Ghostbusters Director Calls Out "Assholes in Geek Culture"


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Zhukov said:
Thing is, "at least they don't start riots and kill people" isn't really a defense.
I never said it was. I never attempted to defend bad behaviors. I said, despite the extreme actions some sports fans have taken, I'd never use them as evidence of sports fandom inherently breeding such behavior. I was alluding to the perception that geekdom somehow breeds bad behavior, simply because some geeks are assholes.

As someone else pointed out, the Westboro Baptist Church hasn't killed anybody either. Does that make them not awful?
Do we know that they haven't? And even if they haven't, they routinely call for the death of those they hate.

If I complain that I have a bad toothache and you reply "Well at least you aren't starving to death", does my toothache go away?
Of course not, but I never implied such a thing.

But if you say, "My last dentist botched my tooth extraction. Aren't dentists just the worst kind of people?", I think that's wrong.

That's all I was saying.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Vigormortis said:
Zhukov said:
Thing is, "at least they don't start riots and kill people" isn't really a defense.
I never said it was. I never attempted to defend bad behaviors. I said, despite the extreme actions some sports fans have taken, I'd never use them as evidence of sports fandom inherently breeding such behavior.

Huh. I'd certainly consider it.

As someone else pointed out, the Westboro Baptist Church hasn't killed anybody either. Does that make them not awful?
Do we know that they haven't? And even if they haven't, they routinely call for the death of those they hate.
And geeks routinely call for the death of people who apply feminist critiques to video games or lower the fire rate of weapons in online shooters.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I read the article and I can't tell if he's being attacked by pro-women geeks or anti-women geeks.

To be fair, these stories kind of write themselves these days. "Person involved in the creation of popular culture creates controversy through depiction of character or statement of opinion."


New member
Sep 25, 2011
I'm going to put these two points as simply as I can.

1. When this first announced a while back, the only things we knew were that movie was going to exist and that all of the ghostbusters were going to be female.

Now, that raises a couple of alarms. Why? Simple: Out of everything they could've chosen to reveal about the movie, they chose the genders of cast. Not anything else that's actually relevant. One way or another, that didn't make me particularly hopeful for the movie. And thus far, I've yet to be proven wrong about this feeling.


2. To those wondering why people get upset at these reboots despite the old movies/whatever still existing and being good, let me put it this way.

Imagine you have a neighborhood cat/dog/etc. You enjoy spending time with this animal and enjoy spending time with other people with this animal. One day, the animal dies. It's sad, but you all still had a lot of good memories with it.

One day, someone calls you over to see something. It's the dead animal in a weird outfit and being danced around like a puppet.

Are the memories and enjoyment of the animal gone? No.

Does that make it any less awful to see the animal's corpse paraded around in a shallow mockery of its former self? Also no.

While not exactly the same (cause, you know, animal lives versus media and all that), that's the general idea.


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Tired of people being defensive about the female cast thing.

Not liking the all female cast is a completely legitimate criticism. You cannot dictate to people what they should like.

It is loony brained unrealistic SJ'ism to say to a man "your experience watching all movies will be the same regardless of gender and if you feel otherwise you hate women"

Let's me be clear, if you prefer female Ghostbusters as a matter of preference that is fine, people are just voicing there criticism if they don't.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Worgen said:
Bob_McMillan said:
RaikuFA said:
"Look at that nest of angry hornets, what would happen if I started bugging the hornets? Why are the hornets stinging me now? It must just be the asshole hornets."
Thanks for the laugh


He claims that the all-female cast is a mere co-incidence: the funniest people he knows just happen to be women, which is why he has cast them in the movie.

Please don't insult our intelligence, Mr. Director Man. Bad enough you're making a shitty movie.
To be fair we don't know its a shitty movie, we just know it has a shitty trailer.
The black Ghost Buster says "I know the streets" as to why she should be on the team in this movie. It's going to suck.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
So, as a person who isn't particularly invested in Ghostbusters in any way (I think it was a good film with an alright sequel) and isn't a part of any fandom related to it...

