Go Back To WoW

Shamus Young

New member
Jul 7, 2008
Go Back To WoW

These are four words that we'd all be better off never speaking - or hearing - again.

Read Full Article


New member
Feb 24, 2008
Coming on here, talking all over our Escapist. Go back to IGN!

As an actual WoW player, if I was told to go back to WoW, I probably would go back to WoW :3


New member
Sep 11, 2008
It's funny really- the worse the MMO is the more often you see "go back to WoW" said in it.

I don't really see how anyone can use the term when this is probably one of the few times an entire genre is trying to be like just one game. They're not even really being so subtle about it anymore. The folks behind Aion literally had a board meeting to discuss how to make their game more western like, highlighting the WoW methodology of simplifying things.

WoW isn't the bad guy here. Most people screeching about going back to WoW either never played the MMO market before WoW, or really are just that much of a merry band of blind fanboys.


New member
May 4, 2009
I actually just went out and bought a new WoW card too so I literally am going back to WoW.

Don't know why WoW is suppose to come off as an insult. Just because it's alot more aaccessible than most MMOs, doesn't mean that only stupid people are going to enjoy it...


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I'm going to totally misinterpret the fact that City of Heroes wasn't in that list and say it's because the community is awesome as a whole and not only accepts criticism, it offers it constantly (not only that, but last I was there, the devs went out of their way to respond to and thank critique). But that's off-topic and possibly nostalgic.

Then again, since I'm also a WoW player (albeit one who never graces the forums), I have to admit never having run into this, but the article conclusion sounds logical.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I agree in that it feels like a general over-arcing insult to WoW and the player. For the short time I played Aion, I saw that phrase used all the time in game, and I still see it on occasion when I play Warhammer online right now. At least in the Warhammer community, more people than not also see that problem, and many people will actually call out people who say that, pointing out how stupid the retort was.

I have also seen "Go back to WoW" used in proper context too, which makes me kind of sad. People will show up in game, complain endlessly about the class, and it will basically amount to "Like a rogue in WoW?" While this can be a bit common as well, in the end, I still see everyone as at fault. Input is input, but many people also do just come to make that 'MMO x to WoW' comparison.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I haven't been told to go back to WoW, but I still plan on going back to it. It may abuse me, but it still seems to love me, holding me close for days on end even as I waste away from lack of sleep and food, lost in its -

Yeah, I'll stop now.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Fanboys in other fields? In science, you can definitely have fanboys like you see in System Wars. Are you into single-cell electrophysiology or functional brain imaging? Are you into math or physics? Psychologists vs. physiologists? I've met all types that "know" that they are better than their nemesis.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Nice article, next you should look up the phrase 'Go back to CoD'.

Onyx Oblivion said:
Aion? 15.


They seem like nice people.
Maybe because it's quite new? (compare to the rest anyways)


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I think the insult towards WoW is because it's sorta like Disney... huge, popular, successful, and brings lots of joy to young and old people alike.

Taco of flames

New member
May 30, 2009
I'll admit, the title confused me. "Go back to WoW? But Shamus hates WoW!" I proceeded to read the article, which clarified it for me. I, personally, have not seen those words used often. I play WoW myself, and never really understood the hatred people treat it with.

Angry rant below. I'm not looking for a fight, this is just how I feel about people who don't consider that some people like WoW.
Yes, your game with wars and guilds and such is nice. That doesn't mean that my game that also has guilds, wars and such is a piece of crap. Unless that game is WoW, in which case I'm just a n00b who needs to L2P. I'm such an inferior example of humanity, a speck of scum on the pond, because I play a game you got tired of, or maybe heard about thirdhand from a friend of a friend's cousin who got a trial account. This reliable source told you in full detail about the endless grind for loot, the broken economy, the balance issues, how Blizzard is catering to the casual gamers. So, go ahead. Talk about a game I enjoy like it's shit, while yours is such a shining beacon of hope to the world.[/rant]


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Kinda funny since the only MMO I've found good is actually World of WarCraft. The rest never appealed to me beside RuneScape which occupied some years of my youth(Then again, I never played any other MMOs except WarHammer for one day.).

But I can understand the fanboyism since I'm a Blizzard fanboy. I tend to defend their games religiously when it comes to facts and misunderstanding.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I love the results differences between Aion and everyone else.

Yeah I hate that arguement too. Its like on BF:BD2 if you complain about a feature in game its always go back to CoD


New member
Mar 19, 2009
As one of the unfortunates who stumbled into day one Age of Conan, I can attest that the relatively high number will at least in part be made of people saying "I'm just going to go back to wow"

Arec Balrin

New member
Feb 26, 2010
Please bare in mind that Warhammer Online was ruined when in 2006, a lot of people who had played WoW, didn't like the PvP in WoW and were expressing interest in this supposedly very PvP(RvR) focused game and subsequently and very vocally wanted it to be more like WoW.

When WHO came along, it was WoW. Almost all the PvP was pushed into instances against the advice of smart people that wanted an actual war-like environment with zero-sum rewards.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
I got that in Age of Conan, which I thankfully only started playing because my boyfriend had bought it and let me start a character on his account and didn't actually pay for myself. I got told constantly to go back to WoW for just standing in the wrong spot at times (usually when some asshole way too far above me in level for a fair fight would shank me).

I quit that pile when someone told me it after running across the surface of the water I was swimming in to get away from him, killed me, and ran off again. Fucking bug exploiting asshole.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
I played the trial of Global Agenda, and the whole time I played I saw four comments repeated endlessly in city chat.

"This is just like WoW." (It wasn't...very different)
"This is way worse than WoW." (So why play it? I didn't enjoy it, but, that's me, and I stopped)
"Do you honestly only ever talk about WoW here?"
"If you love WoW so much, go back to WoW."

And that final comment is honestly the only way "Go back to WoW" should be used. Not if someone complains that a game is bad, but when someone complains that a game is bad and WoW is so much better. Because it makes sense.