Go on, show us your minis (painted miniature gallery thread)[also Ultramarines movie "review"]

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Singularly Datarific said:
EDIT: Plus, the models for 40k seem a bit too overblown for my taste. A little modesty goes a long way.
I agree to an extent, while the quality of the sculpting and casting has improved over the years the style of the models and the setting itself has veered away from my personal preferences, some of them are ok but a lot of looks pretty ridiculous IMO, I certainly wouldn't have got into 40K in its current state.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Ok ladies and gentlemen prepare yourselves for the most dazzling display of artisitic genius the planet, nay the galaxy, has ever witnessed, bringing you such an astounding variety of form and colour, such exquisite detail I would warn you that some of you may be driven to suicide upon seeing such a masterwork, realising that now you have seen this there can be nothing better, no experience will compare so you might as well end it all rather than live out the rest of your days knowing that you will never experience such a high again...

Tech guard mechanised platoon from Space Marine (1st/2nd ed Epic) with their chimeras in the background (not painted by me). Idiots at the place I ordered my grass flocking from sent the wrong colour but I'm too impatient to wait for them to get me the right one so I went ahead and used the super green.

PS a collective thanks to everyone who's posted recently, I've been on hols for a bit so I've not had a chance to go through them and answer individually as they were put up.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Ok, to help with Aurgelmir's varnishing conundrum here's an Epic Knight paladin I just painted, before and after varnishing:



Not sure I can tell the difference really. That's 2 light coats of "purity seal", 4-5x 1 second bursts of spray on each side, shaking the can slighty from side to side as you spray then one from the top, leave to dry for 15-10 mins then repeat. Heavier coats give better protection but will be more noticeable.

I'll do the base later, honest.


Nov 11, 2009
scumofsociety said:
Ok, to help with Aurgelmir's varnishing conundrum here's an Epic Knight paladin I just painted, before and after varnishing:



Not sure I can tell the difference really. That's 2 light coats of "purity seal", 4-5x 1 second bursts of spray on each side, shaking the can slighty from side to side as you spray then one from the top, leave to dry for 15-10 mins then repeat. Heavier coats give better protection but will be more noticeable.

I'll do the base later, honest.
Varnish it is then :D Because that didn't look to bad of a shine. And I am sick of my models getting small black dots :p

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Aurgelmir said:
Varnish it is then :D Because that didn't look to bad of a shine. And I am sick of my models getting small black dots :p
Be sure to post pics when they're finished. Also, this may just be my memory letting me down but I'm sure I didn't have problems with paint rubbing off when I was a kid. Maybe it was due to the primer they had back then (good old "smelly primer") giving a better surface or maybe the normal paint formula has changed a bit because my older paints don't seem to rub off as much. You would ocasionally get chips or flecks of paint coming off but nothing like the way paint rubs off now, I didn't start varnishing my miniatures for a year or 2, and it wasn't to protect them from chipping so much as my pristine white Deathwing terminators getting dirty.




Nov 11, 2009
scumofsociety said:
Aurgelmir said:
Varnish it is then :D Because that didn't look to bad of a shine. And I am sick of my models getting small black dots :p
Be sure to post pics when they're finished. Also, this may just be my memory letting me down but I'm sure I didn't have problems with paint rubbing off when I was a kid. Maybe it was due to the primer they had back then (good old "smelly primer") giving a better surface or maybe the normal paint formula has changed a bit because my older paints don't seem to rub off as much. You would ocasionally get chips or flecks of paint coming off but nothing like the way paint rubs off now, I didn't start varnishing my miniatures for a year or 2, and it wasn't to protect them from chipping so much as my pristine white Deathwing terminators getting dirty.


Yeah I think the old primer was much better. I mean I never had problems with the primer scaling off my metal units back when I "played" (Man that must be 15 years ago or something)

Oh yeah I will do a huge post when my army is done :D
(got about 40 models to go :p)

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Moar stuff:

not bad models for the time, although the heads look kinda large, I'm using these guys to try out paintschemes.


The flash on this shows up the rather grainy surface on the model. I've been using cheap grey acrylic primer for cars recently because it's cheap and it's also a spray on primer, basecoat and main colour all in one. However as can be seen here it comes at a price in terms of the quality of the finish.

I like this guy, just a little dude with a sword and bow, not some gigantic armoured monster with a sword twice his own size.


Another dominator cruiser


Nov 11, 2009
Bah still need to figure out a way to post my pictures online, starting to get some minis I want to share.


Nov 11, 2009
Hmm Lets see if this Facebook album works.

Here are some of my Minis, randomly taken with my phone :)


EDIT: Put in the right link


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Well this thread hasn't been very busy in a while. I should do something about that.

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Aside from the first broodlord these guys are from the limited edtion Space Hulk that came out a couple years ago. lovely miniatures.
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This is "The Hurn II" from heresy miniatures. And is totally not blatant copyright infringement, what are you talking about. Fantastic miniature but that gun on his back is an absolute nightmare.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Kukulski said:
Falconus said:
Now I don't play warhammer, or any other tabletop games. I'm strictly a painter so for me the goal is to improve my technique. So anyone have any tips?. I want to try new things too. Use colour pallets I don't normally use, Paint patterns, etc. Give me a Task and I shall attempt it.
Well, it seems like you applied a pretty rough drybrush on the the troll's and Strigoi vampire's skin. I think the next step would be to learn how to paint skin and similiar surfaces by appling increasingly lighter, nontransparent and carefully placed layers of paint instead of the drybrush.
Thanks for the advice but you're a bit late to the party, figured that one out a while ago.