...I watched the trailer for the new one. I didn't laugh once. I was made mildly uncomfortable by the "sassy black woman" stereotype being apparently taken to (an arguably racist) extreme. I decided that based on the trailer I have no reason to want to see the film.

Does that make me an asshole? Sexist? Both? Do I have to watch and enjoy that film to prove I'm neither of those things? I mean, that would be like saying you have to like Adam Sandler films to prove you aren't biased against mentally challenged individuals...


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
If we're such big assholes, stop trying to take our money and telling us our opinion doesn't matter.

People who take risks don't want to take the blame when their projects fail on them. It's rarely the audiences fault for not accepting something bad. And isn't the purpose of trailers to showcase what the content has? And when you see the previews and say to yourself "This isn't good." and then go to the internet and ask for their opinions and suddenly your thrown from the sheep who told you only what you wanted to the wolves to hear only the truth.

If you took Star Wars and replaced the entire cast and took out all the heart and soul out of the movie and called it a reboot or sequel or whatever, it's again not going to be the fault of the audience for getting something they never asked for presented in a box no one would accept or even pay for the garbage; That's not anyone's fault for saying 'no' except to the people who greenlight the mistake.

My personal opinions on the trailer are that it didn't seem spectacular. I was a pretty big fan of the movie as a kid but never really inherited it as some genre/movie defining influence on my life. It was good, I liked that. This new one just seems like a rehash than a reboot.
What probably kills it for me is that scene where they tell each other (and indirectly, the audience) what and who they are and why they should be doing this thing. "You are the smartest _____, and she is the best _____."
Do women actually talk to each other that way in real life when men aren't around or something?

I won't be seeing it in theaters unless I hear the best reviews from people I trust.


New member
Mar 18, 2014
Here's my take on the whole Ghostbusters reboot thing, please note that these are only from my perspective and I can't speak for the greater "geek collective", but I have a feeling that a lot of my sentiment is shared with those out there:

1) There is absolutely a subset of geek culture which intercepts with outrage culture. This is the acidic/cancerous subset which seeks to shit on everything that doesn't absolutely meet their narrow definition of what the movies, books and so on are about. These are also the individuals that like to believe they are the most enlightened amongst geekdom, in spite of the fact that they are generally the most narrowly learn?d of the lot. Unfortunately they're the most vocal, but they're also the least useful in the greater cultural space.

2) In spite of the response from certain geeks out there, the reality is however that the trailer itself is just not that good a trailer, _especially_ given the material in question. Tonally the film seems to (and this is based on the trailer itself) sway more towards slapstick humour, compared to the prior movies in which there was far more balance between humour and horror. This is not so much a commentary on the humour at play in Ghostbusters, but instead the simplification of humour of film in general over the many years. The humour in the original films was far more situational and far more subtle and did not stoop itself so low as to essentially overly play on stereotypes and "potty humour". I of course say "overly play" since there are certainly aspects in the films that do still play to that, but it's limited. Somewhere along the line someone said that people don't want to watch funny and fun films where the humour does not immediately pay off, or requires a viewer to pay attention and it arguably shows in the trailer.

3) Instead of casting a geeky male in the role of "Kevin" who I am _assuming_ plays the equivalent role of Janine in the original films (who was geeky) we instead have Chris Hemsworth. Given the quality of the decision making on display within the trailer he could only end up playing one of two roles: Either (a) he's going to be the hot guy that all the women (including the Ghostbusters) flirt with or find hot and that's going to be his character, or (b) He's going to end up being the romantic interest for one of the women on the team. In either case that's awful writing and characterization and I can only hope that that doesn't happen, but given the current writing on display it seems almost inevitable.

4) Visually the movie seems like a great departure from the original films in which the ghosts in question seem more colourful and cartoony than based in some form of real world. The original films mixed levity with horror, and the ghosts in question were often horrific and scary in design. I don't get any of that from the trailers.

5) The fact that there's some device or macguffin that will "destroy the world" referred to in the trailer that I _assume_ the Ghostbusters have to destroy speaks again to awful storytelling. No more is the film about the ghosts being mystical in nature. No, now they're a direct product of man (most likely a human villain, and probably a scientist). It just seems so typically dumb.

Now, let me point out that all these criticisms stem from the trailer. It is possible that the film itself will _still_ be very good and highly entertaining and if that ends up being the case then the trailer was even WORSE than we're talking about right now because it very poorly represents the film then. The fact is right now that the trailer is very poor.
Apr 24, 2008
Shamanic Rhythm said:
I read the article and I can't tell if he's being attacked by pro-women geeks or anti-women geeks.

To be fair, these stories kind of write themselves these days. "Person involved in the creation of popular culture creates controversy through depiction of character or statement of opinion."
Generic headline made me laugh. Could be a template handed out to new staff at a number of websites.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
Pluvia said:
Pretending people have a problem with Ghostbusters because of the trailer is just that; a pretense. People had a problem with it because it was an all-female cast. Attempting to pretend it's because of the trailer is just historical revisionism. It's a scapegoat.
Care to back that rather sweeping generalization there up with, well, anything of value or merit and not just your own assertion it is true? I mean, don't get me wrong, I am sure there are some who thought redoing the whole beloved franchise with an all-female lead cast advertised like it was a sideshow attraction were probably uncertain with the idea (see umbra's well written post above for an example there). But to make this sort of overarching accusation, dismissiveness and generalization towards why the trailer got shit on, especial after many people have been explaining a plethora of reasons why they and others didn't like it, or didn't like the idea of the reboot itself... that is just not intellectually honest.

You put a lot of stock in it being because of the all-female cast, but from what I have seen, most people don't give a damn either way about the gender of the cast beyond their disgust at the people who keep trying to point to the all-female cast like it is some factor of importance as to why people don't like the look of the movie. Hell, I've seen more than a couple call up the awesomeness of the animated ghostbusters show, complete with female lead and even handicapped lead too. Reducing the reasons and arguments people have presented into a "they are sexist" argument is not doing any good.

The movie screamed "cashgrab" in concept, the reboot idea removed the connection to the beloved characters, the rehash concept sounded terrible, the thing has had warning signs all along production, the trailer confirmed a lot of people's fears, and thus far, the largest, indeed nearly the sole defense I hear anywhere online about this movie stems entirely from people offering no defense of the movie itself, but rather, an unapologetic attack on those who criticize it, hell attack the very culture of those criticizing it are associated with, largely under the veiled accusation of sexism. And it is funny that those are also the ones who seem the most concerned about it being a female cast in the first place.

The only other defense I have heard is that a trailer is not always accurate and judgements should be reserved til the films release, a sensible if optimistic defense, though oddly enough never comes from the previous group of people who seem overly concerned with the female cast but rather those who don't seem to care one way or another about it.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Syzygy23 said:
Worgen said:
Bob_McMillan said:
RaikuFA said:
"Look at that nest of angry hornets, what would happen if I started bugging the hornets? Why are the hornets stinging me now? It must just be the asshole hornets."
Thanks for the laugh


He claims that the all-female cast is a mere co-incidence: the funniest people he knows just happen to be women, which is why he has cast them in the movie.

Please don't insult our intelligence, Mr. Director Man. Bad enough you're making a shitty movie.
To be fair we don't know its a shitty movie, we just know it has a shitty trailer.
The black Ghost Buster says "I know the streets" as to why she should be on the team in this movie. It's going to suck.
We don't even know if that will be in the movie. Trailers include footage that isn't in the movie a lot.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
"He claims that the all-female cast is a mere co-incidence: the funniest people he knows just happen to be women, which is why he has cast them in the movie."

