Girl Gamers

The Reverend

New member
Jan 28, 2008
Girlysprite said:
One little thing about the 'how many female gamers are out there' researches; the outcomes depend heavily on what the researchers see as games. If we only include games that you buy in a (online) shop, the mainstream games, yeah, girls get nowhere near 50%. But some researchers also include solitaire, which you can find on every PC, and those little flash games. And in that case, a LOT of women game. Most women I know regularly play a bit of solitaire on their computers. Often also play a bit of flash games. Now, people could say 'but that's no a game'. And I'd reply; 'why not?'.
Because EA isn't making money from them, duuh.
Well, they are games, but they're not games. I think for them to be classed as a game its gotta have taken months of development and cost lots of money. Well, maybe, who knows, the think-tanks that come up with this crap are bound to know.
I'm Probably retreading the same spongy ground here, but gaming is a male dominated past-time, and women are the minority, and as long as men are in charge, things will only change slowly. Cos me man like smash. smash good. women no smash.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
mshcherbatskaya said:
Necrohydra said:
werepossum said:
Let's face it, men are much more easily entertained than are women.
Hey, that's not true! Men have a totally, a rubber band!
I bet someone with a laser pointer could keep you entertained for hours. Hey! *pounce* What? *pounce* Gettit! *pouncepouncepounce*
That will only end in tragedy. Most likely involving a window and a box of rusty nails.

In reality, I typically finish what I start and don't get too distracted from it. Oh, I'll get BORED with something and leave it for a while, but I always come back to it.

@DreamerM: That's funny, because the first question out of my mouth isn't *You're a girl and play games!?*, but, *So, what games do you play?* Much like I'd ask any other person who claims they game. If I wasn't playing a game in the first place...


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Necrohydra said:
mshcherbatskaya said:
Necrohydra said:
werepossum said:
Let's face it, men are much more easily entertained than are women.
Hey, that's not true! Men have a totally, a rubber band!
I bet someone with a laser pointer could keep you entertained for hours. Hey! *pounce* What? *pounce* Gettit! *pouncepouncepounce*
That will only end in tragedy. Most likely involving a window and a box of rusty nails.

@DreamerM: That's funny, because the first question out of my mouth isn't *You're a girl and play games!?*, but, *So, what games do you play?* Much like I'd ask any other person who claims they game. If I wasn't playing a game in the first place...
Blessed are the easily amused, for they shall never be bored.

Oooh look, that spot on the wall looks sorta like a doggy when I squint!

@Necrohydra: glad to see were on the same wavelength. If the topic at hand is games, lets talk games.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
My dad is a huge geek, as I have stated above, and when my step-mom decided that she was tired of just watching she jumped head long into the Call of Duty and Medal of Honor scenes (she can kick my dad's ass in thease games, its hilarious) We even used to have family ravensheild tournaments which she herself ushually won if only becuse the rest of us (mainly me) decided that just jumping into the room full of terrorists and mowing them down with bullets was more fun then sneeking around them (I suffer from Tank Mentality Syndrome). Anyway my point was that my step mom never would have looked twice at call of Duty if she hadn't married such a geek, and it took about a year before she decided she was good enough to play multiplayer anything. Most girls are socal beings and I don't think playing solo like my step mom did would intrest many of them and no one likes to get their ass kicked at a game over and over again, I know becuse thats the reason I refuse to play consol games.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Meh I'm one of those crappy girl gamers. I'm only even slightly into it because I work in a game shop. I don't like FPSs. I don't like war games (which are generally FPSs). But I've finished a few 360 games like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock... Eh I'm sure there's a couple of others.

Here is my reasoning: I have a 360 because I rather enjoy playing games. I have a PS2 for the same reason. And a DS. I do not LIVE for it. It does not take over my life. I stole a load of free subscriptions to Xbox Live from work but have yet to use any of them because I'm really not that arsed.

I don't care! I really just do not care. I deal with male gamers all damn day who seriously have absolutely no other life. There's one guy who i'm kind of friendly with who always comes in and tries to trick me by asking questions that are wrong. FUCK OFF.

Also I'm not going to deny this... I am really bad at games. It takes me ages to get in any way good. I was a way bigger fan of old PC games like Quest for Glory and all those LucasArts ones. But those days are gone. Now it's all explosions and skinny dorky boys pretending to be big manly american men blowing things up.

But I do rather like gaming.


New member
Mar 4, 2008
From reading the thread it seems that i may be the exception to the rule. A lot of my female friends are pretty into gaming.
My younger sister likes strategy games like Theme Hospital, Populous, The Sims, Theme Park.
I live with a number of girls who game, One is into RPG's, she's a a final fantasy nut, we just got Lost Odyssey between us, she likes Oblivion and Mass effect, she also likes Tekken and Soul Caliber.
One girl is into fun puzzlers like Chu Chu rocket, Beautiful Katamari etc. She sucks at Halo but she's always happy to play it in spite of that, and she enjoys a good button bash against me on Tekken and Soul Caliber.
And another of the girls is a GTA nut, she's played and completed all of them so far, We bought Bully between us. We played through Gears Of War on co-op. She's on her second run through of Mass Effect, she's completed Bioshock and she plays Oblivion. And on Friday we're going to get Army Of Two and kick ass on that. She's also a million times better than me at the Splinter Cell games.
And the one game that unites all of us is Guitar Hero, it's great to pick up and thrash when we're having a few drinks.
So while the girls in the house may not have quite the range of games as me, they're certainly entitled to be called gamers.

Mr Wednesday

New member
Jan 22, 2008
Actually, lots of women do play games. Just look at industry statistics.

What they don't do is play games that "gamers" tend to focus on, or comment on internet gaming message boards half as much.

I forget the exact number, but the best selling game of all time, The Sims, has a sizable, if not majority, degree of women playing.

The Wii has also garnered a fairly large female audience.


New member
Mar 4, 2008
MMOs, Sims, Final Fantasy and Wii games don't class you as a gamer. That's like saying that liking a few Schwarzenegger films classes you as a movie conoisseur.

The amount of female, normal, hobby gamers, who actually play a variety of games, are very small. And out of all of them, I've only ever met one who wasn't morbidly obese or unbearably irritating.

I'm sure there are more out there, but attractive female gamers who kick ass at games is starting to become a bit of a stereotype. Sadly this is one of the more fictitious of stereotypes. If an attractive girl can ever beat me in Guilty Gear, I'll surrender my testicles immediately, but 'till then...

As for guys wanting female gamers and females not caring... I think that's just taking it for granted. I don't know if female gamers would be quite so quick to not care about their boyfriend playing games if they outnumbered male gamers about 100-1. It may also be the fact that they're so rare that they're incessantly flirted with by every gamer community.

Lord knows I'd be turned off gamers forever if the entire Halo fanbase flirted with me.

Mr Wednesday

New member
Jan 22, 2008
Shinkada said:
MMOs, Sims, Final Fantasy and Wii games don't class you as a gamer. That's like saying that liking a few Schwarzenegger films classes you as a movie conoisseur.

The amount of female, normal, hobby gamers, who actually play a variety of games, are very small. And out of all of them, I've only ever met one who wasn't morbidly obese or unbearably irritating.

I'm sure there are more out there, but attractive female gamers who kick ass at games is starting to become a bit of a stereotype. Sadly this is one of the more fictitious of stereotypes. If an attractive girl can ever beat me in Guilty Gear, I'll surrender my testicles immediately, but 'till then...

As for guys wanting female gamers and females not caring... I think that's just taking it for granted. I don't know if female gamers would be quite so quick to not care about their boyfriend playing games if they outnumbered male gamers about 100-1. It may also be the fact that they're so rare that they're incessantly flirted with by every gamer community.

Lord knows I'd be turned off gamers forever if the entire Halo fanbase flirted with me.
If we take "gamer" as "Hardcore gamer" then yes, of course the female population is low. But, and following on from your film example, proper film fanatics are a fairly small purpotion of people who actually go and watch films.

If you're going to make a special distinction which refuses to represent the majority, don't be surpised when that distinction isn't representative of that majority.

Hell, you've basically said "disgregarding games women like, women don't like games."


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Shinkada said:
MMOs, Sims, Final Fantasy and Wii games don't class you as a gamer. That's like saying that liking a few Schwarzenegger films classes you as a movie conoisseur.
Hmm, so, what games does one need to like to be classified as a gamer then? Because I didn't realize it was based on the games themselves, I thought it was based on the portion of your life devoted to sitting in front of some sort of flickering box, and the degree to which people look at you funny when they find out just how much of your time is spent in front of a flickering box. Seriously, the idea that a guy who spents 5+ hours a day playing WoW to the exclusion of every other title isn't a gamer is absurd, but clearly, he doesn't fit the definition described above. Perhaps you are saying gamer=game connoiseur, which again eliminates a pretty wide swath of the guys, too.

The amount of female, normal, hobby gamers, who actually play a variety of games, are very small. And out of all of them, I've only ever met one who wasn't morbidly obese or unbearably irritating.
And this varies from the male gamers how? Oh, and for the record, I'm rail thin and unbearably irritating.


New member
Mar 4, 2008
It might just be my opinion (but considering I work in Game, it's not all that invalid :) )...

But with the recent rise in popularity of the Wii - which has it's own "hardcore gamer" style games (No More Heroes, for example) - and the NDS means that more and more girls (and families, for that matter) are getting involved in gaming, casual as it may be.

It may take some time, but I can see a few different stems from this...

1. Younger girls get more interested in gaming, try out new games with friends etc etc, as they grow up get more "hardcore" and eventually become the drooling, fat-arsed dweebs that we all aspire to be.

2. Families get more involved in gaming, they realise that they don't have to get their little girls to play with Polly Pocket's and such, they play more games, get more intere-...(see point 1.)

3. They just play casually...but they still play :)


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Larenxis said:
Is it wrong that I don't care about this at all?
wow thats awesome :-D the one person who i know on this site is female, the one person im intereseted in the opinoin of, says that. thats great :-D

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Rys said:
(also, guys, you're being crazily sexist about yourselves, so go right ahead and say what you want about us :p)
I blame female empowerment for male masochism...

The only people you can politically correctly take the piss outta are white, middle/upper class guys. So if you fall into that category you better have a self degrading sense of humour.

Please note the above is not serious, I am being silly. Just in case anyone was reaching for their shotgun.

On topic, I don't know many female gamers. An ex-girlfriend of mine liked fable, and thats about it for the real-life situation. Two corpies in EvE told us they were women, one was lying but had us convinced for months until we got teamspeak, and the other refused to use teamspeak...

She did give off a girly vibe though.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
mshcherbatskaya said:
Shinkada said:
The amount of female, normal, hobby gamers, who actually play a variety of games, are very small. And out of all of them, I've only ever met one who wasn't morbidly obese or unbearably irritating.
And this varies from the male gamers how? Oh, and for the record, I'm rail thin and unbearably irritating.
Oh? The only unbearably irritating person I've met was one who only spoke in internet references and thought he was funny. He also had no respect of the current conversations taking place. Basically, he was a walking, talking window of 4chan :p.

Besides, haven't I heard that sterotype used for gamers for, oh, 20 years now? I know it comes from somewhere, but still...


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Women are Catty and actually love being better then the girl next to em. appeal to your gf's sense of "wow girl gamers are hot" and the jealousy pin is pulled. She will get into gaming.


New member
Mar 4, 2008
Something to consider, is that the female online experience can be verbally abusive.

Most guys just leave me alone, but every time I play, if for more than an hour or so, I get some kind of rudeness. All of the 'types' of rudeness have been listed in this thread so far.

List from 1FoxyLady1:
1. OMG ITS A GIRL! I DIDNT KNOW GIRLS PLAYED CS! OMG OMG OMG (mostly preteens as you can imagine)
2. Your not a girl. Your a boy. Girls dont play cs. Your just a preteen fag whos balls havnt dropped (this repeatedly until muted)
3. Go back to the kitchen where you belong u slutty piece of shit (u can imagine the response this gets)
4. Cool a girl. (proceeds to act normally, if not a bit more polite)

You have to contrast this with what a good looking female get in real life. If you and I walk up to a door at the same time, you're going to open it, and say something to the effect of "After you." In a bar, I have drinks bought for me. I get taken to the movies, dinner, baseball games etc.

You're asking me to leave this world in which I'm treated well, to one where I'm attacked if I choose to advertise my gender. It doesn't make for an enjoyable time for most females.

Beyond myself being attacked, men in society call each other girls all the time to insult each other. Something doesn't have to be directed at me, I hear lots of comments like: "You play worse than Chick XYZ".

Having said all this, I play a lot of video games, and online also. When someone comes up with something original, and funny, it's great. Unfortunately I hear ten stupid comments, to every one original, funny one. But when they're funny, they are funny!

I'm lucky because I'm good, and there is nothing better than ending up the MVP in a game which you have been called names. (Find me if you want your ass kicked in any of the games in my profile.)

I can minimize all this by having a nice list of people I know to play with and I can be on the same team. When I play alone, I unplug my mic.

Being able to choose an age group would help a lot. They can verify age for porn, why not have some area set aside for adults?


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Eagle_Chick said:
Something to consider, is that the female online experience can be verbally abusive.

Most guys just leave me alone, but every time I play, if for more than an hour or so, I get some kind of rudeness. All of the 'types' of rudeness have been listed in this thread so far.

List from 1FoxyLady1:
1. OMG ITS A GIRL! I DIDNT KNOW GIRLS PLAYED CS! OMG OMG OMG (mostly preteens as you can imagine)
2. Your not a girl. Your a boy. Girls dont play cs. Your just a preteen fag whos balls havnt dropped (this repeatedly until muted)
3. Go back to the kitchen where you belong u slutty piece of shit (u can imagine the response this gets)
4. Cool a girl. (proceeds to act normally, if not a bit more polite)

You have to contrast this with what a good looking female get in real life. If you and I walk up to a door at the same time, you're going to open it, and say something to the effect of "After you." In a bar, I have drinks bought for me. I get taken to the movies, dinner, baseball games etc.

You're asking me to leave this world in which I'm treated well, to one where I'm attacked if I choose to advertise my gender. It doesn't make for an enjoyable time for most females.

Beyond myself being attacked, men in society call each other girls all the time to insult each other. Something doesn't have to be directed at me, I hear lots of comments like: "You play worse than Chick XYZ".

Having said all this, I play a lot of video games, and online also. When someone comes up with something original, and funny, it's great. Unfortunately I hear ten stupid comments, to every one original, funny one. But when they're funny, they are funny!

I'm lucky because I'm good, and there is nothing better than ending up the MVP in a game which you have been called names. (Find me if you want your ass kicked in any of the games in my profile.)

I can minimize all this by having a nice list of people I know to play with and I can be on the same team. When I play alone, I unplug my mic.

Being able to choose an age group would help a lot. They can verify age for porn, why not have some area set aside for adults?
I love the way you put this. And most men sadly when you bring this to there face they deny it and call you a whore or a *****. You put it quite well!!