Girls and Guys


New member
Sep 9, 2009
I prefer girls with very little make-up, it shows that they aren't afraid of what they look like. Also, I hate sluts, slutty skirts, and slutty tops that make a girl look like they are about to burst out of their clothing. It's good to dress up, but don't put yourself on show like an animal...


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Comfortable, loose clothing on an obviously fit young woman with minimal cosmetics please. Even for this emotionally crippled man, it's more about substance than style, and it's much more physical than psychological.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
I don't get very impressed by clothing. Im fairly certain that a lot of women think that they can impress me by showing off as much skin as possible, and I do enjoy their surprised reactions when it dawns on them that they have no power over me through their conventional and boring methods...


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I like girls in dresses, and skirts. I also like it when a girl can pull off wearing a hoodie.

As for the rest, I do not care much what she wears. I myself like wearing good, comfortable shoes but I don't look at what other people wear on their feet.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
What's up with the current trend of kids dressing like sluts and moms dressing like their teens?

That bugs me more than anything.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I like girls wearing cool T-Shirts

If I met a girl wearing This:

<img height=400>

or this

<img height=350>

I would likely propose on the spot.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
I like a girl in a t-shirt and jeans, someone who's not trying to draw attention.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
I like filthy punk rock girls who wear skinny jeans, leather jackets, hardcore t-shirts, doc martins and have lots of tattoos and piercings (basically me but a girl). I've never been out with a girl like that but it is my dream girl
Where 'normal' girls are concerned, I still like skinny jeans and band t-shirts but, I guess, not as extreme. When my most recent ex-gf made an effort she would straighten her hair and wear that one red top I loved as well as any jewellery I had bought her


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
The... not trying too hard look is good. What, that's too vague? Well it mostly doesn't matter what girls wear, though t-shirt (or some shirt that's not too fancy) and pants (doesn't have to be jeans, I dunno why jeans are so popular) is good. Maybe a studded belt for good measure.

Skirts are good too, but I don't like when they are super short. I mean I do... but purely for visual reasons. Too short and I start to loose interest in anything beyond looking at.. usually.

Edit: I generally wear some t-shirt and pants myself, but I'd rather girls wear tighter pants, where I wear them more baggy. IT'S DIFFERENT! On rare occasions (besides work) I will dress up more with minimal resistance.


New member
Dec 3, 2010
M Rotter said:
Ive always thought peoples perceptions of each other and themselves are very interesting, so im curious.

girls, what do you like to wear? What do you wear to impress people?

Guys, what do you like to see girls wear? What do they wear that makes you think they are trying to impress you (or anyone)
I always enjoy seeing a beautiful woman in a dress/skirt & blouse, etc. If it's a special occasion, I like to see women display their elegance in such outfits and with just enough make-up to enhance their natural beauty (ideally without it seeming obvious that they are too made up). I emphasize this elegant demure look, because anything that's too revealing or ostentatious makes it seems as though they are trying too hard to garner attention, and that ends up making them less attractive in my eyes (though it probably will succeed in getting the attention of many guys).

As far as everyday wear for women, I'd probably rather they go with whatever is most comfortable most of the time - sweatshirts and sweatpants, T-shirts and jeans; whatever, as long as they aren't trying actively to appeal to any fashion trends. No make-up at all is fine, but the same natural look I mentioned before isn't bad either. In the casual everyday, I'd prefer a woman that feels more approachable in the way she dresses (someone you can get close to and hug without feeling like you are ruining their outfit lol) - rather than one that makes themselves into a work of art that you are afraid to spoil by coming too close.

As far as myself - I always wear slacks/khakis instead of jeans (not sure why, just always have and been comfortable in them) - so how formal I get mostly changes with everything else I wear. If I'm trying to impress, generally I'll go with some kind of collared shirt: a polo if it's less than entirely formal, and a collared dress shirt if it is. I also have a nice brown suede jacket and matching dress shoes when needed (though so far I've only used them for job interviews). I have ties and leather belts but rarely wear them unless I'm going as formal as possible. Generally dark socks are reserved for that too. On a special outing with women present, it's usually dress shirt, belt, no tie, slacks, dark socks and dress shoes (and a decent coat, mostly just for the purposes of offering it to a woman if it's unexpectedly cold or so forth).

In everyday life, it's generally a T-shirt, sometimes long-sleeved, and I have a few casual polo shirts in my normal rotation. I only wear my heavy winter coat or a sweatshirt over that, no belt, white socks, tennis shoes, etc (whatever is comfortable). I certainly don't try to impress much lol.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Quantum Roberts said:
BonsaiK said:
This thread is very sexist, why are we asking different questions of the guys than the girls? How come girls get "looked at" here and guys don't?
Yeah. Hell, some of us get dressed up in $300 suits and shave just to try to impress, but do we get any attention? Nooooo.
you do realize $300 for a suit is a pretty average suit right? just pointing this out.
the really flash ones cost upwards of 1.5k

OT: i don't know if anyones said this already but nothing...


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Colour-Scientist said:
BonsaiK said:
I'm not even sure what a hipster is but rest assured that I've never met anybody, ever, who wears glasses when they don't have to. Unfortunately.
Perfect! I now have the label with which to mock a friend of mine (who tries to look just like the second person in that picture).

He usually looks like an idiot...


New member
Dec 30, 2010
I like shirts that say stuff on them or have funny pictures. Or if they look like theyre covered in fresh blood. and jeans that fit and dont slip when i sit or drag when i walk. hm... i usually only wear dresses when it comes to church, and if im wearing a dress, its gotta be a gothic lolita style dress with a corset <3. or a spring looking dress.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I wear casual guy clothes. But, something I don't like a girl wearing is something that makes her look slutty. Just something I don't like. I prefer a girl wear casual clothes. Nothing fancy, nothing to bad. Just everyday clothes. I know a few who wear casual clothes and they're awesome because they don't try hard to look pretty. They're just themselves.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
M Rotter said:
girls, what do you like to wear? What do you wear to impress people?
I dress very... "girly" I guess is the word to describe it. I seldom wear trousers of any kind, I own one pair of skinny jeans that I wear on the odd occasion but the majority of the time I am in skirts and dresses. The only time I wear t-shirts or trousers is when I'm in my pajamas. I was always taught that girls should not dress like men - a pretty backwards view, I know.

As far as me dressing to impress people, well that doesn't happen. I really don't care what people think of me I just wear clothes I like. I've been accused of being too girly and such, but I don't really care.

I like men to wear what I call "proper" clothing. I'm old fashioned that way. I like nice trousers with button shirts. If I could have it my way men would dress in suits every day.

In short: I'm incredibly old fashioned.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I usually just wear whatever is most comfortable, jeans and top (though usually tight fitting). If it's special occasion, like a party or something similar, I'll put in more effort and wear a dress and put on a little makeup. I figure if a guy doesn't like me in my normal state then he's not gonna stick around long. Luckily I have a boyfriend who loves my look no matter what I wear :)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The sexiest AND most attention grabbing is a girl in dirty military fatigues. There's nothing better than a girl who goes natural and gets her boots dirty. I guess the closest civilian equivalent would be backpacking/hiking gear or a casual outfit, like a t-shirt and jeans. And to all the female Escapists here, there are waaaaaay too many girls out there wearing a ton of make up. Natural looks are far more impressive than those given by make up and speaks volumes about yourself.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
I like girls with pigeon shirts...

Yeah Pigeon shirts are awesome...<.<