I'm going to quote the great Urdnot Wrex and reply with "Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining." They were proudly pushing a "girl power" angle right from the start. I have absolutely no problem with that and up until I saw this blatant lie I was merely no going to bother watching it. I didn't necessarily think it was going to be terrible but I'm not a fan of reboots and less so a fan of gender flipped "just 'cause" reboots. Using gender as the starting point of making a character usually ends in shitty characters. The trailer showcased that quite nicely.

So here we have a gender flipped reboot, they are proudly pushing the girl power thing, it gets received really poorly and now over a year in it's "it's only a coincidence they are all women"? Grow some 'nads pal. Own your decisions and be honest. It's literally the only way anyone is going to buy what you are selling at thins point.

Blazing Hero

New member
Feb 20, 2015
Objectable said:
And you know what the scary part is?

He's right. Geek culture is terrible and needs to be ended,
Nah, Geek culture is fairly good as a whole. It's pretty fun bro.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Not really inclined to comment on Feig or his assertions, as I don't care for the guy, nor am I a fan of any of his work.

Gordon_4 said:
What I will never understand is why they chose this route since they could have made a sequel based around the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon from the 90's/2000's.

Nice ethnic cross section of modern New York, retained a connection to the old crew since Egon and Janine ran the show - though that would need to be changed now due to the passing of Harold Ramis - but taking the concept into some newer (definitely more horrorshow) directions while never stopping being about Ghostbusting. Seems a missed opportunity to me.

I liked the show as a kid and genuinely thought they would go the "passing the torch" direction in a new film, rather than this...thing we've been saddled with.

Plus, that intro song-

-was a much better rendition of the original theme than the current movie's trailer offered.

Though, considering the current climate and the fact that a studio couldn't resist playing up the BK Kid's Club aspect of casting/direction, there'd likely still be some sorta backlash. It'd doubtlessly be on a much smaller scale than what we're seeing, given the differences in approach/source material, but there would be some negativity, as there always is for everything.

Edit: Hell, this seems like it would have been the go to move for a progressive-minded director like Feig.


You Are Interested. Certainly.
Feb 25, 2015
Sorry if this will be inappropriate, but I don't have enough willpower and lack rhetoric and the style to make the points more comprehensible in further posts. It's getting a bit too confusing to me why even the context from post to post in this very thread fails to be described as clear as possible.

Pluvia said:
Gonna need a source on that one.
(note: These are just articles that have this message more precise than others)

Pretending people have a problem with Ghostbusters because of the trailer is just that; a pretense. People had a problem with it because it was an all-female cast. Attempting to pretend it's because of the trailer is just historical revisionism. It's a scapegoat.
If you think so.

First off main protagonists aren't a problem. There are countless main protagonists that are female and very little people take offense. They only seem to take offense when it's all female. Why? Ask them.
ALL of Ghostbusters will be female? That's news to me. But good to know.

You say I "lump up everyone in two categories" but honestly I have no idea what those are. In fact in the post you quoted I only listed one and pointed out that I'm included in it, so you seem to be making things up here.
Yes, if you ignore everything from before that and half of previous posts, leave questions unanswered etc. you can come to this conclusion.

Honestly this doesn't actually make sense in reponse to what you quoted.
Sorry. With this I meant to say that I highly disagree and have had to endure a lot of shit that came exactly out of that philosophy you wrote. I hope I have written this out more clearly-- again, I'm sorry. I've neither been to any English-speaking country nor have talked in person to anyone speaking English natively except on business levels and of course in schools, which could explain why I had less trouble with having people following my thoughts back then, but that isn't of any interest I presume.

Please understand that I can not respond frequently and might even forget to do so. But it gets a bit irritating on a minor level regarding this dialogue in particular, so please don't take offense because of me forgetting to respond in the next few days. I don't mean to be rude.

To be clear as day: It is me who's lacking skills in rhetoric and willpower to make himself as understandable as possible.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Something Amyss said:
Gilmore Girls was also the last time I found her funny. My question is how she became so popular. Nobody seems to really like these movies she's done.
My wife and I like Spy a lot. I would not say it is flawless but all I wanted was a fun film and I got that.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
LostGryphon said:
Not really inclined to comment on Feig or his assertions, as I don't care for the guy, nor am I a fan of any of his work.

Gordon_4 said:
What I will never understand is why they chose this route since they could have made a sequel based around the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon from the 90's/2000's.

Nice ethnic cross section of modern New York, retained a connection to the old crew since Egon and Janine ran the show - though that would need to be changed now due to the passing of Harold Ramis - but taking the concept into some newer (definitely more horrorshow) directions while never stopping being about Ghostbusting. Seems a missed opportunity to me.

I liked the show as a kid and genuinely thought they would go the "passing the torch" direction in a new film, rather than this...thing we've been saddled with.

Plus, that intro song-

-was a much better rendition of the original theme than the current movie's trailer offered.

Though, considering the current climate and the fact that a studio couldn't resist playing up the BK Kid's Club aspect of casting/direction, there'd likely still be some sorta backlash. It'd doubtlessly be on a much smaller scale than what we're seeing, given the differences in approach/source material, but there would be some negativity, as there always is for everything.

Edit: Hell, this seems like it would have been the go to move for a progressive-minded director like Feig.
I think there would be a HUGE (Trump sized maybe) outcry and rage fest over a team like that being the product of the SJW conspiracy.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
He claims that it's pure coincidence that it's an all-female cast? I thought it was announced to be an all-female cast before casting even happened. I didn't follow it that closely and maybe they just announced it before they announced the cast members but after they'd cast them.

If he really thinks he did this coincidentally then he's just lying to himself or ignoring a personal bias he has inside him that favors women over men (just as so many directors favor men over women for whatever reasons). If you're going to be sexist and intentionally make a movie all one gender then just nut up and own it. It's his prerogative to do that. But let's not lie to ourselves and everyone else, shall we? This is as cringe-worthy as someone saying they don't see race and they totally have a black friend.

As for bitching about geek culture. He made a mistake in assuming all the detractors are geeks. That's an assumption he made and he admits the mistake later. Sure, nothing he ever does has any reason to be disliked. It's all a bunch of other people's "fault" and not his own personal failure to capture the correct tone of Ghostbusters in his trailer. He says he lives or dies on what people find funny, well this is currently falling into the latter category. Hopefully the trailer was misrepresentative and he didn't make the black character a stereotypical "Lordy, Lordy" character or make the film instead ridiculously silly. The original Ghostbusters was tongue in cheek and situational funniness. Silliness was to be had but there was a balance that the trailer doesn't seem to understand.

If Feig has a problem with Geek culture, he shouldn't be handling an IP beloved and adopted by said culture. This bullshit comment would be like Nike complaining about athlete culture being a real meanie pants sometimes. Probably why he recanted it later.

EDIT: Oh... I just looked at his IMDb history... Aside from some TV work he's done (some I loved) I really don't enjoy his film work. That's disappointing. But holy hell is he fantastic at turning low budget films into blockbusters. I just don't think he should have been put in charge of a large budget film like this with such strong expectations and lore. Big mistake in my opinion. But if a ton of people end up flocking to it and liking it, more than had he maintained the IP's integrity, then so be it. At least more people will have gotten joy out of a different iteration of the title. But if it alienates existing fans and only gets average amusement due to its name sake then that'll be a shame.

EDIT: EDIT: Looking at Feig's backpeddling, it looks like he just wasn't aware of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (gift). Yes, anonymous people are dicks. That's because they don't have to abide by normal social conventions because in anonymity you exist outside of society (consequence-wise) while still being allowed to interact with it.