUS also, and Metal Gear Solid 4.
Picking up some great PS1 games is also a good idea, as the PS3 supports all of them, atleast from what I can tell. Backwards compatibility seems to be something that Sony gets, unlike our friend here..


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I would try a game renting site in order to get a taste of what games you like (instead of just listening to review as fun as they are!)

I admit (and will likely burn for it) I like Silent Hill 5 but I rented it first in case I didn't. Some sites will let you buy pre-played games real cheap. Mine only cost like 30$ when it was still about 60$.

Fallout 3 is good as well as Oblivion. Soul Cal 4 is fun (even with Star Wars as a WTF move)

I would say check out Ebay for the ones that can play ps2 games. Not all of them do and its worth the money. I was able to get a 60gb Playstation 3 for about 350$ and it works great.

And if it doesn't work at least you have the blue-ray and dvd player.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Wow so many replies already, thanks =) still want to hear more recommendations. Thanks for all the replies so far.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
SantoUno said:
Next week I'm going to get a PS3 for my birthday since I really need a good console to play serious games that I'm craving to play.

Any games worth recomending to get? I'm planning to get a Blockbuster membership so I can rent any game and return it anytime so I can get several games a month and play each one for a reasonable amount of time.

And please keep in mind that I just don't want to hear the burned out multiplatform hits like CoD4 or Bioshock or Fallout 3. Some PS3 exclusives would be great to hear instead.

I'm planning to go rent Prototype as my first PS3 game to play, followed by Infamous and then I'll see what games I get after that.
It depends whether your going to have multiplayer or not.

If you arent. Theirs games like Uncharted:Drakes Fortune (Fantastic and beautiful looking) and Valkyria Chronicles to keep you entertained as they are both fantastic titles. Also look into buying Metal Gear Solid 4. Absolutely fantastic game. I thought it was going to be terrible but it was funny, challenging and incredibly well written with fantastic characters.

Games which are pretty good Multiplayer and single are games such as Resistance 2, Elder Scrolls (Game of the year edition costs about 20 pounds nowadays and has more stuff in it if you havent played the expansions to it.

The best multiplayer games are SOCOM Confrontation and Killzone 2. Fantastic multiplayer for a Playstation 3 game which is suprising because PSN Sucks. But its bearable and free.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
xxhazyshadowsxx said:
I do believe this incredibly clever man with the jokes is speaking of Uncharted and Killzone.
LittleBigPlanet and Killzone, actually.
How I immediately reacted to hearing that: